[Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK |
Jul 31 2021, 12:30
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Ok, cleared the database and now is fixed, i was becoming crazy.
Aug 1 2021, 10:36
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jul 31 2021, 15:20)  Ooooops, I didn't consider it beforehand.
Click "Clear Records" button in MoogleMail page.
Is there a way for the script to judge the end and start of the Isekai season...
I find out an idea. When the Great Isekai Reset happens, almost all of the stats are erased, including level. So whenever the level readout changes from non-zero to zero, it is time for script to reset things.
Sep 1 2021, 16:01
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Another feature request: show PAB of the equipment in Equipment Inventory or Equipment Shop. It is especially useful in the Isekai (where the Magnificients are still being traded and used). Here is what I implement the feature: CODE eq.node.pab = $element('span', eq.node.div, [` [${(eq.data?.html.match(/Strength|Dexterity|Endurance|Agility|Wisdom|Intelligence/gi) || []).map(i => i[0].toUpperCase()).join('')}]`, '!margin-left: 4px']); This will add "[PAB]" at the end of the equipment name. This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Sep 1 2021, 16:02
Sep 7 2021, 10:45
I dunno what ooer
Group: Gold Star Club
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hi thanks for cool script, is there a way to have a separate material price list for isekai?
Sep 10 2021, 04:33
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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Sep 1 2021, 23:01)  Another feature request: show PAB of the equipment in Equipment Inventory or Equipment Shop. It is especially useful in the Isekai (where the Magnificients are still being traded and used). Here is what I implement the feature: CODE eq.node.pab = $element('span', eq.node.div, [` [${(eq.data?.html.match(/Strength|Dexterity|Endurance|Agility|Wisdom|Intelligence/gi) || []).map(i => i[0].toUpperCase()).join('')}]`, '!margin-left: 4px']); This will add "[PAB]" at the end of the equipment name. I'll add it, thanks for suggestions. QUOTE(I dunno what ooer @ Sep 7 2021, 17:45)  hi thanks for cool script, is there a way to have a separate material price list for isekai?
You can set the price of items in the Item Inventory, and they are applied individually to Persistent and Isekai.
Sep 27 2021, 02:27
Group: Gold Star Club
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I'm not sure the day of the week checkbox in the mage equipment stats analyzer is working correctly. If I understand correctly, day of the week subtracts 10 from mitigation first, then imperil and whatnot get applied. So monsters with 0 mitigation drop to -10, but monsters above 10 mitigation cannot drop below 0. The only damage benefit in the latter case is you get to use more phase and less cotton. I changed this line of code
$element("li",ul,(arcane_score * (1 - rd) * (1 - (mit<0?mit:mit<mit_reduce?0:mit-mit_reduce) + mit_day)).toLocaleString(navigator.languages,{maximumFractionDigits:0}));
$element("li",ul,(arcane_score * (1 - rd) * (1 - (mit<mit_day?mit-mit_day:mit<mit_reduce+mit_day?0:mit-mit_reduce-mit_day))).toLocaleString(navigator.languages,{maximumFractionDigits:0}));
If my understanding of the day of the week bonus is incorrect, please ignore this suggestion.
Sep 27 2021, 11:48
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Sep 27 2021, 01:27)  I'm not sure the day of the week checkbox in the mage equipment stats analyzer is working correctly. If I understand correctly, day of the week subtracts 10 from mitigation first, then imperil and whatnot get applied. So monsters with 0 mitigation drop to -10, but monsters above 10 mitigation cannot drop below 0. The only damage benefit in the latter case is you get to use more phase and less cotton. I changed this line of code ... If my understanding of the day of the week bonus is incorrect, please ignore this suggestion.
To the best of my knowledge, you are correct. This is why dark and holy benefit a lot from Monday/Sunday in schoolgirl arenas, but other elements do not really change much at all.
Sep 27 2021, 12:12
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Sep 27 2021, 09:27)  -snip-
Thanks for reporting. I've already figured it out and it will be fixed at the next update.
Oct 11 2021, 03:30
Group: Gold Star Club
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HV Utils 2.12.0
- The basic multi-selection of HV is compatible with the sorted equipment list in Equipment Inventory and Equipment Shop - Show PAB of the equipment in Equipment Shop - Fixed the day of the week bonus in the mage statistics - Show a message that recommends resetting the MoogleMail records 2 weeks before the end of each Isekai season - Salvage Calculator is available in Upgrade > detail equipment page - And so many internal changes...
This post has been edited by sssss2: Oct 11 2021, 03:44
Oct 11 2021, 07:42
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Oct 11 2021, 03:30)  HV Utils 2.12.0
- The basic multi-selection of HV is compatible with the sorted equipment list in Equipment Inventory and Equipment Shop - Show PAB of the equipment in Equipment Shop - Fixed the day of the week bonus in the mage statistics - Show a message that recommends resetting the MoogleMail records 2 weeks before the end of each Isekai season - Salvage Calculator is available in Upgrade > detail equipment page - And so many internal changes...
Thanks! This scrip is still the best!
Oct 11 2021, 11:21
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 1,621
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Some feature requests: 1. Show morale in monster upgrader, and highlight those below the threshold:CODE $element('span', span, [` ${mob.index}`, '.hvut-ml-up-index']); $element('span', span, [` ${mob.name}`, '.hvut-ml-up-name']); $element('span', span, [` ${mob.class}`, '.hvut-ml-up-class']); mob.node.pl = $element('span', span, [` ${mob.pl}`, '.hvut-ml-up-pl']);
// patch begin: morale span added here mob.node.morale = $element('span', span, [` ${mob.morale}`, '.hvut-ml-fd-morale', mob.morale < monsterLabMorale ? '!color: red' : '']); // patch finished
span = $element('span', li, ['.hvut-ml-up-span']);
Note after adding the morale element, the table will overflow. So the name of the monster should be shrinked: CODE // .hvut-ml-up-name {width:250px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; vertical-align:top} // The length of the monster name would be between 3 and 30, so 200px will be enough. .hvut-ml-up-name {width:200px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; vertical-align:top}
2. Add a setting to "Hide Equipments" by default at Equipment ShopCODE if (settings.equipmentShop && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'es') {
// patch begin if (settings.equipmentShopHideByDefault) { $id('csp').classList.add('hvut-hide-on'); } // patch end
CODE $element('h4', $id('item_pane'), [` ${$equip.alias[_query.filter]}`, '.hvut-es-tab']); $id('item_pane').appendChild($qs('#item_pane > .equiplist'));
// $element('input', _es.buttons, { type: 'button', value: 'Hide Equipment', style: 'width:125px' }, function () { if ($id('csp').classList.contains('hvut-hide-on')) { $id('csp').classList.remove('hvut-hide-on'); this.value = 'Hide Equipment'; } else { $id('csp').classList.add('hvut-hide-on'); this.value = 'Show Equipment'; } }); // Show default button value according to the "equipmentShopHideByDefault" settings. $element('input', _es.buttons, { type: 'button', value: settings.equipmentShopHideByDefault ? 'Show Equipment' : 'Hide Equipment', style: 'width:125px' }, function () { if ($id('csp').classList.contains('hvut-hide-on')) { $id('csp').classList.remove('hvut-hide-on'); this.value = 'Hide Equipment'; } else { $id('csp').classList.add('hvut-hide-on'); this.value = 'Show Equipment'; } });
3. Add a setting to show the HVMarket link on the forge upgrade panel:CODE _up.node.costs.innerHTML = ''; Object.entries(materials).forEach(([n, c]) => { const s = _up.inventory[n] || 0; // patch begin // $element('tr', _up.node.costs, [`/<td>${n}</td><td>${c}</td><td>(${s})</td>`, s < c ? '.hvut-up-nostock' : '']); $element('tr', _up.node.costs, [`/<td>${n} ${settings.forgeUpgradeShowMaterialLinkOnHVM && !_isekai ? `<a href="https://hvmarket.xyz/?search_term=${encodeURIComponent(n)}" target="_hvmarket">[hvm]</a>` : ''}</td><td>${c}</td><td>(${s})</td>`, s < c ? '.hvut-up-nostock' : '']); // HVMarket item URL is based on item id. But I want a minimum patch, so I use material name. // And !_isekai makes sure it won't be enabled under isekai // patch end
Demo: (IMG:[ pic.skk.moe] https://pic.skk.moe/file/sukkaw/eh/48.png) This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Oct 11 2021, 11:26
Oct 12 2021, 03:54
Ryan WolF Thepram
 Group: Members
Posts: 35
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what iup i have trying the new vertion i notice the i"tem shop bot" dobnt work in this vertion also
the way the "MENU" show all features dont looks fiine too me when u put mouse over Menu "only character section open normaly the other options just overlap over what its on the screen its hard too explaing without a picture im sorry
Oct 12 2021, 08:22
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Ryan WolF Thepram @ Oct 12 2021, 03:54)  what iup i have trying the new vertion i notice the i"tem shop bot" dobnt work in this vertion also
the way the "MENU" show all features dont looks fiine too me when u put mouse over Menu "only character section open normaly the other options just overlap over what its on the screen its hard too explaing without a picture im sorry
item shop bot has been changed by admin, in such a way that automation is useless. Yes, the total menu only opens from the far left. The menu is working as intended for me: From here, just move the mouse pointer inside this menu box to the right to select other menu choices than 'character'. This post has been edited by Noni: Oct 12 2021, 08:25
Oct 13 2021, 18:35
Group: Gold Star Club
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thanks for the update a feature request: caculate the expect morale also when you do monster upgrade if morale is add in the monsterlab upgrade page
Oct 14 2021, 00:11
Ryan WolF Thepram
 Group: Members
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QUOTE(Noni @ Oct 12 2021, 02:22)  item shop bot has been changed by admin, in such a way that automation is useless.
Yes, the total menu only opens from the far left. The menu is working as intended for me:
From here, just move the mouse pointer inside this menu box to the right to select other menu choices than 'character'.
mmmm i finaly now how to post the picture and that how i see it dont now why also i have this problem when i try to transfer to storage it simply reload and do nothing i had too stop the script to do so , and that its how it looks the item shop bot too me with the script on and the first image is how it looks too me when i try to start a match can u give me gidance About MAges and One handed since Im lv 323 its becoming hard to go up Rapier its better no matter what rigth? sorry for going out of bussines D but i notice u are 500   This post has been edited by Ryan WolF Thepram: Oct 14 2021, 00:20
Oct 15 2021, 05:51
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Oct 11 2021, 18:21)  Some feature requests:
1. Show morale in monster upgrader, and highlight those below the threshold: 2. Add a setting to "Hide Equipments" by default at Equipment Shop 3. Add a setting to show the HVMarket link on the forge upgrade panel:
1. accepted & done. 2. I wrote a new function that make a toggle button. it is easy to modify, but no new setting for it. you'll need to go to a line then change 'false' to 'true'. 3. umm... for now, no. QUOTE(Ryan WolF Thepram @ Oct 14 2021, 07:11)  -snip-
it seems that your browser is outdated. update it and try again.
Oct 25 2021, 22:28
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I found a slight bug. I sent an item to a helpful expert to forge a staff beyond my forge level. Now I can't use the upgrade all button anymore for that staff because of "Low forge level." The script was immensely helpful in helping me send the right amount of upgrade materials, so thanks again for sharing it.
Oct 26 2021, 04:20
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Oct 26 2021, 05:28)  I found a slight bug. I sent an item to a helpful expert to forge a staff beyond my forge level. Now I can't use the upgrade all button anymore for that staff because of "Low forge level." The script was immensely helpful in helping me send the right amount of upgrade materials, so thanks again for sharing it.
Thank you for reporting. Go to line 10376 and modify it. from CODE } else if(_up.equip.upgrade.some(u=>u.to>u.cap)) { to CODE } else if(_up.equip.upgrade.some(u=>u.to>u.level&&u.to>u.cap)) { This post has been edited by sssss2: Oct 26 2021, 04:20
Nov 8 2021, 06:21
Group: Gold Star Club
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HVUT 2.12.1
- Show and calculate morale in MonsterLab/Monster Upgrader - Fixed 'Low forge level' bug in Forge/Upgrade
* no other improvements or changes.
Nov 27 2021, 07:19
 Group: Members
Posts: 16
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Good job thanks
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