QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Feb 9 2018, 14:37)

- The .ido > div:nth-of-type(2) is a tad too long horizontally at 1024 x 768 resolution (https://i.imgur.com/YBIIsel.jpg)
Not related to the update, but I'll fix it anyway.
QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Feb 9 2018, 14:37)

- The gallery manager's "+ All" and "- All" are no longer buttons (intentional?)
Temporary but intentional.
QUOTE(cs987987 @ Feb 9 2018, 14:45)

OrgE & OrgJ can copy
CurE & CurJ can't copy
Radio button labels aren't copy-able in general now, but those probably should be.
QUOTE(sam48146 @ Feb 9 2018, 14:49)

Something was changed to make the frontpage/search page layout derp-tastic when viewed in 1080x1920 (portrait orientation).
Site used to list thumbnails 5 to a row when magnification was turned down to 80%-ish, but now it will only display 4 to a row no matter the magnification.
Nothing changed for those, but I'll give it a bit more space.
Edit: Those should be all fixed now.