QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Jun 16 2021, 03:02)

They've probably been backed into a corner for court-ordered child welfare payments.
When looking for better jobs, the job applications ask if you have court-ordered debt.
Do they ask if you have court-ordered debt for job interviews?
Isn't divorce so high that discriminating against fathers for paying child support stupid?
Wow I was reading about why the family courts are retarded.
Child support is based about % of days that fathers care for the children so lawyers and women push for near 100% custody to win the maximum child support.
The issue: is that on average women with 100% custody get less from child support than if they received zero child support and had 50% custody.
With 50% custody women can work more themselves and earn more. With 0% custody, the fathers are incentivized to minimise income to minimise repayments. Fathers that can not pay may face jail time and their income falls to zero.
Its this weird zero sum game that on average is screwing both parents and the kids. How to win? Negotiate 50% custody and reduced child care payments.
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/...and-cry-and-cryI am surprised how much women are willing to fuck themselves over in order to 'win' the divorce and not have to work.
In that article the women was living on government support and below the poverty line because she wanted 100% custody and refused to work. She was a high paid company director but married a business owner and they could afford for her not to work whilst they were married. When they got divorced she got 100% custody and he had to pay maximum percentage child support and maintenance. The father decided to earn less, his income dropping 70-100k.
The feminists say that the government needs to make fathers pay more, but as the case shows, if it was 50/50 split the women would earn more and the husband not be incentivized to earn less. She would be earning 3-6x times the amount received in child support.
The article is crazy, it even says if the women receive more money from child support they may be punished by receiving less means tested government support.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jun 16 2021, 16:52