Feature Update: Revamped gallery listings, tag watching/flagging/hiding, etc, No major updates in 462 0 days |
Mar 19 2019, 13:00
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Really cool of you to add new features. I switched back to minimal because I fear change D: but I can see the new functionality being really useful.
Mar 19 2019, 13:03
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I don't see the word bounty in the changelog but there are clearly changes to the bounty pages.
1) the font for 'this bounty has not been accepted' text on open bounties has changed to something weird, it is now big, white, italic-like and pretty unreadable
Mar 19 2019, 13:03
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The new tag changes and the whole watched watch list is fantastic. But I agree that the thumbnails really should be around their previous size again, or at least a little bit smaller.
Mar 19 2019, 13:05
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This post has been edited by slllp: Mar 19 2019, 13:56
Mar 19 2019, 13:09
butts butts
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Aw man, I just recently flagged a bunch of tags in the old system. All my tag flags got fragged. Great that it's available to all now, tho, wish I'd flagged some of those fuckers years ago.
Is there a way to hide just the thumbnail of a flagged gallery, keeping the title listed as it was previous? Some things are fine gone forever, but others I might want to check in on before making a judgment call. Like hide me a pile of furry comic thumbnails, but I'll still check out a furry artist if they're good maybe. Will have to see how 'weight' works later.
Mar 19 2019, 13:09

QUOTE(Lunatic2 @ Mar 19 2019, 11:55)  It displays ok on my new pc with widescreen and firefox, but on the old pc with 19" square screen and Opera browser, the thumbnail view displays just like the Extended view, but without the extra info.
QUOTE Note that this requires fairly modern browser support. Older browsers (including all versions of IE) will not work at all and will not be supported. Upgrade if you are having display issues. You can see the minimum required versions [ www.w3schools.com] here.
Mar 19 2019, 13:09
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I'm more used to the old classification buttons Can I switch between two modes?
Mar 19 2019, 13:14
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Looks like the td.glname element now has an onclick event that navigates to the gallery. This is a bit annoying if you're trying to ctrl/cmd-click a gallery to open it in a new tab. Few possible solutions: - remove the onclick (since the <a>'s still there anyway) - make the onclick bail out if event.ctrlKey or event.metaKey is set - make the onclick open as a popup if the above is true - instead of using an onclick event, wrap the <a> around the tag names as well
I'm sure there are more options available, but those are the ones I could come up with after a bit of poking at it.
Mar 19 2019, 13:14
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Yeah I'm not keen on the new thumbnails mode either. My guess is that it insists in showing the entire title of galleries so it dedicates entire rows to a single thumbnail, until something similar to the old design comes back it's going to be pretty much unusable (especially because the extended mode is basically the same thing but with visible tags). Maybe you could add a setting that allows you to choose how many characters you want to see in the thumbnails view per line before the title gets truncated? That should be able to satisfy everyone even with the new bigger thumbnails.
edit: Just noticed the "requires modern browser" bit after seeing the post about the CSS Grid layout. If that's the case, shouldn't the new design be opt-in instead of forced onto everyone and if you can't handle it then welp too bad? Given plenty of the replies it looks like many of us are in situations where changing browsers isn't feasible (including me, Pale Moon 27 is the best thing I can use) so it would be extremely helpful if you could reconsider this particular implementation, or at least make the old design available as an option.
This post has been edited by raposazul: Mar 19 2019, 13:28
Mar 19 2019, 13:14
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The new category icons look soulless and pale. A touch more visible than the previous ones, yet those had character and gave the site personality and charm, these new ones feels corporate, plain, and dull. The colours themselves are stark and attention grabbing, distracting. The previous ones had a smooth style, visible enough to clarify what you were watching, but not gloryhogs smacking you across the eyes. Point list of positive traits of the old icons - Black on white
The majority of the website's text is Black text on a Pale background, and despite being coloured the previous category tags had a gradient of white towards the center, making the black text easy to read and not stand out against all the other text on the site. The new ones are white on an array of colour, loosing both the cohesive feel of the tags and intruding against all the other text on the page, highly distracting. - Distinct Colour
The colours were distinctive but not intrusive, smooth and easy on the eye, while these have the value and saturation cranked up high, invasive and mismatching against the cool parchment feel of the rest of the site. - Casual Font
The old font was smooth and casual, slim and pretty, it gave a pleasant experience as a whole to the galleries. The new ones... are helvetica or a helvetica clone. Basically non-existant, boring, and looks like every other corporate font out there. - Smooth Corners
Slim, unobtrusive, modern. Compared to hefty, bulky and blocky. A speech bubble compared to a comic panel, and I'd much rather read through a speech bubble than text just slapped on a panel.
I am for an update in design, but I do not condone a change that markedly downgrades the quality and aesthetics of the site. Sidenote: The compact view has a ton of potential, though the tags are considerably more visible than the titles, that coupled with the new category tags cramp the title in a small, clogged box. The tags and the Title are competing for viewing space violently, and it clashes with the ability to search through the gallery. I want a mode where the tags are visible, but there would have to be a balance in hierarchy for it to mesh to a pleasant viewing experience. This post has been edited by theomega669: Mar 19 2019, 13:20
Mar 19 2019, 13:15
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It seems that the search engine doesn't work well.
For example, as usual I use the term "french" to search for french comics. The results are different as before the update : With the frenchs comics there are many other comics written in japanese, in english, in portuguese, etc
Hope you can resolve this bug
Mar 19 2019, 13:15
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The new design is good, the icons look great. The only question is: why did the top and bottom lines swap in the thumbnail mode? It is very inconvenient when the name of neighboring doujinshi is at a different level.
Mar 19 2019, 13:17
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Well, this is going to sound bad and potentially offend people but... can we get someone who doesn't design life preservers and traffic vests to pick the colors for the new category buttons? I'm not big on skeuomorphic design and glossy buttons but I'd date the old ones over these newer ones any day of the week. To paraphrase Gollum - we hates the bright colors, they hurts us.
Also, both the Extended and Thumbnail views seem to have thumbnails that are way too big for their purpose. And maybe... could the category and rating be reversed with with the titles of the galleries at least?
PS. if the "new" colors for the categories are the same as the old one, can we pretty please with a cherry on top get the glossy textures back?
This post has been edited by Lexander: Mar 19 2019, 13:18
Mar 19 2019, 13:17
Group: Lurkers
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Honestly it's really horrible. It's much harder to check the titles in thumbnail mode.
Mar 19 2019, 13:18

QUOTE(rcombs @ Mar 19 2019, 12:14)  Looks like the td.glname element now has an onclick event that navigates to the gallery. This is a bit annoying if you're trying to ctrl/cmd-click a gallery to open it in a new tab. Few possible solutions:
The onclick should not trigger if control is held, to prevent precisely that. What browser/system are you using?
Mar 19 2019, 13:19
 Group: Gold Star Club
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UI is a thing, but the weird part is, MANY of the albums disappeared after this update. (e.g. circle: ONEONE1)
Mar 19 2019, 13:20
God Revan
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I personally don't like the new thumbnail look. It's rather ugly. I also don't like how the Popular Section is now its a separate page instead of it being together with the main first page of the galleries.
Everything else seems manageable. Thank you for the hard work regardless.
This post has been edited by God Revan: Mar 19 2019, 13:21
Mar 19 2019, 13:22
Group: Gold Star Club
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Tenboro, would you please make the flagged tags to show up in minimal search mode just like in the previous layout? At least small colored icons will be enough.
Everything else seems good, personally.
Edit: Added clarification.
This post has been edited by Vexxille: Mar 19 2019, 13:45
Mar 19 2019, 13:22
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 06:18)  The onclick should not trigger if control is held, to prevent precisely that. What browser/system are you using?
I'm on macOS. Looks like you're checking c.ctrlKey||c.shiftKey; you probably just need to add ||c.metaKey (since that's what's used to open a link in a new tab on mac).
Mar 19 2019, 13:24
  Group: Members
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Couple of questions
- Any chance we get to buy more Tagsets with Hath perks? - Any chance we get to sort the tags added into a tagset via color/name or other parameters? The current sorting looks kinda random
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