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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Nov 14 2024, 05:47
Post #541

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dumb question: how do you attach stuff with CoD? Do you just put the amount in the field next to options? Tried a few times and cant get it to work...
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post Nov 14 2024, 11:16
Post #542
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(folwaR... @ Nov 11 2024, 15:41) *

I just can't make this script work... Is the installation process the same as for others? I just copy/paste it into Greasemonkey.

Installation is same, but custom font is required. Every isekai season needs this to be done every time a new season starts.

QUOTE(arthurbrown918 @ Nov 13 2024, 21:47) *

dumb question: how do you attach stuff with CoD? Do you just put the amount in the field next to options? Tried a few times and cant get it to work...

For items you need to tick the box to the right of the item you want to attach, set a quantity of items to attach, the price per piece and the cod field autofills itself as seen here:

(IMG:[files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/x4i2ca.png)

After that you can press the Send button and it will set the CoD automatically for the sum of all attached items with a set price and send the item. If sending too many items and want to confirm what are you sending without all the clutter you press the Attach button at the bottom to filter out everything else and only show you what items you're attaching.

For equipments you tick the box to the right of the equip and set the price of the equip in the price field. Press the Send button and it will set the CoD automatically for the sum of all attached gear with a set price.

In both cases if you set a price in Item/Equip Inventory beforehand the price field will be autofilled for you and you merely need to tick box and unlock gears when necessary.

There's an extra box on isekai MM that says Persistent CoD. Leave that ticked when selling something for persistent credits. The moment you press Send it will send 2 MMs, one will send the items on isekai MM without CoD, and the second one is a replica with same body text sent to persistent MM, with a credit attached and the CoD of said items. If you're in a battle on persistent when sending this type of CoD it will wait until you finish before automatically sending the second MM (I think).

The field that says CoD Deduction is to give discounts, just have to type a credit quantity to be deducted out of the final CoD before sending. Useful if you have preset prices and need to change prices on the fly too for a rapidly changing market, like Isekai.

This post has been edited by Pretty anon: Nov 14 2024, 11:26
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post Nov 15 2024, 02:24
Post #543

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Nice.
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post Nov 16 2024, 13:51
Post #544

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Nov 14 2024, 17:16) *

For items you need to tick the box to the right of the item you want to attach, set a quantity of items to attach, the price per piece and the cod field autofills itself as seen here:

Thanks for the help
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post Nov 23 2024, 09:36
Post #545

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Hello everyone,
I'd like to know how to modify the equipment template of HVUtils to display more of the relevant stats and add red and orange to important stats in the link (to get similar results as in most shops automatically).

I assume to add color you just add the html template, so it should be easy, but I've tried to modify the equip code format to add relevant value in the parenthesis, between the $pab and the $note and it didn't work (I guess because "$ADB" and "$MDB" etc are not valid values?).

So my question would be: what's the list of valid values in the "equip code format?"

This post has been edited by Wivers: Nov 23 2024, 09:39
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post Dec 9 2024, 08:12
Post #546

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What's the difference between Magic Score and Arcane Score?
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post Dec 9 2024, 22:24
Post #547

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(polisperic @ Dec 9 2024, 07:12) *

What's the difference between Magic Score and Arcane Score?

magic score was a the first metric that people used to compare mage builds - higher means higher damage. Arcane Score is closer to the real damage output of a mage build. So it's a bit more accurate. But it does roughly the same thing. Higher means higher damage per second.

magic_score = magic_damage * (1 + edb) * (1 + magic_crit_chance * magic_crit_damage)
arcane_score = magic_damage * 1.25 * (1 + edb) * (1 + arcane_crit_chance * arcane_crit_damage)

where arcane crit chance and damage are depending on stuff like level etc. A bit more accurate, therefore.
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post Feb 12 2025, 04:34
Post #548

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1. Fix "Cancelling Use Restorative still use restorative" (only tested for 1 day)
The following changes have been tested for more than 3 months
2. Fix WTS code in item section
3. Display exp to 2 decimal place
4. Display monster gift with percentage and shorten the name of binding
5. +5 function in upgrade, for forge exp framing purpose. 10b, you have to make ISK forge exp triple than persistent
Attached File  HV_Utils.js.txt ( 600.17k ) Number of downloads: 15

All changes with note above +-
Attached File  changes.txt ( 6.48k ) Number of downloads: 15
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post Feb 15 2025, 12:33
Post #549

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How do i do this to my topic (colors, lv):

[ibb.co] (IMG:[i.ibb.co] https://i.ibb.co/cKbBMsvb/screenshot-2.jpg)

This post has been edited by pir3sbruno: Feb 15 2025, 12:35
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post Mar 12 2025, 10:44
Post #550

Doctor: Leave hentai son
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Minor issue report.

Was checking amount of materials needed to upgrade some Shade equipments.

When I type in 5 in one of the fields, it shows upgrade (Legendary) needs 5 Robust Catalyst, 30 Mid-Grade Leather and 5 Shade Fragment.

Number of Shade Fragment remains the same when multiple fields with values input.

For an equipment which was upgraded once (Physical Crit Chance Lv.1), the number of Shade Fragment is 4, and same as above number for Shade Fragment won't change with multiple value inputs.
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post Mar 12 2025, 11:02
Post #551

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Made a few changes to enhance the mobile experience (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
I can't sit in front of my computer 24/7, and sometimes when I open the ES on my phone and see a equipment what I need with good prefix/suffix, but I can't trigger the doubleclick action to check the percentile roll, I have to take a chance and buy it. And then 0%
The behavior of opening an equipment link can now be triggered by double-click or long-touch on mobile

Attached File  HV_Utils_3.0.0.user.txt ( 470.68k ) Number of downloads: 7


if (settings.equipmentMouseFunctions) {
  const handleAction = (div) => {
    if (div && div.matches('div[data-eid]')) {
      window.open(`equip/${div.dataset.eid}/${div.dataset.key}`, '_blank');

  document.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {
    const div = $qs('div[data-eid]:hover');

  let lastTap = 0;
  document.addEventListener('touchend', (event) => {
    const now = Date.now();
    if (now - lastTap < 300) {
      const div = document.elementFromPoint(event.changedTouches[0].clientX, event.changedTouches[0].clientY);
    lastTap = now;

  let touchTimer = null;
  document.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) => {
    const touch = event.touches[0];
    touchTimer = setTimeout(() => {
      const div = document.elementFromPoint(touch.clientX, touch.clientY);
    }, 500);

  document.addEventListener('touchend', () => {

  document.addEventListener('touchmove', () => {

This post has been edited by 剑行血间: Mar 12 2025, 11:05
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