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> Feature Update: Revamped gallery listings, tag watching/flagging/hiding, etc, No major updates in 462 0 days

post Mar 19 2019, 13:55
Post #81


QUOTE(art159201 @ Mar 19 2019, 12:43) *

And asia IP got banned ... again. Even GoldStar Member got IP Banned!

There aren't any new restrictions in general or specifically for Asia, and I'm not seeing any restrictions on your account. If you're talking about Korea, that's not on us.

QUOTE(Vexxille @ Mar 19 2019, 12:44) *

Also, I noticed that in a certain gallery, only one out of many flagged tags is displayed in the compact layout. For example, I flagged bdsm and torture and yet those do not appear.

Tags do need to have a voted score of 10 or more to be shown in the list views.
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post Mar 19 2019, 13:57
Post #82

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I agree with previous posts that the title being on the bottom is just not pleasing. I pretty much used thumbnail mode exclusively, and I definitely wouldn't consider these changes to be positive, at least when it comes to thumbnail mode. Four big problems came to my attention with these changes. First, the categories are obnoxiously large and a bit of an eyesore. Secondly, It seems that some thumbnail previews have way more noticeable space underneath, compared to before, but that is probably just the thumbnail size change adding to that. Third, is the change to how favorites categories are identified on thumbnails. The individual coloured symbols were more than enough to identify what category a favored gallery was in, so I'm not sure why the change to it being wrapped around the post time that could already be found in the gallery. Lastly, I just want reiterate that the category changes to these brighter blocky things with boring white text, really is just less aesthetically pleasing than before.
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post Mar 19 2019, 13:59
Post #83

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Hello. Most of the new changes are fine and I recognise the need to update after all this time. However I would like to say that I've been relying on the "new" icon for years and years and I shall miss it dearly.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:00
Post #84

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This is gonna be a real dumb request, but is it possible to have the name of the gallery show up as an alt/mouseover text on the thumbnail image or gallery link?

I browse on thumbnail mode to check things/new uploads at a glance but long gallery names are cut off, along with the language or digital tags. It would be nice to browse and have access to full gallery names and a tiled thumbnail view all in a single page.

BTW, thanks for the extended view. It's gonna come in handy when I'm looking for something in particular
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:01
Post #85

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The category button is too large, its even larger than the title, and it actually have less information than the older one, how is it a revamp ?
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:10
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QUOTE(theomega669 @ Mar 19 2019, 14:14) *

The new category icons look soulless and pale.
A touch more visible than the previous ones, yet those had character and gave the site personality and charm, these new ones feels corporate, plain, and dull.
The colours themselves are stark and attention grabbing, distracting.
The previous ones had a smooth style, visible enough to clarify what you were watching, but not gloryhogs smacking you across the eyes.

Totaly agree. Pls change it back.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:10
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The thumbnails need to be smaller.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:19
Post #88

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How can I tell if a gallery is new? The "new" icon from the old UI doesn't seem to exist anymore.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:20
Post #89
Juggernaut Santa

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QUOTE(Beyond Imagination @ Mar 19 2019, 10:55) *

can we get the old """glassy""" category buttons back?

QUOTE(clegion @ Mar 19 2019, 13:01) *

The category button is too large, its even larger than the title, and it actually have less information than the older one, how is it a revamp ?

QUOTE(theomega669 @ Mar 19 2019, 12:14) *

The new category icons look soulless and pale.

QUOTE(Lexander @ Mar 19 2019, 12:17) *

Well, this is going to sound bad and potentially offend people but... can we get someone who doesn't design life preservers and traffic vests to pick the colors for the new category buttons? I'm not big on skeuomorphic design and glossy buttons but I'd date the old ones over these newer ones any day of the week. To paraphrase Gollum - we hates the bright colors, they hurts us.

I have to second all of these.
The new category buttons are horrendous.
Huge, rectangular, completely out of place colors.

Basically all this update is very welcome. Everything but those appalling category buttons.

QUOTE(uareader @ Mar 19 2019, 11:54) *

Would it be possible to display the old "Tag flagging" values (if they still exist) somewhere, so that they can be written down to be reused with what's new?

Pretty sure it's impossible as they were stored server side so the update probably wiped them (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

QUOTE(Vexxille @ Mar 19 2019, 12:22) *

Tenboro, would you please make the flagged tags to show up in minimal search mode just like in the previous layout? At least small colored icons will be enough.

Yup, it would be comfy, especially for mobile.

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post Mar 19 2019, 14:22
Post #90

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Any chance we could get an option for the old category buttons?
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:23
Post #91

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Looks awful.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:28
Post #92

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+1 to the beg for a way to get the old category buttons back. These new buttons are horrendously loud and lack all the charm of the old versions.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:29
Post #93

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After the update I can no longer access some old galleries anymore.
i.e. Takeda Hiromitsu's old works. Is it a bug or something?
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:30
Post #94

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New thumbnail mode takes too much space. Can we have more than one thumbnails in the same row? New mode makes browsing or searching awkward.
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:31
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Wish we could turn back time...

To the good old days...
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:34
Post #96
Renan Wilheart

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There was one feature I liked with the front page that allowed me to see the popular threads (I believe it was that?) which made my "research" easier"
Why is it no longer implemented ?
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:34
Post #97

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I don't usually post, but when I do, it means I'm not fapping.

Appreciate the work but the general UI looks terrible now. The categories for Manga/Doujinshi/etc are wayyy too bright and glaring. The high contrast from the dark background makes it so your eyes naturally draw towards them instead of the thumbnail pictures.
Also looks too big and childish as fk.

If you're going to mess around with thumbnails, give us the option to set the number of thumbnails in a search. On mobile, i can only see 3 horizontally and that's annoying.

Please fix. I just want to fap
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:37
Post #98

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Small issue, but on the "My Galleries" or "My Uploads" page, the links at the top of the page revert back to the same links as before the update, meaning it's missing the links from that page to the new pages.

This post has been edited by daveythebro: Mar 19 2019, 14:37
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:38
Post #99

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Wow, a lot of frequently requested features have been added. I am impressed. I knew a big update would come when you have been quiet for so long.

QUOTE(FPS0000 @ Mar 19 2019, 14:30) *
New thumbnail mode takes too much space. Can we have more than one thumbnails in the same row? New mode makes browsing or searching awkward.

Change your browser page zoom?

QUOTE(Renan Wilheart @ Mar 19 2019, 14:34) *

There was one feature I liked with the front page that allowed me to see the popular threads (I believe it was that?) which made my "research" easier"
Why is it no longer implemented ?

Use the new "Popular" tab?

QUOTE(daveythebro @ Mar 19 2019, 14:37) *
Small issue, but on the "My Galleries" or "My Uploads" page, the links at the top of the page revert back to the same links as before the update, meaning it's missing the links from that page to the new pages.


This post has been edited by rraven314: Mar 19 2019, 14:45
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post Mar 19 2019, 14:38
Post #100

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Thank you for the face-lift, the design looks very slick.

The only thing I'll need some time getting used to is that the title is at the bottom of a thumbnail.

Edit: Based Tenboro

This post has been edited by glvdtr: Mar 19 2019, 14:53
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