QUOTE(Nayas @ Jan 2 2018, 21:23)

There's a bug in ability window, if you don't have a single point in ability, clicking on empty levels usually does nothing. Clicking on already learned levels works fine.
Difficulty levels are saved by persona, you should update the page or at least the selected difficulty when changing persona, or it might show the wrong difficulty.
Thanks for reporting (IMG:[
They will be fixed in next update.
QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jan 2 2018, 21:30)

Hi sssss2,
Long monster names mess up the display for me. Is this something that you could fix? Or do I use the wrong font?
My settings:
font-family Verdana
font-size 8
font-weight bold
vertical adjust -3
Edit: 2nd bug - can't access the high level arena's anymore because of line-spacing
Thank you.
I'll modify ML UI a little for a long monster name.
If you need to fix it now,
go to line 3845 and modify the line
#slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(2) {width:200px}
#slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(2) {width:200px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden}
And, UI bug in Arena is related to HV's own bug (or intended for other purpose): Sometimes another transparent (invisible) "START" image appears.
It will be also fixed.
+ I have to deal with a line-breaking that is caused by long persona name.
QUOTE(Cryosite @ Jan 3 2018, 12:35)

One issue with the Moogle Mail portion of the script.
Use case:
I am sending one amnesia shard and one equipment to someone (to make use of their reforge service and Dark Descent perk).
The script makes it easier to find the amnesia shard in the list. That is helpful. But it doesn't seem to matter if I select/checkbox the shard first or the equipment first, the moogle mail will only send whichever I have selected second. It won't send both.
To be clear I am using this send button:
Is there any way to get the script to actually attach items/equipment to the mail while you're building it, the way you can do with no scripts?
I didn't take account of attaching items and equipment together.
I'll try to support it, but I can't give an answer when it will be applied. (not too late)
Thank you.
Since there is no critical issue or bug, I'll update 2.1.0b a few days later (or a week later).
This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 3 2018, 06:23