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post Sep 15 2021, 14:41
Post #15121

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Me: Weren't you already in here about 30 minutes ago?
You: NO!
Now I am not fetty fet anymore.

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post Sep 15 2021, 17:57
Post #15122
Anime Janai

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Even when the corruption is obvious, voters will not do the right thing and vote out a corrupt politician. Such politicians have found a way to purchase the voters' votes using the voters' taxpayer dollars.

It's the downfall of society when the Last Watchdog won't perform their responsibility to vote out corrupt politicians.

This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Sep 15 2021, 18:00
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post Sep 15 2021, 18:55
Post #15123

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QUOTE(rambo voller @ Sep 15 2021, 02:07) *

tfw no child wife.

YEAH what kind of world do we live in where the common joe can't prey on the weak or innocent but the government and media industries can.
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post Sep 15 2021, 19:24
Post #15124
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Sep 14 2021, 16:49) *

Are Pedo's legal now? Hundreds of Afghans they approved to come to the US were married to 10-12 year olds.

No career-minded government official will bring up a no win scenario like that.
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post Sep 15 2021, 22:46
Post #15125

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Told you Newsom would cheat-win the CA election. I'm going back to not voting anymore, it's not even worth it. I can only wonder where my ballot ended up this time.
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post Sep 16 2021, 00:13
Post #15126
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 15 2021, 13:46) *

Told you Newsom would cheat-win the CA election.

I don't think there was much cheating (I am counting all illegal alien votes as legal because Cali judges do). You can't expect california democrats to get rid of a democrat governor, no matter how unpopular he was with democrats if the replacement is going to be a republican governor. The democrat party reminded its voter base of that, and the voters decided to keep the socialist state money flowing and illegal immigration going.

As for the state's problems due to being run by democrats, the democrat voters take the state (and the USA's existence) for granted. So they don't actually really care if socialism ruins things because Cali is too big to fail. Such concerns are "TLDR" to them. All that matters is electing people that keep the socialism money flowing. Because they know the people who do care will always go make the personal sacrifices to keep things going since california is too big to fail. Because they know things cannot fail, they will never vote Republican. They don't need to because Cali is too big to fail (and they can also move to another state and recreate Cali there because they know the new Cali is too big to fail).

Just Print More Money:
“We are not broke as a nation. We are not bankrupt. We can’t go bankrupt. We absolutely cannot go bankrupt because we have the power to create as much money as we need to spend to serve the American people,” Chairman of the Budget Committee Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said during Thursday’s Budget Reconciliation markup on Thursday, Sept 9, 2021.

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 15 2021, 13:46) *

I can only wonder where my ballot ended up this time.

This is why DURING the election I check the secretary of state website to make sure my ballot was received and counted as Valid. If invalid, I therefore have time to apply for a replacement ballot to vote. AFTER the election is over, I recheck to make sure my ballot wasn't changed to be disqualified or disappeared due to administrative review.


I rechecked my opinion that I didn't think there was cheating in the recall election for Newsom. Apparently there are some fake votes already submitted into the system.
When some people went to vote, they found out they couldn't vote because there were already votes in the system credited to them. The news article at KTLA is referenced at:

This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Sep 19 2021, 18:49
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post Sep 16 2021, 00:43
Post #15127

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Sep 15 2021, 12:13) *

This is why DURING the election I check the secretary of state website to make sure my ballot was received and counted as Valid. If invalid, I therefore have time to apply for a replacement ballot to vote. AFTER the election is over, I recheck to make sure my ballot wasn't changed to be disqualified or disappeared due to administrative review.

What about the people that went to vote but someone had already voted for them.

~Printable mail in ballots~

So retarded, why not just have secure validated online voting at that stage. They had a data leak of people's info before the election, so people could just print off bulk votes for Newsom.

America needs to get rid of this universal mail in voting scam. Dead votes, illegal votes, and also unauthorised 'proxy' votes.

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post Sep 16 2021, 01:02
Post #15128

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QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Sep 15 2021, 22:41) *

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post Sep 16 2021, 01:16
Post #15129
Anime Janai

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This post is a followup correction to my prior post where I thought there weren't fake votes cast in the recall election for Newsom. I apologize for my erroneous reply to Honeycat.


QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Sep 15 2021, 15:43) *

What about the people that went to vote but someone had already voted for them.


SITUATION: you go to vote but are told at the voting center YOU HAVE ALREADY VOTED IN RECALL ELECTION

Some voters went to a voting station to vote but were told that they had already voted:
[ktla.com] https://ktla.com/news/local-news/more-san-f...issue-persists/
Voters from across the political spectrum expressed frustration and dismay as they reported having trouble casting a ballot at a Woodland Hills vote center in Tuesday’s recall election, though a county elections official said the problem had been addressed.

Several voters from both the Republican and Democratic parties said they tried to drop off vote-by-mail ballots or vote in person at the Disabled American Veterans 73 vote center on Tuesday, only to be told they had already voted.

As a result, they were offered provisional ballots, which are counted after registered voters who cast them are confirmed not to have already voted. Nonetheless, some voters were unhappy with the situation.

“I wasn’t born yesterday,” said Kenneth Blake, who was among those told by poll workers that he had already cast a ballot. “Common sense tells me that the system is still rigged and they do not want the American people to have the honest vote for themselves.”

Youtube moderators seem to dislike this news article as some people mentioned their comments telling others about the invalid recall votes get scrubbed.
Archive version: [web.archive.org] https://web.archive.org/web/20210915232400/...issue-persists/
Archived version: [archive.md] https://archive.md/A3LfO

This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Sep 19 2021, 18:57
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post Sep 16 2021, 03:00
Post #15130

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Sep 15 2021, 13:16) *


Youtube moderators seem to dislike this news article as some people mentioned their comments telling others about the invalid recall votes get scrubbed.

Except the audit in the US presidential election showed that they don't actually scrub invalid votes as they found thousands of double and triple vote instances.
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post Sep 16 2021, 06:10
Post #15131
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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I am not voting for General Election in my place last year and instead go to Hotel to have a whole day long of Erection with my Girlfrined
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post Sep 16 2021, 10:21
Post #15132

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If ww2 broke out in Europe today, when it ends they would increase immigration to make up for all the deaths.

This post has been edited by weegeeweegeeweegee: Sep 16 2021, 10:49
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post Sep 16 2021, 11:02
Post #15133

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Afghanistan is ethnically heterogeneous. It's been the world's crossroads & cum dumpster for hundreds of years. The locals typically don't have birth certificates, or even last names. So... hit the tanning bed. Slip away from your tour group. Put on local clothing & rechristen yourself "Abdul." Get on a refugee plane back to the US. Presto - you are now eligible for child wife.
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post Sep 16 2021, 16:09
Post #15134
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Sep 16 2021, 02:02) *

Presto - you are now eligible for child wife.

Not if you are a USA citizen. The [en.wikipedia.org] Protect Act regulates USA citizens' sexual activities outside the USA. Therefore, even if Thailand and Afghanistan have lower legal ages of marriage and consumation with your legal 15-year old wife, you cannot consumate although the Act doesn't stop you from marrying.

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post Sep 16 2021, 18:02
Post #15135
Msgr. Radixius

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I voted for myself and since my vote is the only one that matters I am now king of this land.
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post Sep 16 2021, 18:09
Post #15136

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the whole point is to make them think you are a different US citizen who was born in Afghanistan.

Also there is a difference between "can" and "may".

1, 2, 3, F J B!

(IMG:[media.patriots.win] https://media.patriots.win/post/thFckMpY.jpeg)
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post Sep 17 2021, 05:07
Post #15137
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Sep 17 2021, 00:09) *

the whole point is to make them think you are a different US citizen who was born in Afghanistan.
Also there is a difference between "can" and "may".

Now thats the main point (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Here in my country, although the law state that a minimum age for women to marry is 15, there are still many 12-14 y.o. girls getting married due to pregnancy even today (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Sep 17 2021, 05:26
Post #15138

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QUOTE(Adhinferno Bloodmoon @ Sep 16 2021, 17:07) *

Now thats the main point (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Here in my country, although the law state that a minimum age for women to marry is 15, there are still many 12-14 y.o. girls getting married due to pregnancy even today (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Here the laws were updated, they only recognize marriage if it is legal here, the regular age is 18 min, but with court approval it can be 16 minimum.

Previous laws had too many loopholes, if they had parent consent then it could be 14, and if there was a religious wedding where both parties believed the marriage to be valid then min age was 12. It was an archaic law from 200 years ago that was being abused/ used by religious folk of certain religion. Also if the marriage was legal overseas, then previously it was automatically recognized here.

New law is a lot clearer and less open to misuse. It got changed because of a game show, where the trivia question was what was the minimum age for marriage here, and they answered it could be as low as 16 but the answer was 12 because the old law was actively being used.... Then everyone raged at the government and the law was updated.

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post Sep 17 2021, 19:16
Post #15139

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Hello, I am a member of an organized crime group, like any good member I have spent more time in prison than out of it, I estimate of the past 53 or so years since I turned 18, 41 years have been in prison divided up among 6 different sentences, each stint gains me status among the brotherhood. Yes, prison gangs are amazing in their eyes. This is the life of crime.
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post Sep 17 2021, 22:31
Post #15140

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