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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Jan 7 2024, 16:30
Post #521

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I forgot to set default values for some options.
Modify as below: This is the recommended setting for most people.


reloadBattleURL: 1,

confirmStaminaRestorative: true,
disableStaminaRestorative: 85,
warnLowStamina: 2,

moogleMailCouponClipper: false,
moogleMailDarkDescent: false,
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post Jan 20 2024, 22:32
Post #522

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Is there a way to export & import Monster Lab logs from one laptop to another?
Or manually type in the log details such as days and item gained.

All the thanks & have a nice day (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by NBRa: Jan 23 2024, 12:49
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post Jan 31 2024, 23:51
Post #523

Hataraku Noni-sama
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may I suggest a feature:
for tower, on battle start page, warn if health ends at 1 or 6. Because of the spirit shield + spark of life bug.

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post Feb 8 2024, 01:41
Post #524

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To be honest I am rather confused about how it works other then switching up how the game looks. From what I see does it have like an auto battle function since I have seen someone apparently raise levels overnight? Can it go through certain arena matches automatically? What exactly does this do besides making the UI a bit more in depth.
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post Feb 8 2024, 07:33
Post #525
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(Noni @ Jan 31 2024, 15:51) *

may I suggest a feature:
for tower, on battle start page, warn if health ends at 1 or 6. Because of the spirit shield + spark of life bug.

Aren't there cases where you gain prof over the course of your tower run and such a feature could cause a false sense of security? I know I've had it happen before.

QUOTE(beed1000 @ Feb 7 2024, 17:41) *

To be honest I am rather confused about how it works other then switching up how the game looks. From what I see does it have like an auto battle function since I have seen someone apparently raise levels overnight? Can it go through certain arena matches automatically? What exactly does this do besides making the UI a bit more in depth.

More like, HVUtils is a HV enhancer script which adds several functions and quality of life improvements to outside battle interfaces whereas Monsterbation is the one script that adds QoL and stuff to actual battles. The latter is the one you're likely thinking of but it's sort of an auto clicker, product of community collaboration which apparently even involved consultation with the admin when making it, so it effectively provides the most rule bending you can expect without being in danger of bans. Auto battling, on the other hand is ban-worthy according to said ruling.

As an auto clicker you still have to pay attention to the game actions, but you now "hover" and prevent killing your mouse or your wrists, and as for leveling speed, it can vary a lot between individuals based on perks, trainings, awards, gear, difficulty, available time and game knowledge, but it should still be possible to level up relatively fast at your level as long as you ramp up the difficulty as high as you can.

Oh yeah, HVUtils functions are several but some of them include:
-Enhanced Mooglemail options (multimails, bulk attachments, isekai item-persistent credit CoD mailing, searching, saving, contact list, etc.).
-Advanced Monster Lab management allowing to bulk upgrade, plan and save upgrades beforehand and better status overview of upgrades on monsters.
-Save shop templates meant for WTS/WTB along with editable material lists which enable dynamic pricing.
-Better upgrading options which are again useful for bulk upgrading, along with simulator for material needs or salvaged item returns.
-Item World preview to know how many rounds you're playing and how many levels you're gaining, along with safe Reforging.
-Shrine logging along with bulk shrining options
-Equipment stats, notes and code for fast linking be it isekai auctions or shops
-Bazaar filtering and easier training options
-Fast enchantment options pre-battle
-Random Encounter timer, and the ability to "save" one of those in case you're mid-battle

and god knows what else I'm missing but yeah if you so decide to, you may or may not use HVUtils and nothing changes if you don't use any of those options or only a handful of them, but if you do it could come in handy as a tool. That said Monsterbation seems like it should be of interest to you.
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post Apr 14 2024, 10:49
Post #526

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Is there a way to add levels to the protection filter in the equipment shop?
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post Jun 25 2024, 01:14
Post #527

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Just updated from an old version, how do I deselect Monsters in the Monster Upgrader?
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post Jun 25 2024, 23:13
Post #528

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QUOTE(Spyroflex @ Jun 24 2024, 19:14) *

Just updated from an old version, how do I deselect Monsters in the Monster Upgrader?

How do you select monsters in the Monster Upgrader?
Second time hearing people can select monsters in upgrader
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post Jun 26 2024, 03:09
Post #529

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QUOTE(l13763824039 @ Jun 25 2024, 23:13) *

How do you select monsters in the Monster Upgrader?
Second time hearing people can select monsters in upgrader

I don't know in which version the Monster Lab was changed but with HV Utils 2.13.4 you can select or deselect monsters by just clicking on them and use shift+click to easily select/deselect multiple monsters at once.
Extremely useful feature as you can just increase a whole column without then having to manually remove it from monsters you don't actually want upgraded.
Being able to upgrade only a specific selection of monsters in just 4 clicks without accidentally upgrading anything else is just way too useful (for me at least).

So I really hope that I'm just missing a setting or its a bug and not a scrapped feature, especially since now that I loaded 3.0.0 I can't seem to revert the script back to an older version without breaking the Monster Lab
and I don't wanna use a different browser session just for the old Monster Upgrader.
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post Aug 27 2024, 02:46
Post #530

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I've managed to hit this error which I think may be unrelated to the script but affects it anyway:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/VCz2POx.png)

After checking it, it comes from the list function:
  list: function (node, sort = true, parent = node) {
    if (!node) {
    const equiplist = Array.from($qsa('div[onmouseover*="equips.set"]', node)).map((div) => {
      const eq = $equip.parse.div(div);
      eq.node.wrapper = div.parentNode;
      if (eq.info.customname) {
        div.dataset.eqname = eq.info.name;
      div.classList.add('hvut-eq-' + eq.info.quality);
      return eq;
    if (settings.equipSort && sort) {
      $equip.sort(equiplist, parent);
    return equiplist;

It appears that the equip ID just doesn't exist in _window.dynjs_equip, so the return object from $equip.parse.div() becomes:

{ error: "no data" }

I currently am just using a dummy where I dupe another node's parsed object to get around this. Very dirty, but whatever.

EDIT: It fixed itself later. I'm pretty sure this just means that the lottery weapons get immediately added to the inventory but it doesn't immediately get added to whatever response populates the weapon data.

This post has been edited by somebodyoverthemoon: Aug 30 2024, 21:14
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post Sep 7 2024, 13:28
Post #531

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I have a problem with RE counter from HV Utils...
Everytime I finished Riddlemaster, the RE counter always disappear...
I don't know whether HV Utils or Monsterbation are the problem...
Or is this the normal behavior??? Because IIRC the RE doesn't disappear in the past...

Attached Image

After Riddlemaster
Attached Image
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post Sep 7 2024, 23:09
Post #532

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Does FastEnchant work for everyone else? The enchant options don't change for armor and stay on weapon enchants, so I can no longer fast enchant featherweight charms for my armor.

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post Sep 8 2024, 02:47
Post #533
Pretty anon

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Sorry Greshnik, don't know but that's definitely not normal and is likely due to HVUtils.

QUOTE(aznknightfire @ Sep 7 2024, 15:09) *

Does FastEnchant work for everyone else? The enchant options don't change for armor and stay on weapon enchants, so I can no longer fast enchant featherweight charms for my armor.


QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 5 2024, 02:01) *

Click the durability button (400 / 400 100%) to select equipment.
It was inconvenient for the equipment to be selected every time the mouse hovered, so I changed it.

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post Sep 8 2024, 11:08
Post #534

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QUOTE(Greshnik @ Sep 7 2024, 18:28) *

I have a problem with RE counter from HV Utils...
Everytime I finished Riddlemaster, the RE counter always disappear...
I don't know whether HV Utils or Monsterbation are the problem...
Or is this the normal behavior??? Because IIRC the RE doesn't disappear in the past...

Attached Image

After Riddlemaster
Attached Image

Reinstalling HVUtils solves the issue...
Dunno what cause it though...
Maybe I accidentally delete some line in the script... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post Sep 11 2024, 17:26
Post #535

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Sep 7 2024, 19:47) *

Click the durability button (400 / 400 100%) to select equipment.
It was inconvenient for the equipment to be selected every time the mouse hovered, so I changed it.

Awesome, thanks for the assist!!
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post Oct 15 2024, 22:06
Post #536

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I don't know what I did wrong, but the script doesn't seem to work for me. It asks me to use custom font, which I did, but then nothing happened.

I have installed monsterbation and the script for equips percentiles as well. Both work fine. Is there something I can try?
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post Oct 16 2024, 01:27
Post #537

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Did something happen to the scripts recently? All my e-hentai stuff is broken? (TM said to flip on developer mode, which it already was)
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post Oct 17 2024, 13:22
Post #538
Aman thull

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QUOTE(folwaR... @ Oct 15 2024, 23:06) *

I don't know what I did wrong, but the script doesn't seem to work for me. It asks me to use custom font, which I did, but then nothing happened.

I have installed monsterbation and the script for equips percentiles as well. Both work fine. Is there something I can try?

Make sure to check the box under font engine and use a font installed on your device (Ariel , Georgia , Tahoma ...) and put font size (8,9,10..etc) and save your settings.

QUOTE(Taletta @ Oct 16 2024, 02:27) *

Did something happen to the scripts recently? All my e-hentai stuff is broken? (TM said to flip on developer mode, which it already was)

It's not a script problem but with the browser or the extension TM .
Try switching to another browser or an older version of TM 5.1.1 or use ViolentMonkey or TM legacy
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post Oct 18 2024, 03:26
Post #539

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That immediately and perfectly solved the problem! Thank you so much, Aman!

I hope you have a terrific weekend, yes yes! \(* ' - ')/
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post Nov 11 2024, 23:41
Post #540

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I just can't make this script work... Is the installation process the same as for others? I just copy/paste it into Greasemonkey.
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