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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Mar 4 2023, 03:53
Post #481

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QUOTE(Med1um @ Mar 4 2023, 02:25) *

I often just fail to notice "beep" signal about new "encounter battle", whether it's due to me watching/listening something that muffle a sound, or my browser just skipping the work because "tab wasn't active too long ago" or something... i don't know.
Do anyone know where can i put that "alert" popup call in order for it not to interfere with "beep"?

the browser will delay the timer work for few minutes if the page is not active for too long, but it's not that matter for few minute RE delay, add a hacktimer in the script header if you want to fix it
// @require        https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hacktimer@1.1.3/HackTimer.min.js

and the alert will block the running script in the page until you click it, you have no way to avoid that
the Notification function may do what you want, it popup anywhere without breaking script, but it may be annoying if many notifications popped, especially when you're in battle

This post has been edited by what_is_name: Mar 4 2023, 03:55
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post Mar 4 2023, 10:27
Post #482

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Mar 4 2023, 04:53) *

the browser will delay the timer work for few minutes if the page is not active for too long, but it's not that matter for few minute RE delay, add a hacktimer in the script header if you want to fix it

My problem that it's not just "delayed", but just stop working completely, aka it shows "ready" in navigation bar, without timer, and will not ever make a sound until i remember and notice it by myself, and start it again by triggering an encounter.
I think it's more on me, than browser, since when i watch something, sometimes i hear that beep incredibly quiet, wouldn't surprise me if i miss it sometimes. And just raising the volume isn't an option, since it's already way too loud for me, if i work without music or background noise (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
What makes me wonder is that sometimes i fail to hear beep even when i'm doing whatever and without background noise, aka "not concentrating on something, and no additional noise to muffle the sound". It's hard for me to believe that i was absentminded enough to not hear it, but... well, i guess, it's possible. That's why i treat it just as possibility.

QUOTE(what_is_name @ Mar 4 2023, 04:53) *
and the alert will block the running script in the page until you click it, you have no way to avoid that
the Notification function may do what you want, it popup anywhere without breaking script, but it may be annoying if many notifications popped, especially when you're in battle

Yes, i know it will block the script, i just didn't find a suitable alternative. That's why i tried to place it somewhere where it wouldn't matter if script is paused, aka "after beep sound was issued". But what i can't understand is why sound still delayed despite the fact that script calling it before alert and subsequent "pause".
And about "notification", isn't it useless if i'm in different tab at the moment? Generally speaking, i don't even need popup windows, notifications, or anything of those sorts, i just used "alert" as a means to change active tab - that's something that i would never miss. If there is an option that can just let me change active tab without any additional popups, i would use it.

Thanks for the reply, by the way, i really appreciate it

This post has been edited by Med1um: Mar 4 2023, 10:27
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post Mar 4 2023, 11:11
Post #483

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due to the security problem the audio/video auto play are blocked in some situation, you may try to change the browser settings to see if it work, see the post floor 467.
also the non-manually trigger action to make the tab active will be blocked, you should have no way to bypass that. there is a window.focus() function to bring the background tab in front, but it won't work in timer. the alert should also not working in this case unless you click the tab
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post Mar 4 2023, 12:16
Post #484

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Mar 4 2023, 12:11) *

due to the security problem the audio/video auto play are blocked in some situation, you may try to change the browser settings to see if it work, see the post floor 467.
also the non-manually trigger action to make the tab active will be blocked, you should have no way to bypass that. there is a window.focus() function to bring the background tab in front, but it won't work in timer. the alert should also not working in this case unless you click the tab

I had a problem with audio/video autoplay in the past, indeed. Changing browser settings worked at the time. But if in the past it just didn't work at all, now it just inconsistent "mostly works, but sometimes - doesn't", that's why i prefer to just leave it as "i wasn't paying attention and didn't hear it", and look for a method that isn't as easy to miss.

Also, alert wasn't working that way from the start, but after the first trigger - popup came with a checkbox with something like "allow browser to activate tab when that kind of window popups on that site", and now alert properly change tabs for me.
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post May 20 2023, 19:54
Post #485

Hataraku Noni-sama
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the upgrade function has a bug since last mini-update of HV: the arrows don't show up. Still works by manually adding the numbers so it's okay. I don't know if you're still maintaining the scrip, as you were pretty angry in January?
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post May 22 2023, 10:07
Post #486

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thank you
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post May 22 2023, 20:58
Post #487

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man I have been using HVUtils for two months now and haven't even left a comment yet.

It's so intuitive and it looks awesome! Thanks you for sharing the script with us.
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post May 31 2023, 17:00
Post #488

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how to solve this situationAttached Image

This post has been edited by 零落白叶: May 31 2023, 17:01
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post Jun 1 2023, 08:01
Post #489

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(零落白叶 @ May 31 2023, 17:00) *

how to solve this situationAttached Image

did you try changing the custom font?
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post Jun 2 2023, 20:49
Post #490
The Magi

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QUOTE(零落白叶 @ May 31 2023, 19:00) *

how to solve this situationAttached Image

I've got this issue myself on chrome and the only solution I found was to log off, close chrome and then open chrome and log in.

Well I guess there should be a better solution here but that was my quick fix.
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post Jun 11 2023, 19:47
Post #491

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QUOTE(The Magi @ Jun 2 2023, 20:49) *

I've got this issue myself on chrome and the only solution I found was to log off, close chrome and then open chrome and log in.

Well I guess there should be a better solution here but that was my quick fix.

Thank you, it has been solved
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post Jun 17 2023, 07:22
Post #492

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thank you
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post Sep 23 2023, 18:11
Post #493

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Is it possible, when we click in the "ready" link for random encounters, for it to open in a new window just like the site does instead of a new tab?

Also, is there a way to make it work in "different" sites?
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post Oct 20 2023, 01:21
Post #494

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The last update was in June 2022, there will be more updates?
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post Oct 22 2023, 07:57
Post #495

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QUOTE(jakalsito @ Oct 19 2023, 18:21) *

The last update was in June 2022, there will be more updates?

no, he got a bronze whistle
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post Oct 29 2023, 05:13
Post #496

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Did something change with this recently, i don't get the countdown anymore on the main page have to have hentaiverse open to get the notification
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post Oct 29 2023, 09:41
Post #497

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Quiz_master @ Oct 29 2023, 04:13) *

Did something change with this recently, i don't get the countdown anymore on the main page have to have hentaiverse open to get the notification

correct, tenboro changed the layout to prevent the site not working on modern mobile browsers. We need a fix.
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post Oct 29 2023, 10:11
Post #498

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QUOTE(Quiz_master @ Oct 29 2023, 12:13) *

Did something change with this recently, i don't get the countdown anymore on the main page have to have hentaiverse open to get the notification

Add one line of code to the bottom of the script.


// line 10479
if(settings.reGallery && $id("nb")) {
$id('nb').style.maxWidth = '1080px';
$re.clock( $element("a",$element("div",$id("nb")),["!display:inline-block;width:70px;text-align:left;cursor:pointer"]) );

This post has been edited by sssss2: Oct 29 2023, 10:12
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post Oct 29 2023, 10:44
Post #499

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Oct 29 2023, 03:11) *

Add one line of code to the bottom of the script.

that worked thank you very much
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post Nov 9 2023, 11:10
Post #500

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Asking for help
I keep getting the notice "Failed to get a new random encounter key"
And cannot get into the RE, unless I go to the news page and do it myself
Can this be fixed?
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