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> [Script] Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0, See how good your equips are at a glance

post Jan 10 2018, 16:51
Post #21
Juggernaut Santa

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 10 2018, 14:07) *

My auctions use the same script. It's literally copy-pasted from Live Percentile Ranges into the auction script.

Well then that's a hella high rounding error then (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Feb 9 2017, 02:11) *

[One02] Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter (489, ADB 90%, Parry 98%) (seller: vivikinomoto123) End Of All Hope 3.2m #317 Extend to 14:35

Attached Image

QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Mar 30 2017, 04:01) *

[Hea03] Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter (500, ADB 74%) (seller: vivikinomoto123) End Of All Hope 4m #206 Extend to 14:20

Attached Image

QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 10 2018, 07:44) *

For Gauntlets => Legendary, I manually added 5.59 as Lmax block chance on Shielding.

Now it displays a correct value for my gauntlets (92%), good. But in gianfrix's link, his 5.59 gauntlets are still shown with 111% block (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)

edit: found another oddity
All the stats are 99/100% (rounding errors) but piercing mit (boosted by suffix) is 698% (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Non-peerless gauntlets (same suffix), 179%: http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=63dc830c24

Non-peerless helmet shows normal values (same suffix): http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=23ecadcdab
Non-peerless leggings, normal values too (same suffix): http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=98c7981d2d
Peerless boots, "normal" (99~101%) values too (same suffix): http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=0b7a90e6b1

Also, for some reason the breastplate "glitches" showing a lot of values twice..

This post has been edited by Juggernaut Santa: Jan 10 2018, 17:42
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post Jan 11 2018, 15:25
Post #22

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The auction ranges displayed a while ago were using the static percentile ranges, way before this script was made, so of course there will be some differences. But the differences aren't large (barring occasional bugs in this one), and the static ranges were by definition inaccurate compared to live ranges. Nowadays, the live ranges are always being used.
QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Jan 10 2018, 14:51) *
Now it displays a correct value for my gauntlets (92%), good. But in gianfrix's link, his 5.59 gauntlets are still shown with 111% block (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 9 2018, 11:28) *
When your browser gets ranges for an equip type back, it saves it in your own local database, so server requests are only made if you don't already have the range info for an equip type.
You need to clear your database in order to get the updated values.
QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Jan 10 2018, 14:51) *
All the stats are 99/100% (rounding errors) but piercing mit (boosted by suffix) is 698% (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Definitely a problem. Unfortunately, Jenga's database only has 4 equips matching Legendary|Peerless Reinforced Leather Breastplate of Deflection:
key    CAST( eqs.value AS DECIMAL(9,2) )    eid    key
Piercing    14.91    68845876    07b2f2886b
Piercing    15.42    94314949    2196376394
Piercing    15.48    96398504    5189ae679a
Piercing MIT    15.33    101612239    79eb29ec24
The reason there are so few is because it requires a specific prefix and a specific suffix, and a small sample size results in a large margin of error for the true Lmax/Lmin. My database was using 70m as the EID cutoff, so the first one there wasn't included, so the range I had was 15.33 - 15.48, which is way too thin.

The reverse forge calculator says 105749146's unforged piercing mit is 16.38, but the calculator isn't 100% trustworthy, so I've manually set Lmax to 16.3 until we can get better numbers. Exact same issue with the Gauntlets, I've set Lmax to 11.23.
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post Jan 11 2018, 15:49
Post #23

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 11 2018, 14:25) *

But the differences aren't large (barring occasional bugs in this one)

allow me to remember users that even large percentile differences (say, a 10% spread) actually reflect in a small gap in the actual roll. so, no panic, no red buttons, no whatever. and saving for this transitory phase in which there's a bit of uncertainty, high percentiles still hint (and will hint) at high rolls in that range. likewise for low percentiles.
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post Jan 11 2018, 16:26
Post #24
Juggernaut Santa

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 11 2018, 14:25) *

You need to clear your database in order to get the updated values.

So why did mine update 102% -> 92%, while the others remained 111% -> 111%?
The base values of block used for one and the other are different.
One got updated even if I already stored a different value without clearing the database, the other didn't get updated. Why?
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post Jan 11 2018, 16:52
Post #25

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Just delete your old database, many of its values are invalid; then it'll work. (maybe not perfectly, that's what this thread is for, but better)

Attached Image

If you see 111% then you're still using the old bad database, please report problems with the current setup, not with the older buggier setups.
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post Jan 11 2018, 17:09
Post #26

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Super, found a bug, repeating PABs in Shade:
Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet

This post has been edited by gianfrix94: Jan 11 2018, 17:09
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post Jan 11 2018, 17:21
Post #27

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"Plate" is matching "breastplate". I remembered to check for the space on one of the Plate tests but forgot it on the second.
Line ~155, change the beginning to "[[/\splate/, /power/], ...
(add "\s" right before the "p")

(not posting trivial script fix yet, I'm in the process of adding other stuff)

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Jan 11 2018, 17:23
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post Jan 11 2018, 17:28
Post #28

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 11 2018, 16:21) *

(not posting trivial script fix yet, I'm in the process of adding other stuff)

No prob, i just said it to let you know (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 11 2018, 21:17
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Hi super, i added this to the CSS sheet inside DocumentInteractor(), so the forges of equipment are always inside the equipment box, maybe you'd like to add it too:
#equip_extended { height: initial!important; min-height:400px!important; }

This instead is me being nitpicky, if you'd like to change these (simmetry and all that (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)):
#selectDiv {display: none; margin-top:10px;}
#clearButton { margin-top: 40px; margin-right: 20px; }

And maybe you'd like to change displayStyleDiv.onclick inside addResultsToDocument(resultsParam) to this to make that div togglable:
displayStyleDiv.onclick = () => {
      if(!select.parentElement.style.display || select.parentElement.style.display == 'none')
          select.parentElement.style.display = 'block';
          select.parentElement.style.display = 'none';

This post has been edited by gianfrix94: Jan 11 2018, 22:02
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post Jan 12 2018, 00:35
Post #30

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Thank you for making this script~
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post Jan 13 2018, 02:59
Post #31

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Noticed the LHOH in this week's auction displays an infinite casting speed stat. Seems to be picking up the potency.
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post Jan 13 2018, 03:29
Post #32

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QUOTE(Cryosite @ Jan 13 2018, 00:59) *

Noticed the LHOH in this week's auction displays an infinite casting speed stat. Seems to be picking up the potency.
isHtmlNameFromIW fixed in an earlier version, 1.0.2 should properly account for it

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Jan 21 2018, 03:19
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post Jan 13 2018, 06:45
Post #33

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 13 2018, 10:29) *

isHtmlNameFromIW fixed in an earlier version, 1.0.2 should properly account for it

I want to ask when does updated base show up?
I sent data of new Lmin for
Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Surtr (Lv.344, MDB 30%, EDB 5%, Prof 69%)
1-2 days ago but still script doesn't represent(I cleared local data)
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post Jan 13 2018, 06:50
Post #34

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QUOTE(gianfrix94 @ Jan 11 2018, 19:17) *
Hi super, i added this to the CSS sheet inside DocumentInteractor(), so the forges of equipment are always inside the equipment box, maybe you'd like to add it too:
This instead is me being nitpicky, if you'd like to change these (simmetry and all that (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)):
Looks better, thanks.
QUOTE(gianfrix94 @ Jan 11 2018, 19:17) *
And maybe you'd like to change displayStyleDiv.onclick inside addResultsToDocument(resultsParam) to this to make that div togglable:
I did consider that, but I thought that if someone's done with looking at the equip page details (which are impossible to open accidentally), they're almost certainly done with the equip page entirely.
QUOTE(paruri @ Jan 13 2018, 04:45) *
I want to ask when does updated base show up?
I sent data of new Lmin for
Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Surtr (Lv.344, MDB 30%, EDB 5%, Prof 69%)
1-2 days ago but still script doesn't represent(I cleared local data)
Without intervention, it takes 2 weeks for the server's range to expire and for it to request a new one from Jenga's, which will have the updated ranges. But you can also ask me to manually delete a range from the database so that a new one is requested immediately. I just deleted Redwood Legendary, so its next update should have the new info.

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Jan 21 2018, 03:18
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post Jan 13 2018, 07:26
Post #35

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 13 2018, 13:50) *

Without intervention, it takes 2 weeks for the server's range to expire and for it to request a new one from Jenga's, which will have the updated ranges. But you can also ask me to manually delete a range from the database so that a new one is requested immediately. I just deleted Redwood Legendary, so its next update should have the new info.

Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
And sorry for bothering you:(
I was just curious how the mechanism works (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Jan 14 2018, 07:11
Post #36

The Sleeper
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Magnificent Oak Staff of Heimdall
If i select Legendary Ranges for this equipment i get this message: "No data available for this equip type".
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post Jan 14 2018, 07:51
Post #37
Juggernaut Santa

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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Jan 11 2018, 15:52) *

Just delete your old database, many of its values are invalid; then it'll work.

Do I have to do it every time?
It takes several minutes per equipment type I haven't got the ranges from the server already, if I have to store all of them again each time I have wrong values saved, I'll live without the script (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jan 14 2018, 08:44
Post #38

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I guess you put ADB's level scaling factor for MDB
Attached Image
Level scaling for MDB is 22.7275 instead of 50/3 according to wiki
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post Jan 16 2018, 15:59
Post #39

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All I get is "No data available for this equip type".

I disabled all other scripts, and tried it on a bunch of different items.
I tried it on both chrome and firefox, but it doesn't work.
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post Jan 16 2018, 16:28
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QUOTE(phontas @ Jan 16 2018, 14:59) *

All I get is "No data available for this equip type".

I disabled all other scripts, and tried it on a bunch of different items.
I tried it on both chrome and firefox, but it doesn't work.

Do you use the normal site or alt?
Did you check the console for errors?
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