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[Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK |
Dec 23 2017, 12:56
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 23 2017, 02:01)  HVUT modifies the structure of HV, so it may conflict with other script.
For clarification, I was saying your script does work with the percentile script. No conflict. [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/L34Nr4C.pngQUOTE HVUT works only out-of-battles, so it won't occur any error in the battle. (maybe) Jenga's monster database via Monsterbation was working in all fights before installing HVUT. I turned off HVToolbox, installed HVUT. All fights have had the error since. My next test will be to turn HVUT off and do a fight with nothing but Monsterbation running to see if the error continues or goes away. If it goes away, I feel that confirms HVUT is the culprit somehow. With HVUT turned off, error did go away: [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/YuLpM6s.pngHVUT turned back on, new arena started, problem returns: [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/L4HNE5m.png
Dec 23 2017, 13:05
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Cryosite @ Dec 23 2017, 11:56)  For clarification, I was saying your script does work with the percentile script. No conflict.
re-reading it, it may have not been too clear for a non-native. but whatever. QUOTE(Scremaz @ Dec 20 2017, 21:21)  List of features (WIP, updated to 2.0.3b): - Every page:
- Random Encounter notification
- quick links to Character, Equipment, Item Inventory, Equip Inventory, Equip Shop, Monster Lab, Shrine, MoogleMail, Arenas, GrindFest and Item World pages
- removed Wiki button
- Difficulty selector
- Persona/Set selector
- Character menu:
- Character submenu:
- Assimilator prof simulator
- Expanded stats view
- Equipment submenu:
- Set renamer
- Condition visualizer
- Name highlight
- Expanded stats view
- Abilities submenu:
- Expanded vew: progress per each Ability. Unlock level (eventually) and AP cost per each level
- Training submenu:
- Item inventory submenu:
- category highlighter
- price configurator
- WTS simulator
- Trophies lister
- Figurines lister
- Crystals lister
- Equip inventory submenu:
- compact view: all equips on the same page (with quick links)
- extended view: real name on hovering for IW10 gears, color highlight, EID, set price and notes (NB: soulbound items will have those fields in red font)
- sorting options: category, name, EID
- list options: all, tradeables, reverse (NB: if you pick two options and remove one, it doesn't always update -> you may need to de-select all and re-select)
- Settings submenu:
- "Add" button to load and save settings
- Bazaar menu:
- Equipment Shop submenu:
- compact view: all items in one tab
- quality cutoff: view all gears above a certain quality
- color highlight, store shortcut, quick sell/salvage, incoming on sell/salvage
- Item Shop submenu:
- color highlight
- some sort of filter?
- Item ShopBot submenu:
- compact view of every active bid
- Monster Lab submenu:
- wins checker
- gift log
- Pills feeder
- food feeder
- Crystal feeder (with simulator NB: no action will be taken unless you press the confirm button)
- Shrine submenu:
- MoogleMail submenu:
- all tabs: search function
- Inbox tab: mail preview
- Write New tab: advanced attach function
- Read Mail tab: attachments and CODs preview (with links for attached gears?)
- Sent Mail tab: attachments and CODs preview (with links for attached gears)
- Weapon/Armos lottery submenu:
- Battle menu:
- The Arena submenu:
- compact view: all quests on one page
- equip set popup: enchant/repair option
- Ring of Blood submenu:
- equip set popup: enchant/repair option
- Grindfest submenu:
- equip set popup: enchant/repair option
- Item World submenu:
- current status for every gear
- PXP simulator (depending on difficulty) for every gear
- equip set popup: enchant/repair option
- The Forge menu:
- Repair submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
- Upgrade submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
- upgrade queue + list of needed materials (per upgrade and total)
- Enchant submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
- Salvage submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
- Reforge submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
- Soulfuse submenu:
- color highlight + category sorting
sssss, these are the functions i was able to retrieve for now. did i forget anything?
Dec 23 2017, 20:09
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 3,944
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QUOTE(Cryosite @ Dec 23 2017, 19:56)  Jenga's monster database via Monsterbation was working in all fights before installing HVUT. I turned off HVToolbox, installed HVUT. All fights have had the error since. My next test will be to turn HVUT off and do a fight with nothing but Monsterbation running to see if the error continues or goes away. If it goes away, I feel that confirms HVUT is the culprit somehow. With HVUT turned off, error did go away: [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/YuLpM6s.pngHVUT turned back on, new arena started, problem returns: [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/L4HNE5m.pngI installed and tested Monsterbation script with HVUT, but I didn't see any problem. * Firefox and Chrome both (latest version) QUOTE(Scremaz @ Dec 23 2017, 20:05)  re-reading it, it may have not been too clear for a non-native. but whatever. sssss, these are the functions i was able to retrieve for now. did i forget anything?
Thank you very much, Scremaz!
Dec 27 2017, 16:02
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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I'd appreciate if there was a bit of documentation, or at the very least a small comment for each parameter to explain what it does. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
Dec 27 2017, 19:35
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(decondelite @ Dec 27 2017, 15:02)  I'd appreciate if there was a bit of documentation, or at the very least a small comment for each parameter to explain what it does. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif) Scremaz has made a list of functionalities for the Compendium, but for the rest it's trial and error, I guess. For me, that's the main reason I prefer HV Toolbox. Except for IW. That IW view of HV Utility is just AMAZING
Dec 27 2017, 20:48
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 20 2017, 12:51)  Requirements
- Mozilla Firefox + Tampermonkey - Google Chrome + Tampermonkey
Any possibility that it could work with Firefox + Greasemonkey ?
Dec 28 2017, 16:02
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(mundomuñeca @ Dec 28 2017, 03:48)  Any possibility that it could work with Firefox + Greasemonkey ?
At first I used GM on Firefox and TM on Chrome, but due to [ www.greasespot.net] Greasemonkey's recent update, currently it's pretty hard to support it. Not imposible, but it requires much effort. This post has been edited by sssss2: Dec 28 2017, 16:06
Dec 28 2017, 16:05
Group: Gold Star Club
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This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 17 2018, 00:27
Dec 28 2017, 16:48
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 24,304
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  equipLeftUI : false, //
what does it do? QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  // CHRACTER
typo: CHARACTER QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  // equipWTS : true,
is it commented by mistake? QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  // Prevent saleable equipment from being selected by "Select All" button
prevent "certain" equip, perhaps? QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  // Check valuable equipment in Bazzar, then hide all other trash
btw, careful with this one, since it's "a bit borderline" of an option. QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 15:05)  // Hide inventory items in Item Shop // Hide shop items in Item Shop
i'd go respectively with: QUOTE Hide items in Item Shop, Inventory side Hide items in Item Shop, Store side
Dec 28 2017, 18:12
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Dec 28 2017, 15:48)  prevent "certain" equip, perhaps?
I think he meant sellable, as in "worth enough to sell". I would personally go with CODE // Prevent valuable equipment from being selected by "Select All" button QUOTE(Scremaz @ Dec 28 2017, 15:48)  btw, careful with this one, since it's "a bit borderline" of an option.
It's already implemented in 2.03, it's just the fact that the equipment page hides crap equipments in the right pane (just to have the good one visible without needing to scroll trough hundreds of averages).
Dec 28 2017, 18:27
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HV Utils 2.9https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?s=&am...t&p=5049344QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Dec 28 2017, 17:12)  I think he meant sellable, as in "worth enough to sell".
i should've said "user-specified", probably. QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Dec 28 2017, 17:12)  It's already implemented in 2.03, it's just the fact that the equipment page hides crap equipments in the right pane (just to have the good one visible without needing to scroll trough hundreds of averages).
i know. which is why i said to be careful since it's borderline . as long as it remains only a filter, a certain someone said it's still fine. This post has been edited by DJNoni: Nov 14 2020, 20:12
Dec 28 2017, 19:29
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 28 2017, 17:02)  At first I used GM on Firefox and TM on Chrome, but due to [ www.greasespot.net] Greasemonkey's recent update, currently it's pretty hard to support it. Not impossible, but it requires much effort. So whith pre-4.0 releases (I have GM 3.11) could run, do you think, or if I try I run the risk of "dangerous" behaviours ? (Like having all my credits and materials vanish away, or equips destroyed (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) ) lol
Jan 2 2018, 02:06
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(mundomuñeca @ Dec 29 2017, 02:29)  So whith pre-4.0 releases (I have GM 3.11) could run, do you think, or if I try I run the risk of "dangerous" behaviours ? (Like having all my credits and materials vanish away, or equips destroyed (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) ) lol Nope (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Just an equip popup doesn't work in intergrated Equip Inventory and Equip Shop.
Jan 2 2018, 02:07
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HVUT 2.1.0a update
Jan 2 2018, 02:40
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 2 2018, 01:07)  HVUT 2.1.0a update
new year's eve update, uh? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) any major changes worth updating the list of features?
Jan 2 2018, 05:28
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jan 2 2018, 09:40)  new year's eve update, uh? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) any major changes worth updating the list of features? There is no new big feature, but it includes fairly many minor changes (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 2 2018, 05:28
Jan 2 2018, 14:23
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There's a bug in ability window, if you don't have a single point in ability, clicking on empty levels usually does nothing. Clicking on already learned levels works fine.
Difficulty levels are saved by persona, you should update the page or at least the selected difficulty when changing persona, or it might show the wrong difficulty.
Jan 2 2018, 14:30
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Hi sssss2, Long monster names mess up the display for me. Is this something that you could fix? Or do I use the wrong font? My settings: CODE font-family Verdana font-size 8 font-weight bold vertical adjust -3 Edit: 2nd bug - can't access the high level arena's anymore because of line-spacing This post has been edited by DJNoni: Jan 2 2018, 17:07
Jan 2 2018, 15:55
Mizuki Nana
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Good works
Jan 3 2018, 05:35
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@ssss2 One issue with the Moogle Mail portion of the script. Use case: I am sending one amnesia shard and one equipment to someone (to make use of their reforge service and Dark Descent perk). The script makes it easier to find the amnesia shard in the list. That is helpful. But it doesn't seem to matter if I select/checkbox the shard first or the equipment first, the moogle mail will only send whichever I have selected second. It won't send both. To be clear I am using this send button: [ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/FBR9QaC.png[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/Ht1CYNt.pngIs there any way to get the script to actually attach items/equipment to the mail while you're building it, the way you can do with no scripts?
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