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> What was the last thing you thought?, read deed by path.

post Sep 9 2021, 14:20
Post #15081

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post Sep 9 2021, 14:58
Post #15082

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It's funnier if they're eating horse-branded oats.
(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/ptkzt2.jpg)

Also there's a lower dose for prophylaxis. Some people are doing that.
(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/gu7h9a.JPG)

This post has been edited by Necromusume: Sep 9 2021, 15:26
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post Sep 10 2021, 01:07
Post #15083

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Sep 9 2021, 01:55) *

I read conservative forums daily. They adjust the dosage for humans, but they DO use the horse-branded product.

Since it's a paste, it's easy to measure out the correct amount.

For an effective dose, its really easy to screw up and end up with the toxic effects. I am not sure if the lower doses are effective. Also medicine for animals is less strictly regulated.

Ivermectin looks promising as a cheap tool in the kit for treating covid-19, I don't think it would be the primary treatment vs vaccines. The inventor of the mRNA tech, believes that problem is that big pharma can't make profits off generic treatments and the left is going all in on the politics so there are potential treatments being left off the table.

I was reading one paper, that said the real problem is that whilst high income countries can afford more expensive treatments, middle and low income countries are following their advice when there could be cheap and effective treatments potentially available.
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post Sep 10 2021, 02:42
Post #15084
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Sep 9 2021, 16:07) *

I was reading one paper, that said the real problem is that whilst high income countries can afford more expensive treatments, middle and low income countries are following their advice when there could be cheap and effective treatments potentially available.

Cheap and Effective is one thing.

But other countries often ignore patents and just "officially" counterfeit brand name drugs for their own medical services. They avoid paying high costs while the patent is valid. In addition, countries use threats of officially sanctioned counterfeiting as a way to force USA drug makers to sell official drugs at much lower prices. In effect, those countries used USA citizens to subsidize R&D of drugs for those countries. It's dirty, but a lot of countries have done so for decades.

Even in Latin America that was done even for non-critical drugs. For example, both Mexico and Argentina created copies of antihistamine Zyrtec despite the Zyrtec patent being in effect. Zyrtec remained high priced in the USA but dirt cheap south of the border since Mexican and Argentinan copycatters sold counterfeit Zyrtec in their markets.
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post Sep 10 2021, 02:51
Post #15085

Look, Fat.
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Heh my countries pissed off American Big Pharma, by saying that the medication price has to be below price caps to get government subsidies. As a result a lot of medicine is a lot cheaper.

Lobby groups in the US are scared shitless by that.
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post Sep 10 2021, 02:55
Post #15086
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(gamagaeru @ Sep 9 2021, 20:20) *

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So, they eat Horse Food....
take Horse Medicine.....
Why don't they live like a Horse then?
Work all day and sleep only for 3 hours at night?
That way they will be useful for the World and Society, at the very least (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Sep 10 2021, 04:41
Post #15087

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oh god it's like my little pony again.
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post Sep 10 2021, 13:55
Post #15088

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Sep 9 2021, 16:41) *

oh god it's like my little pony again.

Wait? Was this all just an elaborate MLP marketing campaign?
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post Sep 10 2021, 17:45
Post #15089
Moonlight Rambler

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Yeah Twilight Sparkle was experimenting with magic and ended up creating COVID-19
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post Sep 10 2021, 21:05
Post #15090

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You guys know the song Ram Ranch?
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post Sep 10 2021, 21:06
Post #15091

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 11 2021, 02:50
Post #15092

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Sep 10 2021, 09:05) *

You guys know the song Ram Ranch?

Sounds gay.
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post Sep 11 2021, 04:01
Post #15093
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Sep 10 2021, 08:45) *

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post Sep 11 2021, 04:49
Post #15094

Look, Fat.
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Oh gosh, I was fucking joking....

The targets of Biden's drone strikes were fucking random browns...

The one where a load of children died, turned out to be an aid worker... and the people killed were allies of the US. Critical Miss.

Biden: C'mon fat, drone some browns like Obama did, I don't care about the details but I need to look strong... *falls asleep*

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post Sep 11 2021, 09:58
Post #15095
Moonlight Rambler

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I love how literally no one except a handful of boomers who don't know better approves Biden.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Sep 11 2021, 10:01
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post Sep 11 2021, 10:01
Post #15096
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Sep 10 2021, 22:49) *
Was that message malformed or something? Because I can't tell if you were actually trying to reply to what I said with that image or not. also I had to manually compose this quote block because clicking 'quote' on your post didn't work.

Just not sure how it relates to Twilight Sparkle or COVID.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Sep 11 2021, 10:02
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post Sep 11 2021, 11:30
Post #15097

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Sep 10 2021, 21:58) *

I love how literally no one except a handful of boomers who don't know better approves Biden.

Boomers do love Biden, because the news tell them that he doesn't say mean things on the Twitter.

Unfortunately he doesn't really say much of anything meaningful.
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post Sep 11 2021, 12:42
Post #15098

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I have no clue why my social relations are so short.

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post Sep 11 2021, 12:49
Post #15099

Look, Fat.
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Biden is clearly out anyone that isn't a partisan hack from many institutions....

GG America. Speed running the end of the US it seems.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Sep 11 2021, 13:11
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post Sep 11 2021, 16:10
Post #15100
Msgr. Radixius

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Eh, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
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