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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Jan 3 2018, 06:21
Post #61

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QUOTE(Nayas @ Jan 2 2018, 21:23) *

There's a bug in ability window, if you don't have a single point in ability, clicking on empty levels usually does nothing. Clicking on already learned levels works fine.

Difficulty levels are saved by persona, you should update the page or at least the selected difficulty when changing persona, or it might show the wrong difficulty.

Thanks for reporting (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

They will be fixed in next update.

QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jan 2 2018, 21:30) *

Hi sssss2,

Long monster names mess up the display for me. Is this something that you could fix? Or do I use the wrong font?

My settings:
font-family Verdana
font-size 8
font-weight bold
vertical adjust -3

Edit: 2nd bug - can't access the high level arena's anymore because of line-spacing

Thank you.

I'll modify ML UI a little for a long monster name.

If you need to fix it now,

go to line 3845 and modify the line


#slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(2) {width:200px}



#slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(2) {width:200px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden}

And, UI bug in Arena is related to HV's own bug (or intended for other purpose): Sometimes another transparent (invisible) "START" image appears.

It will be also fixed.

+ I have to deal with a line-breaking that is caused by long persona name.

QUOTE(Cryosite @ Jan 3 2018, 12:35) *

One issue with the Moogle Mail portion of the script.
Use case:
I am sending one amnesia shard and one equipment to someone (to make use of their reforge service and Dark Descent perk).

The script makes it easier to find the amnesia shard in the list. That is helpful. But it doesn't seem to matter if I select/checkbox the shard first or the equipment first, the moogle mail will only send whichever I have selected second. It won't send both.

To be clear I am using this send button:

Is there any way to get the script to actually attach items/equipment to the mail while you're building it, the way you can do with no scripts?

I didn't take account of attaching items and equipment together.

I'll try to support it, but I can't give an answer when it will be applied. (not too late)

Thank you.


Since there is no critical issue or bug, I'll update 2.1.0b a few days later (or a week later).

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 3 2018, 06:23
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post Jan 5 2018, 03:19
Post #62

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Small feature request:
Very much just a luxury idea, to allow just a tiny bit more laziness while playing.

Could you add to this tool:
[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/ggLXaYG.png

Perhaps in the title bar of the infusion piece on the left. Some kind of indicator/reminder which day of the week is in effect. Another option might be to simply bold the text for the infusion(s) which match the day of the week.

For those of us in various timezones, it might not always be immediatly obvious exactly which day it is "right now." This would save the need to do a tiny bit of math to figure out if the day of the week has changed for HV yet or if it still matches the user's own calendar/clock. It would also save memorizing/looking up which element is for which day.

As I said, super lazy luxury request.
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post Jan 6 2018, 08:12
Post #63

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Thank you for amazing script!
It seems like making HV whole new games:)

And a minor problem I found
in https, enchant popup doesn't show up
Attached Image

I'm using iron chrome + tamper monkey and that works on alt page

This post has been edited by paruri: Jan 6 2018, 08:13
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post Jan 6 2018, 12:59
Post #64
Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt

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Attached Image


fsm is cleared RoB in today

this layout is bug?
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post Jan 6 2018, 18:43
Post #65

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RTS Since you didn't get any credits from the script bounties I've sent a bit of credits as a thank you for the wonderful script.
It's incredibly well done and practical and you deserve a lot of praise for it.

Well, the appreciation remains at least.

This post has been edited by Sapo84: Jan 7 2018, 04:02
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post Jan 7 2018, 06:14
Post #66

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QUOTE(Cryosite @ Jan 5 2018, 10:19) *

Small feature request:
Very much just a luxury idea, to allow just a tiny bit more laziness while playing.

Could you add to this tool:

Perhaps in the title bar of the infusion piece on the left. Some kind of indicator/reminder which day of the week is in effect. Another option might be to simply bold the text for the infusion(s) which match the day of the week.

For those of us in various timezones, it might not always be immediatly obvious exactly which day it is "right now." This would save the need to do a tiny bit of math to figure out if the day of the week has changed for HV yet or if it still matches the user's own calendar/clock. It would also save memorizing/looking up which element is for which day.

As I said, super lazy luxury request.

Thanks, I applied it.

QUOTE(paruri @ Jan 6 2018, 15:12) *

Thank you for amazing script!
It seems like making HV whole new games:)

And a minor problem I found
in https, enchant popup doesn't show up

I'm using iron chrome + tamper monkey and that works on alt page

You need to visit Equipment page.

* I fixed this problem.

QUOTE(Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt @ Jan 6 2018, 19:59) *


fsm is cleared RoB in today

this layout is bug?

It affect nothing so I left it.

It will be fixed.


I'll update 2.2.0a tomorrow, if no other report or request.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 7 2018, 06:16
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post Jan 7 2018, 08:23
Post #67

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 7 2018, 13:14) *

You need to visit Equipment page.

* I fixed this problem.

I'll update 2.2.0a tomorrow, if no other report or request.

Normally this wouldn't happen, because everyone visits equipment at least once,
but I usually play on alt page, and accidentally visited https page, and that's the reason this happend (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Thanks for feedback (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 8 2018, 11:35
Post #68

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HVUT 2.2.0a update
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post Jan 10 2018, 15:46
Post #69

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 8 2018, 18:35) *

HVUT 2.2.0a update

It seems script has a minor problem.
I'm using 2.2 0a, with SW Iron, and when I tried to reply for MM, it leads to 'write new' page but with no recipient and subject
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post Jan 10 2018, 19:31
Post #70

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QUOTE(paruri @ Jan 10 2018, 22:46) *

It seems script has a minor problem.
I'm using 2.2 0a, with SW Iron, and when I tried to reply for MM, it leads to 'write new' page but with no recipient and subject

Thanks for reporting.

It will be fixed with next week update.
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post Jan 13 2018, 12:41
Post #71

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post Jan 17 2018, 08:56
Post #72

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What's this infusion highlighting by day of the week is about?
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post Jan 17 2018, 10:58
Post #73

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QUOTE(Nayas @ Jan 17 2018, 07:56) *

What's this infusion highlighting by day of the week is about?

Since patch 0.85, every day buffs a different element. Check "battles" page on wiki
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post Jan 17 2018, 11:19
Post #74

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ah, thanks, I missed it.

Are there more variables for equipCode? ${stats} doesn't seem to work, can hvut show pabs or % ranges?
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post Jan 17 2018, 12:14
Post #75

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btw, ssss: i'd need to include your script into compendium, so i'd like to know: are all the functions in this script original work of yours or did you fix some of the old scripts? which ones, in the latter case?
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post Jan 17 2018, 20:09
Post #76

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QUOTE(Nayas @ Jan 17 2018, 18:19) *

ah, thanks, I missed it.

Are there more variables for equipCode? ${stats} doesn't seem to work, can hvut show pabs or % ranges?

HVUT doesn't support Percentile ranges script.

Use "note" input box instead.

QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jan 17 2018, 19:14) *

btw, ssss: i'd need to include your script into compendium, so i'd like to know: are all the functions in this script original work of yours or did you fix some of the old scripts? which ones, in the latter case?

Some (RE notification, difficulty changer and etc) were inspired by other scripts, but I've written everything by myself.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 17 2018, 20:10
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post Jan 17 2018, 20:33
Post #77

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 17 2018, 19:09) *

Some (RE notification, difficulty changer and etc) were inspired by other scripts, but I've written everything by myself.

oh, alright. thank you.
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post Jan 20 2018, 03:49
Post #78

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HVUT_2.2.1a update
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post Jan 27 2018, 12:28
Post #79

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HVUT_2.2.1b update
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post Jan 31 2018, 15:25
Post #80
Juggernaut Santa

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What this script needs: Confirmation on Sell/Salvage the single item.

Just clicking on the item shouldn't sell it instantly if I was going to unlock it to salvage it or vice versa.
I lost a HGW for it (and btw, I hope you enjoyed it, it was made with my Magnificent Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend, Lv 460 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )
It doesn't make sense, with the buttons on the top you cannot select a sellable piece for salvage or vice versa, but a random click on the item gets the action done instantly, even if it's the wrong one.
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