I don't know about bullets, but seems like eggs bounce off our president, instead of splashing him. Maybe politicians in campaign have access to experimental force fields technology? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
"Oh yeah that cgc guy, I remember I was there when he first thow his tantrum" *removes him from ignored uploaders list* *Visits gallery where the Legend was born*
Wtf they deleted my high rated "look son, he's having an autisic breakdown" comment.
Rofl, 600 reporters and 20 undercover feds went to the 'Justice for J6 rally in DC' on 18th of Sept last week because everyone realized it was glowing brightly.
It's time to grill some of those obstructionists to the forensic audit now that a report has been issued. Of note is that Dr Shiva's report stresses that there is no record as to when the signatures were originally received.
Blah blah blah climate change, blah blah blah carbon neutral, blah blah blah build back better. Blah blah blah. Green economy blah blah blah. What do we want? Communism. When do we want it? Now!! So stunning so brave. Clap you morons.
The left is freaking out because Russel Brand talked about how Russia Gate has been worse than debunked, it has been proven to have been a real conspiracy to make up a fake narrative by the Clinton campaign and friendly journalists.
Greentards don't understand that co² recycles into plants and that fossil fuels are renewable and burning trash is the most envio-friendly and most useful energy extraction that's possible.
I could mention nuclear plants as the most safe & cheap energy but nah, dipshits would tell me chernobyl is coming.
Greentards don't understand that co² recycles into plants and that fossil fuels are renewable and burning trash is the most envio-friendly and most useful energy extraction that's possible.
I could mention nuclear plants as the most safe & cheap energy but nah, dipshits would tell me chernobyl is coming. Just pass me the coal.
Sweden is like 'super green' but they forget to mention that they burn the majority of trash.
Modern Nuclear is far more green like France where their energy is cheaper and greener than countries that attempt solar / wind which produces a giga shit ton of waste.
Elda88's big long gook shit he's got as his member title is stretching out his sidebar and wrecking my scrolling experience.
Here; I wrote you a user script that should help. (For the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey/Firemonkey addons, and I think Chrome might have a built in user script thing too). Edit: Pastebin is being fascist and not letting me upload there, so here's an install link (assuming you have a user script manager already). [gitlab.com] https://gitlab.com/dragontamer8740/dragonta...ertitle.user.js
// ==UserScript== // @name Elda/Hujan Disable Title // @namespace com.dragontamer8740.ehEldaTitle // @description Disable user title for Elda88, aka Hujan86 // @include https://forums.e-hentai.org/* // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var i=0; var sels=document.querySelectorAll(".post2 "); while(i < sels.length) { if(sels[i].parentElement.innerHTML.includes("Member No.: 173,922")){ // this works because querySelector returns the first match only, and the first "info" box is the user title. sels[i].parentElement.querySelector(".info").style.display="none"; } i++; }
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Oct 2 2021, 18:02