What I literally just thought: It's so stupid homosexual knuckleheads are spawning too fast on welfare, but oh no they would rather spend money on putting up those little bitches on the dole than subsidize free healthcare for we good folk!!!!!!
Trump made a covid vaccine possible, lowered unemployment rates before covid hit (China is responsible for covid btw), fixed the border, had talks with N Korea, made us oil independent and brought peace to the Middle East for the first time ever.
Biden fucked all of it up and is still fucking things up.
"Ignore questions from beta reporters" Sigma Biden
Is Kamala a potato as well? Who the heck is running the US?
The critical issue we are facing, is the delay people will have buying Christmas presents. - Kamala Harris (Aug 24th)
Laughing when asked about Afghanistan, at least she said it was a high priority before a day later saying the priority is Americans being able to buy Christmas presents.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 26 2021, 01:28
You're giving him a lot of credit for things that would have happened regardless of who was in the executive branch. Congress did most of that. Even though China is pretty much guaranteed responsible for covid, the market was already gaining steam before the 2016 elections.
QUOTE(Honeycat @ Aug 25 2021, 17:22)
brought peace to the Middle East for the first time ever.
A major flashpoint in the crisis occurred on 3 January 2020, when President Donald Trump approved the targeted killing of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.
True, we (the US) aren't personally in a shooting war there right now, but saying he "brought peace to the middle east?" That's just objectively false. I will say that he could definitely have done worse. And my saying this is in no way defense of the current administration because they're clearly at least as stupid and probably worse. As long as Israel continues to exist I don't think we're going to have peace in the middle east. Pakistan/India is another dicey one.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Aug 26 2021, 02:09
Trump made a covid vaccine possible, lowered unemployment rates before covid hit (China is responsible for covid btw), fixed the border, had talks with N Korea, made us oil independent and brought peace to the Middle East for the first time ever.
Biden fucked all of it up and is still fucking things up.
You're giving him a lot of credit for things that would have happened regardless of who was in the executive branch.
You are exaggerating. What if Biden was president?
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 25 2021, 13:51)
Congress did most of that. Even though China is pretty much guaranteed responsible for covid, the market was already gaining steam before the 2016 elections.Lolwut?
Well according to the 2019 pandemic planning event, it was Big Tech and China that developed a strategy for America to spend billions to rapidly develop the vaccine.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 25 2021, 13:51)
Lolwut? As long as Israel continues to exist I don't think we're going to have peace in the middle east.
Trump's administration did manage to get several treaties between Arab nations and Israel. It did not take long for Biden to appoint Obama/Bush era personnel to try to mess those up though.
Peace with Iran? That's not that likely as long as the US has Debt. You would need more energy sufficiency and lower debt in order to not be critically reliant on the petro-dollar arrangement.
Unfortunately Biden has done the complete opposite, thus ensuring the US involvement in the Middle east. Yay... They have also plan to print more money than previously in the entire history of the US.
Potato-nomics at its finest.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 25 2021, 13:51)
Pakistan/India is another dicey one.
I think you mean the Southern China New Economic Zone (formally known as Pakistan) vs India.
Pakistan: Okay, we will borrow the money again, but it better not be another debt trap.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 25 2021, 14:07)
The technology and oil industries, plus the military-industrial complex to the extent that it is separate from the technology industry.
Its a lot of the people involved at the world economic summit except their plans have been fucked over by Biden a fair bit.
Investment Bankers - Got screwed out of a trillion dollars directly by the CCP effectively re-nationalising industries and IPOs. Indirectly they have lost more as even the ponzi scheme listings on the US stock exchange lost value.
Military Industrial Complex: There are 800k people in the military currently at risk of losing their job due to Biden's policies. Let alone the Afghanistan disaster calling into question future spending... They seem to have literally shot themselves in the foot.
Unions: Biden has rekt'd them. Its hilarious. Shut down their industries and outsource more.
Mainstream and Leftwing media: They have lost loads of jobs, its a fire sale.
That leaves:
Big Tech: Biden's administration has been working directly with Big Tech for censorship in return for preventing anti-trust actions and also to prevent legislation that would hurt them. So they seem to be a winner. Its kinda wrong that the government is giving direct guidance to a 'private' company on how to run their platforms in return for favors.
Billionares: Several billionaires like Gates, and Bezos have done well under Biden due to his lack of scrutiny. The billionaires also control most of DNC, which is kind of funny.
edit: The brains of the Twits are breaking because the Taliban are BIPOCs and they can't get through the cognitive dissonance
They keep calling on the Taliban to be progressive because they are people of colour and the Taliban keep marrying off girls and decapitating people.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 26 2021, 09:09
Lefties are so brainwashed they'd still be arguing and defending their potatoes and believing lies even when the world is nuked and crumbling down around them.
Trouble is, if Biden is impeached then cackling Kamala will take over and if she's gone then Pelosi would be in power. She's probably the one already pulling the puppet strings. Those people are so incompetent, bought off and evil it's insane.
My life is a relentless torrent of filth and misery.
Reminds me of one job I had where I think they wanted me to quit, they would ask me to do all these jobs way outside my job description.
Meanwhile in Potato news.
It seems that the only group still approving of Biden are >40 year old white Collar workers earning more than 75k in North-East / West Democrats living in Big cities. Particularly White women and rusted on Dem POCs.
They seem to be favorable because of being able to work from home I imagine and the economic conditions have not yet affected them or they are paranoid about the poors being infected with Covid.
All other groups have dropped 10-15 points, except Republicans that always disliked him, where disapproval has risen 4 points.
Biden Administration gave the Taliban a full list of all American Citizens, Green card holders and Afghan allies.
Taliban: Hostage and Kill List Acquired.
Rather than negotiating for all people to get through and let the US and allies do the screening they gave the critical list to the Taliban. Now the taliban can just kill people and claim its another group like ISIS.
How potato are these people, did all the competent people quit or get fired?
They can now kill any Afghan citizens that worked with the US (they have started doing this) and they can also at the least shake down US citizens for more money to pass through or just take them hostage as they can research their identities.
US military officials:
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 27 2021, 04:59