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> [Script] Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0, See how good your equips are at a glance

post Apr 24 2022, 07:28
Post #161

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(paladinefizban @ Apr 24 2022, 03:38) *

hey! mine wont work either.
tampermonkey 4.16
and live percentile 1 . 1 . 0 . s3
and i got
monster 1412
smart 137s2
and im on chrome
What up yo!
running everything else on standard. No random whacky changes

first, try changing the font in HV settings
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post Apr 24 2022, 08:05
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done and works. Now. Lets see if any of this stuff is any good. THANKIESS. (now my font looks TERRIBLE though)
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post Feb 12 2023, 01:09
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Hi, sorry if I'm incorrect in understanding the problem (I'm definitely a newb regarding the Live Percentile Range script), but I have an equip that has negative percentile stats making it impossible to be parsed (at least, I think that's the problem.)

It's an equip someone gifted me out of the blue, and I'm not quite yet at the level I can use it, but I wanted to compare it to my current gear, but no matter how long I wait, it never brings up the comparison ranges.

I saw in an earlier post you told someone to PM you if this problem arose, but I was unable to do so because your PMs are either turned off or your inbox is full. Could you take a look at it for me (or tell me what I'm doing wrong?) Thanks!

Magnificent Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter
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post Feb 12 2023, 02:40
Post #164
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(trogon @ Feb 11 2023, 17:09) *

Hi, sorry if I'm incorrect in understanding the problem (I'm definitely a newb regarding the Live Percentile Range script), but I have an equip that has negative percentile stats making it impossible to be parsed (at least, I think that's the problem.)

It's an equip someone gifted me out of the blue, and I'm not quite yet at the level I can use it, but I wanted to compare it to my current gear, but no matter how long I wait, it never brings up the comparison ranges.

I saw in an earlier post you told someone to PM you if this problem arose, but I was unable to do so because your PMs are either turned off or your inbox is full. Could you take a look at it for me (or tell me what I'm doing wrong?) Thanks!

Magnificent Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter

Hi there, I'm gonna try to write a post in the most encompassing way possible to minimize trouble and hopefully it helps you troubleshoot your script.
  • Try turning it on and off
  • First of all get yourself the latest version of the script.
  • Do note the script only works if you have set up a Custom Font in the Font Engine part of the Settings. If you're a font purist and want to keep the original one or a very similar one look around for one named Starcraft.
  • As far as I know the range database was made a long time ago by user submission and lottery peerless comparison and it was discontinued at some point, so the ranges aren't exhaustive and the script merely uses cache'd ranges from Superlatanium's site. This means you will get many cases with Legendary items in the negative ranges or over 100% as those would be the new extremes but no way to update the ranges for everyone as of now.
  • Obsolete items from very old game patches have lower stats so if you have one it's likely to be either full negative or subpar stats for very old Peerless items or the script will outright say there's no valid ranges.
  • To expand the options available click at the bottom of your item, below the owner, where it says 286, IW 2, PXP 345, Mag ranges: Str 6%, Dex 76% in the case of your item. To compare your gear (which hopefully by this point works flawlessly) you merely have to paste the link to another item, try this one to test Legendary Ethereal Estoc of the Vampire. I just tested and it does compare both without a hitch so do tell us if it didn't work.
  • Some extra keybinds for the script are:
Q to show Unforged Percentiles
W to show Forged Percentiles
E to show Absolute Percentiles
A to show Unforged Base
S to show Forged Base
D to show Fully Forged Base
Z to show Forged Scaled to your level
X to show Forged Scaled to a custom level
C to show Fully Forged Scaled to a custom level
F to show Forged Scaled to the equip's current level (the default display style of hentaiverse.org)
L to show equip's link for the forum ( [url=... )

※If you want to have buttons for these functions rather than just keybinds, set "mobile" to "true" within the script.

And regarding Super and PMs dude stopping playing a long time ago and quile certain inquiries may get a reply via MM (proxy bid key/auction stuff) for the most part you can consider Super in maintenance mode so I wouldn't expect any replies in his threads anytime soon. Hope it helps.

This post has been edited by Pretty anon: Feb 12 2023, 02:45
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post Feb 12 2023, 03:16
Post #165

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Oh man, sorry to make you post all of that, but thanks so much, anyway. After confirming I'd already done everything you advised, I realized that I had simply goofed and posted the item link generated by the script's forum link button rather than the regular item link, which was preventing the results from displaying. Oops. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
Thanks again.

Based on what you said, I'm guessing the item is old/obsolete, since several stats are negative (-125% agility, for example). Like I said, it was an unsolicited gift, so no big deal if it's unusable, I guess.

This post has been edited by trogon: Feb 12 2023, 03:21
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post Feb 12 2023, 04:55
Post #166
Pretty anon

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Attached Image

Glad you managed to make it work. Looking at the equip it indeed seems so as it seems to be in a state between Exq and Mag stat-wise, however percentiles can be very misleading. If you look at the formulas and the base AGI in 2H weapons you come to realize its contribution is rather small compared to other stats and the overall numbers of your body gear so I wouldn't mind it that much.

And if the equip came to you and you actually play that style I would hold it for a while for two reasons: since a solid chunk of the playerbase plays the game like a flowchart many 2h weapons don't even make it to the market because they get salvaged for cores/mats, sold to bazaar or just disposed of via autosell and autosalvage because it's "not optimal" and you could very well make it to level 400 without seeing a strong one you can actually equip or soulfuse, and two, Tanboro plans to modify equips soon to make it so there are no more pre-patch and post-patch equips and even hinted about there being a chance of even obsolete items getting stat corrected and some old items possibly being brought back. So you could end up with a surprise boost all of a sudden or a useful weapon for someone else in the future.

This post has been edited by Pretty anon: Feb 12 2023, 04:56
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post Feb 13 2023, 10:48
Post #167

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Feb 12 2023, 11:55) *

And if the equip came to you and you actually play that style I would hold it for a while for two reasons: since a solid chunk of the playerbase plays the game like a flowchart many 2h weapons don't even make it to the market because they get salvaged for cores/mats, sold to bazaar or just disposed of via autosell and autosalvage because it's "not optimal" and you could very well make it to level 400 without seeing a strong one you can actually equip or soulfuse, and two, Tanboro plans to modify equips soon to make it so there are no more pre-patch and post-patch equips and even hinted about there being a chance of even obsolete items getting stat corrected and some old items possibly being brought back. So you could end up with a surprise boost all of a sudden or a useful weapon for someone else in the future.

Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I'm determined to keep playing 2H, mostly because everyone keeps telling me it's the absolute worst. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Seems to me any "role-playing" game where everyone is encouraged to play the same type of character isn't much of a role-playing game, so I'd sooner quit than go down the overly trodden path of mage just because the math works in its favor.
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post Feb 25 2023, 19:25
Post #168

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Feb 12 2023, 10:55) *

Attached Image

Tanboro plans to modify equips soon to make it so there are no more pre-patch and post-patch equips and even hinted about there being a chance of even obsolete items getting stat corrected and some old items possibly being brought back. So you could end up with a surprise boost all of a sudden or a useful weapon for someone else in the future.

... ...huh ^q^? I just get back after nearly 10 years. IDK what to do with all equips. I just try to find an available equipment plugin...maybe I should just wait for the app version Attached Image

This post has been edited by richlich: Feb 25 2023, 19:26
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post Feb 26 2023, 00:04
Post #169

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QUOTE(richlich @ Feb 25 2023, 17:25) *

... ...huh ^q^? I just get back after nearly 10 years. IDK what to do with all equips. I just try to find an available equipment plugin...maybe I should just wait for the app version Attached Image

You probably have a lot of obsolete equips, which could have some value to collectors. You'll have to search WTB to find them, or open a shop. I would suggest not equipping them, since they will scale to your level and they might lose value in the eyes of collectors.

Live percentile ranges compares the base stat rolls on each equip to the best known and worst known, currently obtainable. It doesn't really work well (or not even at all) with obsoletes, since equip generation has gone through many changes over the years, but it's been the same for a few years now.
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post Mar 11 2023, 22:43
Post #170

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QUOTE(Alexander44 @ Jan 5 2022, 07:03) *

The 1.1.0.s3 version doesn't work on Firefox default + Tampermonkey at all, does nothing in both peristent and isekai, tried disabling all other complements and scripts.

The 1.1.0.s version works fine, I got to make it work on isekai with the fix shown in the thread:

// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip*
// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/showequip.php*
If you are using the 1.1.0.s version add this at the beginning of the script, it will break it in persistent but works on isekai:

// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip*
// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/showequip.php*

Could you share the 1.1.0.s version please?

I'm on the newest Firefox + Tampermonkey and the script is not being detected in Tampermonkey at all.
I can select and deselect Monsterbation and HVToolBox just fine but "Live Percentile Ranges" is not there.

The font engine has a custom font enabled and the other two scripts I mentioned work fine.
I tried disabling them + uBlock Origin but that didn't help either.

Any ideas?
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post Mar 12 2023, 08:30
Post #171

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(nine08 @ Mar 11 2023, 21:43) *

Could you share the 1.1.0.s version please?

I'm on the newest Firefox + Tampermonkey and the script is not being detected in Tampermonkey at all.
I can select and deselect Monsterbation and HVToolBox just fine but "Live Percentile Ranges" is not there.

The font engine has a custom font enabled and the other two scripts I mentioned work fine.
I tried disabling them + uBlock Origin but that didn't help either.

Any ideas?

works for me in FF+TM, so that's strange. Are you sure you haven't made a copy/paste error? Also, you can check the browser console for errors caused by the script.
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post Mar 12 2023, 11:40
Post #172

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QUOTE(Noni @ Mar 12 2023, 09:30) *

works for me in FF+TM, so that's strange. Are you sure you haven't made a copy/paste error? Also, you can check the browser console for errors caused by the script.

Should it work on the "Equip Inventory" page of HV or am I using it wrong perhaps?

Edit: Oh nvm, I have to use "c" to create an item link and the script does its thing now.

Thank you =)

This post has been edited by nine08: Mar 13 2023, 01:57
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post Apr 12 2023, 14:36
Post #173

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Mine wont work, in
always show "checking",
tampermonkey 4.18.1
and live percentile 1 . 1 . 0 . s3

Font Engine

Use Custom Font (specify below - this font MUST be installed on your local system to work)

黑体; Arial
vertical adjust

Problem solved, unrecognizable caused by translation plugin

This post has been edited by 无心の小F: Apr 15 2023, 07:08
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post Apr 25 2023, 12:51
Post #174

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I've identified a problem with scripts not loading in a particular browser or version.
Additionally, I have also identified a problem that does not work in private mode.

Microsoft Edge
112.0.1722.58 (Stable) +Private mode
113.0.1774.15 (Beta) +Private mode (Non Private mode is worked)
114.0.1815.0 (Canary) +Private mode (Non Private mode is worked)

Google Chrome
112.0.5615.138 (Stable) +Private mode (Non Private mode is worked)

I don't know what caused the error in the script.
If anyone experiences the same error as me, please refer to it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post Apr 25 2023, 21:36
Post #175

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Did you activate the setting:

Allow in Incognito

in the Tampermonkey Details ?

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post Apr 26 2023, 05:21
Post #176

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QUOTE(anton3210 @ Apr 26 2023, 04:36) *

Did you activate the setting:

Allow in Incognito

in the Tampermonkey Details ?


Microsoft edge (111.0.1661.62) Older versions using incognito mode work fine with the same settings.
This problem appeared after Chromium update.

This post has been edited by microDrain: Apr 26 2023, 05:33
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post Aug 20 2023, 15:56
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thats nice
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post Nov 14 2023, 04:07
Post #178

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Feb 11 2023, 18:40) *

Hi there, I'm gonna try to write a post in the most encompassing way possible to minimize trouble and hopefully it helps you troubleshoot your script.
  • Try turning it on and off
  • First of all get yourself the latest version of the script.
  • Do note the script only works if you have set up a Custom Font in the Font Engine part of the Settings. If you're a font purist and want to keep the original one or a very similar one look around for one named Starcraft.
  • As far as I know the range database was made a long time ago by user submission and lottery peerless comparison and it was discontinued at some point, so the ranges aren't exhaustive and the script merely uses cache'd ranges from Superlatanium's site. This means you will get many cases with Legendary items in the negative ranges or over 100% as those would be the new extremes but no way to update the ranges for everyone as of now.
  • Obsolete items from very old game patches have lower stats so if you have one it's like be either full negative or subpar stats for very old Peerless items or the script will outright say there's no valid ranges.
  • To expand the options available click at the bottom of your item, below the owner, where it says 286, IW 2, PXP 345, Mag ranges: Str 6%, Dex 76% in the case of your item. To compare your gear (which hopefully by this point works flawlessly) you merely have to paste the link to another item, try this one to test Legendary Ethereal Estoc of the Vampire. I just tested and it does compare both without a hitch so do tell us if it didn't work.
  • Some extra keybinds for the script are:
Q to show Unforged Percentiles
W to show Forged Percentiles
E to show Absolute Percentiles
A to show Unforged Base
S to show Forged Base
D to show Fully Forged Base
Z to show Forged Scaled to your level
X to show Forged Scaled to a custom level
C to show Fully Forged Scaled to a custom level
F to show Forged Scaled to the equip's current level (the default display style of hentaiverse.org)
L to show equip's link for the forum ( [url=... )

※If you want to have buttons for these functions rather than just keybinds, set "mobile" to "true" within the script.

And regarding Super and PMs dude stopping playing a long time ago and quile certain inquiries may get a reply via MM (proxy bid key/auction stuff) for the most part you can consider Super in maintenance mode so I wouldn't expect any replies in his threads anytime soon. Hope it helps.

I did this and more and it doesn't work!!! In Isekai.. in persistent, thanks for the script (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Nov 14 2023, 09:02
Post #179

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Vanz/452 @ Nov 14 2023, 03:07) *

I did this and more and it doesn't work!!! In Isekai.. in persistent, thanks for the script (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)


// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/iskekai/equip/*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/isekai/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://alt.hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     http://alt.hentaiverse.org/showequip.php*

This is what I'm using, and it works in isekai. But please note that I haven't included alt.hentaiverse.org/isekai ! I can't use it in alt equipment popups. I just manually change those to regular hv links. Could it be that you are using alt?
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post Nov 14 2023, 11:30
Post #180

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QUOTE(Noni @ Nov 14 2023, 01:02) *


// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/*
// @include     https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/iskekai/equip/*
// @include     http://hentaiverse.org/isekai/pages/showequip.php*
// @include     http://alt.hentaiverse.org/equip/*
// @include     http://alt.hentaiverse.org/showequip.php*

This is what I'm using, and it works in isekai. But please note that I haven't included alt.hentaiverse.org/isekai ! I can't use it in alt equipment popups. I just manually change those to regular hv links. Could it be that you are using alt?

Never used alt, neither touch Isekai. That code doesn't ruin it for persistent? Basara I think said something like that.
I just want to take a look at the auction there. How does this changing link works? We need to add or remove something, isn't easier than messing with code?~~~


Sorry, sometimes I can't English.
So I did what you said. Replaced the OG match lines with your includes, save, turned off/on. Same. Then replaced the include in your lines for match cos I got a warning, save.. Same. Only works with persistent equipment.

I'm starting to believe that never played Isekai is the reason!!!

No data available for this equip type

Edit 2

Read more about Android FF that we can't actually change fonts default is TNR or roboto either way for script effects it counts.
I gave up, delete my gibberish, reinstalled the OG, went to Isekai, cleared first blood, got my first average, on equipment wear and opened the url and bam %%%%%%% everywhere!!
The script in the first post works perfectly.
You just need a costume font and and play Isekai once.

This post has been edited by Vanz/452: Nov 16 2023, 10:59
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