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post Sep 18 2021, 00:06
Post #15141
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 17 2021, 13:31) *

""" VIDEO: Making the Taliban Great Again """

Will the democrat administration give more money to the Taliban?

The Afghan government (Taliban) is setting up a lobbying effort in Washington if the tweet from the BBC is accurate. They need money to run the government. They will apply for money grants from the USA and give reasons.
[twitter.com] https://twitter.com/KianpourWorld/status/14...2383614980?s=20

The Los Angeles Times article says the Taliban will try to fool Biden with reasons such as "reducing poppy drug trade if they get money from the USA". Of note is that the Afghans have raised drug poppies for decades to make a living. The Taliban itself earns money from the drug trade. The Taliban has a 100% record of breaking its agreements.
[www.latimes.com] https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/...n-taliban-drugs

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post Sep 18 2021, 00:14
Post #15142

Look, Fat.
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If only Biden put so much effort into the US economy as he does for the Taliban.

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post Sep 18 2021, 00:50
Post #15143
Anime Janai

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But Biden is putting in effort. He's trying to get Congress to pass a new law to get banks to send more data to the IRS about money transfers. Currently, the famous number is $10,000 where such transactions are reported. It's also the amount of cash you cannot exceed to take out of the country without declaration. The number the Biden administration wants is $600 instead of $10,000.

Biden is also dealing with the annual giant budget being already spent for this 2021. Remember this budget already overspends actual taxes collected. In approx 2 weeks, the Treasury Dept will run out of ability to borrow money due to the Debt Limit. Biden also wants to spend 3.5 trillion which is a huge increase due to social programs. To create UBI (universal basic income), the legal mechanism must be created. The new budget has the wording for it but limits it to single women with children.

-- -- --

I'm just wondering how fast this country will spiral down. Even applicants for "lifetime" judge positions are refusing to answer questions at the interview before the Senate approves them for their jobs. For example, this black Biden nominee for a permanent judge position refuses to answer the questions. She's trying to outlast the Senator until she can try to reverse attack him with a discrimination accusation if he keeps pursuing the question. She already tried semi-attacks but the Senator deflected them. She is going to be a crooked corrupt judge because she is already not serving justice with her answers at the interview.

Biden's crooked Judge is interviewed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52GsdsUsTjg

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post Sep 18 2021, 02:24
Post #15144

Look, Fat.
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Military Investigation: It was completely unlikely that the random people that Mr Potato ordered the strike on were related to ISIS, the strike blew up three aid workers employed by a US not for profit including seven children.

We meant to blow up some ISIS-k to try to try to change the narrative and make it look like Mr Potato head was NOT an incompetent impotent senile piece of shit. Unfortunately our earnest attempt to influence the polls with a poorly thought out, rushed and ultimately botched military action was a mistake and we sincerely apologize.

Blue Checks on Twitsphere: Biden is going to fight racism durrrrr.
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post Sep 18 2021, 03:04
Post #15145

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[arstechnica.com] Anonymous leaks gigabytes of data from alt-right web host Epik

Of course, since they are anonymous, it isn't necessarily unfunded grass-roots activists trying to shut down web sites that host content other than left-wing propaganda.

[cdn.cnn.com] https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2021/images/09/15/r...-.elections.pdf

(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/hiso8y.png)
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post Sep 18 2021, 05:57
Post #15146

Look, Fat.
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WE keep fortifying the elections, why are people questioning the narrative? Don't they know what is politically correct to think??
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post Sep 18 2021, 21:01
Post #15147

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So they can put up a fence with high security around the capitol to stop a couple hundred protesters but they can't put up a fence or have security to stop several thousand illegals at the border?

How 'bout them Haitians.
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post Sep 18 2021, 21:20
Post #15148
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 18 2021, 12:01) *

So they can put up a fence with high security around the capitol to stop a couple hundred protesters but they can't put up a fence or have security to stop several thousand illegals at the border?

How 'bout them Haitians.

There are a lot of homeless Haitian illegal immigrants in Texas. It's not so hard for them to get into the USA illegally as they go to Mexico and then walk into Texas, but unlike with mexicans, there isn't a large COOPERATIVE latino community and latino-staffed catholic churches with their federal grant dollars to support them. I guess the latino community in Texas isn't on the BLM bandwagon as they help mexican illegal immigrants but not the illegal black immigrants. Also, neither the NAACP nor BLM helps the Haitian illegal immigrants because they would put out loud PR messages if they did anything. News media such as FOX and individuals have flown camera drones to inspect the facilities and try to count how many homeless Haitians are camping out. But the FAA then declared a no-fly zone for drone cameras around the encampment.

Haitians Sneaking into Texas:

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post Sep 19 2021, 01:08
Post #15149
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 18 2021, 14:01) *

So they can put up a fence with high security around the capitol to stop a couple hundred protesters but they can't put up a fence or have security to stop several thousand illegals at the border?

How 'bout them Haitians.

They arrested one of their own at the J6 summit thing. Fucking hysterical.
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post Sep 19 2021, 03:20
Post #15150

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Time is 03:19 in the morning (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
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post Sep 19 2021, 07:50
Post #15151

Look, Fat.
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Pelosi explains why the Democrats support China above America.

Pelosi: "I always felt connected to China, and despite their military aggression, persecution of religious minorities, and suppression of democracy in Hong Kong and other parts of China (Taiwan), and the occupation of Tibet and that they are getting worse in terms of suppression, human rights, security, economics... we have to work with them on climate (by outsourcing all American jobs to China)."

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post Sep 19 2021, 14:59
Post #15152

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Sep 16 2021, 07:02) *

I eat onions like apples and have spiders in my 40 foot long ding dong.

Lay in the darkness with Wario and Smaug after your passing you evil man.
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post Sep 19 2021, 15:28
Post #15153

Look, Fat.
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Footage of Feds accidentally arresting undercover fed at the 1/6 rally that people think did not have an army of undercover feds.
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post Sep 19 2021, 19:38
Post #15154
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(balthy13 @ Sep 16 2021, 09:02) *

I voted for myself and since my vote is the only one that matters I am now king of this land.

Selective Invalidation of "YES, Recall Newsom" votes during the Newsom Recall Election is possible because there are two ways to fold the vote ballot.
If the voter folds it carelessly, the little hole shows whether or not the person voted YES for the recall.
That allows that ballot to be sent to the "let's examine it and find a way to rule it invalid" pile.

This was demonstrated on a newscast where one person held their ballot up and demonstrated the ballot revealed the YES vote in one of the holes.

KTLA has some video interviews with voters who found that votes had already been cast for them.

This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Sep 19 2021, 20:52
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post Sep 20 2021, 02:41
Post #15155
Msgr. Radixius

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What the fuck are you talking about, Jamal?
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post Sep 20 2021, 04:17
Post #15156

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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Sep 19 2021, 22:59) *

Lay in the darkness with Wario and Smaug after your passing you evil man.

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post Sep 20 2021, 04:41
Post #15157

Look, Fat.
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Rofl they are catching a bunch of the undercover feds at the January 6 event because they also went in left wing events like pride parades openly as feds.

Is this going to be like the Whitmer case when there were more federal agents and informants than actual alleged criminals?
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post Sep 20 2021, 06:26
Post #15158
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Sep 19 2021, 13:50) *

Pelosi: "I always felt connected to China, and despite their military aggression, persecution of religious minorities, and suppression of democracy in Hong Kong and other parts of China (Taiwan), and the occupation of Tibet and that they are getting worse in terms of suppression, human rights, security, economics... we have to work with them on climate (by outsourcing all American jobs to China)."

I only have 3 words:
F*ck you, China!
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post Sep 20 2021, 07:04
Post #15159
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(Mags_ @ Sep 19 2021, 22:17) *
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On a related note, eating food just means you live longer than you normally would.

So why even bother eating food when it's not the default state of being? It also saves money.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Sep 20 2021, 07:06
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post Sep 20 2021, 08:32
Post #15160

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Sep 19 2021, 19:04) *

On a related note, eating food just means you live longer than you normally would.

So why even bother eating food when it's not the default state of being? It also saves money.

I tried fasting one month when I forgot to budget correctly and bought stupid shit instead.
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