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post Aug 15 2021, 06:01
Post #14921
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Aug 14 2021, 13:24) *

I heard the US embassy in Afghanistan is burning documents in case the Taliban conquers the city.

Does the USA recognize "Taliban" as a legitimate government? Trump did not. But I don't know Biden's stand. Will there be yet another muslim "sub state" inside the USA formed by having the official Afghan gov't reside in the USA along with a large number of displaced Afghans all living on social welfare and running their own muslim land with Sharia law? I remember the last time with President Jimmy Carter supporting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who had been arrested in Iran by the Shah. But President Jimmy Carter extended the hand of friendship and support and offered a place in the USA for Khomeini and his "peaceful" supporters to reside. Eventually, President Carter supported Khomeini returning to Iran. Will Biden try something similar?
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post Aug 16 2021, 06:32
Post #14922
Adhinferno Bloodmoon

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 15 2021, 07:48) *

Don't worry, Biden begged the Taliban not to target their embassy and asked China if they could have some businesses in Afghanistan after the take over.

Wow, the show will get more interesting now (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Aug 16 2021, 07:33
Post #14923

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Biden: The withdraw will be nothing like Vietnam, there is no way you will see a situation again where we have to lift people off the roof of the embassy with helicopters.

Biden was in the Dem controlled Senate for the fall of Saigon.

Biden was VP for Benghazi.

Biden was president for Kabul.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 16 2021, 11:54
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post Aug 16 2021, 13:23
Post #14924

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The U.S. left literal tons of military-grade weapons paid for with taxpayers' money to fall into the hands of actual terrorists, who are now posing for photos with them, and then they think they can ban things to American citizens back home. It is not being received well in the online 2A community. Biden for trash can 2021.

This post has been edited by Necromusume: Aug 16 2021, 13:33
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post Aug 16 2021, 14:00
Post #14925

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Thought of a riddle. Felt it to be very with the times, and all the possibilities that come with it

How does two lesbian women go around together in a mosque without either wearing a hijab?
They were born as men.
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post Aug 16 2021, 14:39
Post #14926

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post Aug 16 2021, 15:31
Post #14927

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Is a RTX 3080 and a ryzen 9 3900 okay or should I replace them with a 3090 and x5900
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post Aug 16 2021, 18:11
Post #14928
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 16 2021, 01:33) *
I'm sure he's directly culpable for that one, yeah

Anyway I think this would have happened regardless of who pulled out, this is just handled much worse than it probably could have been (happening much faster).

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Aug 16 2021, 18:18
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post Aug 16 2021, 18:12
Post #14929
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(AhumanRS @ Aug 16 2021, 09:31) *
Is a RTX 3080 and a ryzen 9 3900 okay or should I replace them with a 3090 and x5900
Both are incredibly overkill already.

--GTX 750 Ti and i5-3470 user
QUOTE(Necromusume @ Aug 16 2021, 07:23) *
The U.S. left literal tons of military-grade weapons paid for with taxpayers' money to fall into the hands of actual terrorists, who are now posing for photos with them, and then they think they can ban things to American citizens back home. It is not being received well in the online 2A community. Biden for trash can 2021.
Yeah he's kinda shit. Supplying terrorists is not a new practice for the US though.

This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Aug 16 2021, 18:14
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post Aug 16 2021, 22:16
Post #14930

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Trump rally in Cullman, Alabama on Aug. 21.

Can't wait to see all the Biden Demoncrat bashing. Trump finally brought peace to the Middle East and was successfully ceasing all the endless foreign wars as he called them and Potato fucked it all up. Messed up our own country, too.
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post Aug 17 2021, 00:30
Post #14931

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 16 2021, 06:11) *

I'm sure he's directly culpable for that one, yeah

Anyway I think this would have happened regardless of who pulled out, this is just handled much worse than it probably could have been (happening much faster).

Yeah it had nothing to do with foreign powers seeing Biden as a joke and directly supporting the Taliban and Biden's administration's negotiations with the Taliban being worth nothing.

The Taliban 'captured' military assets after negotiating with China in July.

The US establishment under Bush and Obama gave loads of money to themselves and family through military industrial complex contracts. The value built in Afghanistan was not very much.

This was similar to Saigon because they pulled the military back before evacuating the civilians. They had months to withdraw but put value on the flimsy deals they had with the Taliban and corrupt government they built.

It was the symbolic collapse of Soviet power after being pushed from Afghanistan and now we have the symbolic defeat of US military power after wasting billions.

Sleepy Joe: I am putting Kamala directly on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, it won't be like Saigon.

He's not a real president if he can't handle his own job and that just projects weakness to begin with. Kamala has not handled shit so far, but has also had to handle half of Biden's roles.

The people that still like Biden also like Obama and Bush... the establishment politicians that put us in Afghanistan and mismanaged it.

Media: Biden said it was the Afghanistan government's fault not his fuck up.

Me: Yeah, we couldn't see this happening after ISIS swept through Iraq and the exact same thing happened?


CNN: Its a mostly peaceful take over.

HAHAHAHA I should have seen that coming.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 17 2021, 01:03
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post Aug 17 2021, 01:12
Post #14932
Anime Janai

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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Aug 16 2021, 04:23) *

The U.S. left literal tons of military-grade weapons paid for with taxpayers' money to fall into the hands of actual terrorists,

The quantity of equipment left behind, which includes the general vehicles, general trucks, armored general vehicles, armored trucks, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, blackhawk helicopters, other helicopters, artillery guns, tow trucks, and major gear is OVER 17,000 pieces. The more valuable pieces were removed by using over 980 air flights before the Taliban advanced to the city limits of Kabul. Not all of the 17,000 major pieces of gear are military. Medical Operating Room equipment, dental facilities, dams and the power generator, and power substations are equipment left behind which were not worth removing on the cargo planes.

The massive Bagram airbase that was given to the Afghan government is now in the hands of the terrorists. As you know, building large airbases and runways is expensive especially since such materials were imported into the country by the USA government at taxpayer expense. The Taliban has obtained a substantial number of improved facilities throughout the country as well as air bases and aircraft.

Perhaps some airbases can be leased to China in return for trade goods and ammunition?

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post Aug 17 2021, 04:24
Post #14933
Moonlight Rambler

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Aug 16 2021, 18:30) *
This was similar to Saigon because they pulled the military back before evacuating the civilians. They had months to withdraw but put value on the flimsy deals they had with the Taliban and corrupt government they built.

It was the symbolic collapse of Soviet power after being pushed from Afghanistan and now we have the symbolic defeat of US military power after wasting billions.
Both good comparisons (I'd thought of the Saigon one, too).
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post Aug 17 2021, 06:00
Post #14934

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Aug 16 2021, 16:24) *

Both good comparisons (I'd thought of the Saigon one, too).

The US Foreign policy is currently Potato.

One general said that the problem is the framing and the real problem was the withdraw of air support.
He said the Afghan army was holding off the Taliban for years but was completely dependent on US air superiority, drones and intelligence support. The result of withdrawing support before completing the withdrawal should have been obvious.

Now we throw into the mix Taliban through Pakistan being supported by China and Taliban 'capturing' the second hand assets 'somehow' including helicopters, personnel transport and fire-arms. It seems pretty obvious. China wanted to send a message that the US power is collapsing like the USSR. The talks were well published and documented about in July. Biden didn't react and just said Kamala would handle it somehow and that it wasn't a problem. Then he ran off to his Biden bunker.

When China wiped out a trillion dollars off the value of the Chinese companies listed in the US, they had meetings with Blackrock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs but not the Biden Administration.

At the Anchorage summit earlier this year, the Chinese government said the Biden administration was a complete joke with no power and they need to shut up and do as they are told.

At the G7 summit, almost every leader was caught making fun of Biden as a complete joke. Even Putin was caught off guard by how bad Biden was, and Biden staffers had to tell the Russians that anything Biden said was non-binding until the real staff looked over the details.

The US is also now bombing in east Africa for some reason instead of providing air support in Afghanistan. Biden: "They put the papers on my desk and I just signed them".

Edit: The Biden State Department asked the Taliban to be woke and include women in their government.
This is the Taliban that is currently 'arranging' 'marriages' for all unmarried women older than 15.

Biden retreated to the Biden bunker, so the White house uploaded an old photo claiming he was working rather than being in the bunker. They got caught out because the photo they posted of Biden in a strategic meeting was actually from March based on the clocks.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 17 2021, 12:17
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post Aug 17 2021, 16:39
Post #14935

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I think the t-shirt I'm currently wearing was made for a three-headed armless creature.
At least it would fit one somehow.
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post Aug 17 2021, 17:43
Post #14936

Look, Fat.
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Biden's administration's response is far worse than I thought... how is this possible...

The air support was off bombing east Africa.

The embassy estimates there are up to 40k Americans left in Afghanistan.

The Taliban have given a two week grace period for Americans to leave.

The state department however is telling Americans to shelter in place.

The foreign service got the secretary to sign a secret document eliminating their responsibility to evacuate Americans.

Biden blamed everyone else then went back on vacation...

What could go wrong? The clusterfuck is so great that Taiwan is in dire straights because everyone globally is questioning Biden's potato foreign policy. The US has deployed three nuclear submarines to the pacific to try to pretend like they should be taken seriously.
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post Aug 17 2021, 20:45
Post #14937

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Trump was feared and respected when he was president, Potatobrains is nothing but a senile joke and not feared or respected by anyone. He can no way in hell blame anyone but himself. Now there are calls for him to step down.

Trump supporters: We tried to warn you.
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post Aug 17 2021, 20:59
Post #14938

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(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/1pboh7.JPG)

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(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/r79coi.JPG)

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post Aug 17 2021, 21:14
Post #14939

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↑ LOL ↓

QUOTE(YT comment)
This is what they are afraid of?

This post has been edited by Honeycat: Aug 17 2021, 21:18
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post Aug 18 2021, 02:28
Post #14940

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