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post Aug 21 2021, 15:53
Post #14961

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Do y'all know what a bee scrubber is?
You know the guy whose job is to spend all day turning wine bottles? It's like that but with bees.

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post Aug 21 2021, 20:40
Post #14962

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[babylonbee.com] Dominion Voting Machine Really Starting To Regret Its 50,000 Votes For Biden
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post Aug 22 2021, 05:03
Post #14963

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Biden is losing popularity with the pro-war left voters...

How are there pro war lefties?? Are they just so radical that they love the CIA/FBI/Military industrial complex?
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post Aug 22 2021, 06:48
Post #14964
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 21 2021, 23:03) *

Biden is losing popularity with the pro-war left voters...
How are there pro war lefties?? Are they just so radical that they love the CIA/FBI/Military industrial complex?
I think they're the same as centrists, people who don't really know jack shit about anything
(being centrist in today's america is to be full of contradictions; centrism is possible in some other parts of the world).

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Aug 22 2021, 06:48
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post Aug 22 2021, 08:59
Post #14965

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Trump: Everything woke turns to shit.

QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 21 2021, 18:48) *

I think they're the same as centrists, people who don't really know jack shit about anything
(being centrist in today's America is to be full of contradictions; centrism is possible in some other parts of the world).

Well Neo-liberal is pretty much centrist and pro-war. It seems the establishment Democrats are mostly Neo-liberal, they talk about proper reforms but then handout money to corporate sponsors, bomb Africa and Syria and fuck up Afghanistan for the lols. The mainstream 'left wing' media has been accused of being very neo-liberal, I suppose what we get now is a veneer of woke slapped on top, no real policy, and then just doing exactly the same thing whilst claiming their shit doesn't stink.

Anyone who actually wants to make proper reforms gets the woke militia and military industrial complex on their tails.

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post Aug 23 2021, 02:02
Post #14966

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 21 2021, 20:59) *

Trump: Everything woke turns to shit.

It was an awesome rally. I happened to turn it to Newsmax earlier that day and they had a Trump phone interview. Then later in the afternoon, I watched some of the pre-rally festivities. That MyPillow guy is so fucking obnoxious and reminds me of one of those sucker fish that attaches itself to a shark.

Trump was an hour late like he usually is. I used to think he was in the bathroom taking a dump but learned last year that he's talking to people on the way in. He made fun of Biden tripping on the plane stairs. "He was down. No, he’s up! No, he’s down again, oh my God! No, he’s up! He’s down again." LMAO! Then he said when he was president, the First Lady told him that he was on TV for the way he was walking down a ramp.

Of course he ripped Potato for Afghanistan and the border crisis that's bringing in covid and criminals. Everything you expected. He spoke over an hour and a half as it began raining. Newsmax cut the feed to get back to their programming so I found a stream of it on YT and watched as he walked off the stage to Sweet Home Alabama playing and disappeared behind the stands. I felt a bit weepy like bidding farewell to a friend that you won't see for a long while.
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post Aug 23 2021, 02:47
Post #14967

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All they show of it here, is whatever 5 second clip they can find to make Trump look bad.

Where as for Biden they have to cut out 95% of his rambling to find something that doesn't make him look bad.
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post Aug 23 2021, 04:55
Post #14968

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 22 2021, 14:47) *

All they show of it here, is whatever 5 second clip they can find to make Trump look bad.

Where as for Biden they have to cut out 95% of his rambling to find something that doesn't make him look bad.

When I searched YouTube for the tail end of the rally, I was surprised it was there because they normally tear that shit right down. Trump mentioned I think in a phone interview that muzzie terrorists still have Twitter accounts while he isn't allowed to have one. He also said Potato did the Afghanistan withdrawal all wrong, the military is supposed to remain to evacuate American citizens, destroy all the weapons that they can't take with them and then leave.

This post has been edited by Honeycat: Aug 23 2021, 04:56
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post Aug 23 2021, 05:12
Post #14969

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ Aug 22 2021, 16:55) *

He also said Potato did the Afghanistan withdrawal all wrong, the military is supposed to remain to evacuate American citizens, destroy all the weapons that they can't take with them and then leave.

Original Plan: Draw back majority of forces by MAY. Leave sufficient air support to ensure that the Taliban can not over run the Afghanistan government and force both sides to negotiate with each other. America would have retained operation of several strategic areas with minimal forces.

Biden Potato Plan: Delay the withdraw past the original deadline to Sept 11 2021, so you can get some good twitter optics and good press. Do not renegotiate with the Taliban, and say that Kamala is managing coordination with allies. Ignore intelligence that the delay will not work as Taliban had already started pressing forward. Slow down the withdrawal of US citizens and personal, I guess due to the Rona and pushing back the hard deadline to December (what the potato, was he hoping Harris would get the blame then?). Then withdraw air support to go bomb Somalia, without congress oversight. Then ignore intelligence and state department concerns in July, ignore wires from officials on the ground in Afghanistan, and ignore China negotiating with Taliban in July... and somehow pray to potato that the plan is not falling to absolute shit.

How to fuck shit up 101. He's not making any decisions, deferring to other people and ignoring reality (or forgetting reality). The democrats are pushing through trillions for their corporate sponsors in the meantime inflation is high, unemployment is high, unfilled vacancies are high, there is risk of a large number of mortgage defaults, the border does not exist, he removed financial regulations and there are logistical supply shortages everywhere.

He shot universal healthcare out of the water and the only prison reforms were ones that Trump initiated. The 'green new deal' is mainly money for corporations and tax breaks for corporations whilst cracking down on farmers. That seems like a great plan. It also involves outsourcing more to China who completely ignore all international environmental laws, agreements and concerns. So there will be an increase in pollution and a decrease in US wealth...

I didn't think one president could cause such a mess in such a short amount of time. Trump messed loads of things up but he created strong economic growth and encouraged domestic investment.

What is Biden's economic plan? Print money and throw it at random shit and hope for the best? Investment funds are buying up assets that they hope will see greater than 20% inflation eg residential housing.

Wikipedia lefties had to edit wikipedia to try to blame Trump:

Taliban 2016 estimate: 200k
Taliban 2021 estimate: 75k

Wiki was updated to:
Taliban 2021 estimate: 200k and removed the references that supported the lower number when Biden took office. Otherwise it looks like Biden was a complete potato.

edit: On the most pro-Biden lefty poll, he has fallen from 73% approval (Lol) to 54% (also lol).

The Five Thirty Eight aggregate is 49% approval. I don't understand their weightings though for example, YouGov had one poll at 44% approval (They weighted it at 0.85) when there was a more positive polling of 50% (they weighted it at 1.29).

Approval for handling of the war:
Biden: 32%
Trump: 51%
Obama: 51%
Bush: 47%

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 23 2021, 05:29
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post Aug 23 2021, 11:38
Post #14970

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How many thoughts did I plan to post here, but gave up, sometimes not posting a partially or already completely written post...
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post Aug 23 2021, 13:32
Post #14971

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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Aug 21 2021, 09:54) *


My Boss is getting more bully. My work is getting boring.
I want to move to another country very soon.
So it is just a matter of quitting now or quit after I get a VISA.
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post Aug 23 2021, 13:47
Post #14972

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QUOTE(susancat @ Aug 23 2021, 01:32) *

My Boss is getting more bully. My work is getting boring.

That sucks, hard work can be good if the manager and team are good. Even good work is shit with a bad manager.
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post Aug 23 2021, 13:50
Post #14973

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Wake Me Up When September Ends. 20 years of 9/11 this year will be grim.
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post Aug 23 2021, 14:32
Post #14974
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(resident88 @ Aug 23 2021, 04:50) *

Wake Me Up When September Ends. 20 years of 9/11 this year will be grim.

Don't worry. USA taxpayers didn't spend money in vain. Biden made sure a lot of gear wasn't disabled so that the Taliban could seize it whole and operational. Technically, no gear was given by the USA to the Taliban by Biden. Biden gave it to the Afghan government who then gave it to the Taliban in a transition of government.

Over 600,000 man-portable guns and large ammunition stockpiles. Thanks to the USA taxpayer. Trained Afghan snipers. Meanwhile, amounts of silly Afghan military training footage is leaked so that the USA taxpayers don't feel angry at Biden for training Taliban soldiers at taxpayer expense.

A zillion vehicles. "Zillion" because I have lost count since I can no longer find a source that provides an updated count. Looks like censorship has caught up to sources of stats that make Biden look bad.
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post Aug 23 2021, 15:19
Post #14975

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Just got a blowjob from the tooth fairy
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post Aug 23 2021, 18:24
Post #14976
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Aug 23 2021, 06:19) *

Just got a blowjob from the tooth fairy

That must hurt due to all those teeth. Getting a blowjob from the Toothless Fairy is much better with those gums massaging you. Ahhhhhhhh
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post Aug 24 2021, 00:28
Post #14977

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Aug 23 2021, 02:32) *

Over 600,000 man-portable guns and large ammunition stockpiles. Thanks to the USA taxpayer. Trained Afghan snipers. Meanwhile, amounts of silly Afghan military training footage is leaked so that the USA taxpayers don't feel angry at Biden for training Taliban soldiers at taxpayer expense.

Oh silly Anime Janai, its just like when Hunter Biden did that deal to give stealth tech to the CCP PLA. They just used it as an excuse to dump billions more into the military industrial complex. Now we have a well armed and modern Taliban, how many billions will the US have to spend to stabilise the region after that?

They were still using seized soviet era weapons and donated surplus weapons up to this point.

Now the military industrial complex will need to make weapons for decades, and invest in new drone technologies to counter the tech they handed over.

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post Aug 24 2021, 03:58
Post #14978

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QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Aug 23 2021, 11:24) *

That must hurt due to all those teeth. Getting a blowjob from the Toothless Fairy is much better with those gums massaging you. Ahhhhhhhh

....my friends told me the tooth fairy wasn't real, and it always turned out to be their mom....

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post Aug 24 2021, 13:38
Post #14979

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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Aug 24 2021, 01:58) *
....my friends told me the tooth fairy wasn't real, and it always turned out to be their mom....

So you got a blowjob from their mom?

QUOTE(weegeeweegeeweegee @ Aug 4 2021, 14:10) *
Medieval Mongol society is my kind of place

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post Aug 24 2021, 14:05
Post #14980

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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Aug 24 2021, 06:38) *

So you got a blowjob from their mom?

I wish it was their mom
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