QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Aug 9 2021, 14:41)

They altered their Constitutions to require that only native born residents could perform votes on changing their Constitution.
"Their constitutions are just paper"
The islands borrowed money from the CCP so that 'not state owned' Chinese companies could build infrastructure from Chinese businesses. Then when the government's defaulted, the massive infrastructure was then built, owned and managed by the CCP.
Constitution? Of course even western countries continually fall for this trick. Bribe some politicians and tell them that they are smart (they are actually retarded), then the politicians sign horrifically bad economic deals for kick backs.
Meanwhile in Australia: Queensland Government: We gave them the islands.
Press: How much did they pay?
Queensland Government: No we paid them, then they will develop the islands and that will somehow bring in money. It made sense when they explained it.
Victorian Government: we signed a multi billion dollar infrastructure plan that will bring economic growth to our state.
Press: Economic experts say that you will pay them a billion dollars and there is zero economic benefit for the state and they will own all the critical infrastructure.
Victorian Government: Nah that can't be right. I was drunk when I signed the document but they clearly said we would get a billion dollars.
NSW government: The CCP is helping us by selling us the excess water that they do not need from the cotton farms we sold them.
Press: They were the ones that illegally extracted too much water and caused the water crisis in the first place.
NSW Government: Okay, not a great deal, but we will make the money back through the casinos they let us develop in Macau.
Press: The CCP took back the Macau casinos and now they illegally own the majority of our casinos and yelled no take backsies.
Western Australia: We gave them some ports and air strips in return we can visit strip clubs in Beijing for free for life. Best deal ever. Free lap dances if we also given them mining rights.
Press: .....
Northern Territory: Okay, so we had a port. Now don't yell, but we sold it for 10% of its value and they said that somehow we would make money from that... It hasn't really worked, ti seems the extra revenue was zero and we blew the money in one year.
Victorian Government: Okay this time, we made them get an independent report first for the new heavy metal processing plant to make sure there would be an economic benefit.
Press: The report is just a stick figure with a smiley face and a speech bubble saying, this operation is environmentally safe. CCPs internal report says that they want to relocate the plant because it produces more pollution than even they are willing to accept in China.
South Australia: Okay, we damn up all the natural flow of water that would normally go to farmers at a cheap rate and sell it to the CCP.
Press: Then they massively mark up the price, bankrupt the farmers and buy all the farm land cheaply.
South Australia: Okay, we might not have thought this plan through...
Federal Government: Okay any new deals need to be approved by the federal government and a neutral third party panel to stop this dumb fuckery.
CCP: REEEEE we nuke you.
Meanwhile in China: CCP: Okay, Mr Potato President Biden has removed the restrictions stopping wall street dumping everyone's retirement mutual funds in our totally legitimate stocks (no refunds). Lets just de-privatise some sectors. (500 to 1 Billion of forieign investor money wiped out instantly)
Goldman Sacs and friends: Should we keep sending money?
CCP: That is your first priority. We may let you have some tasty IPOs if you keep donating enough investor money. US investors own 1 trillion in our technology firms so we are going to regulate them next lol cows.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Aug 10 2021, 13:51