[Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK |
Jul 4 2021, 07:26
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Jul 6 2021, 06:16
 Group: Gold Star Club
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Hey, just popping by to report that many features of the script are broken if you exclusively use EH/HV in a container in firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/).
The fix I have is to also login in the default browser (no container), though this obviously kinda ruins the point of using a container. Once logged in, everything seems to be working correctly.
Jul 6 2021, 17:13
blue penguin
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QUOTE(ingot @ Jul 6 2021, 05:16)  Hey, just popping by to report that many features of the script are broken if you exclusively use EH/HV in a container in firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/).
The fix I have is to also login in the default browser (no container), though this obviously kinda ruins the point of using a container. Once logged in, everything seems to be working correctly.
Ain't that a container add-on bug? They appear to mess up a difference between cookies and local storage - it ain't the first time I see this mess up. There's no point in fixing a script to account for someone else's fuckup - there's always more people to do more fuckups.
Jul 7 2021, 03:11
 Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jul 6 2021, 16:13)  Ain't that a container add-on bug? They appear to mess up a difference between cookies and local storage - it ain't the first time I see this mess up.
There's no point in fixing a script to account for someone else's fuckup - there's always more people to do more fuckups.
Potentially, wouldn't surprise me. Just thought I'd say so anyway in case anyone else has the issue.
Jul 23 2021, 19:16
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HV Utils 2.11.0.b1
See the first page
Jul 23 2021, 19:28
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there is new form argument "chaos_count" for the chaos_upgrade, and a "crystal_count" for the crystal_upgrade, they can be 1 or 5 or 10 in the native monster lab now, but I haven't tested them and have no idea if they can be other value or empty
Jul 23 2021, 20:16
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Finally installed this, and it's great. Thanks for sharing.
I'm having trouble getting the script to recognize my fourth equipment set in my mage persona. Some fiddling around got it to work in alt.hentaiverse, but not regular hentaiverse. No problems getting it to recognize my fourth set in my non-1h melee persona. I don't use my fourth set in my first (1h) persona.
Jul 23 2021, 23:36
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Jul 24 2021, 03:16)  Finally installed this, and it's great. Thanks for sharing.
I'm having trouble getting the script to recognize my fourth equipment set in my mage persona. Some fiddling around got it to work in alt.hentaiverse, but not regular hentaiverse. No problems getting it to recognize my fourth set in my non-1h melee persona. I don't use my fourth set in my first (1h) persona.
Please give me a more detailed explanation. I don't understand exactly what problem you're having. + Open your browser console and check the error message.
Jul 24 2021, 00:16
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Browser Console says "Promise rejected after context unloaded: Actor 'Conduits' destroyed before query 'RuntimeMessage' was resolved"  I don't get the magic scores on this equipment set, and this equipment set also doesn't appear on the drop-down selection menu.
Jul 24 2021, 00:27
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Jul 24 2021, 07:16)  Browser Console says "Promise rejected after context unloaded: Actor 'Conduits' destroyed before query 'RuntimeMessage' was resolved"
That is not HVUT's message, but HV's own. What is "BS" on the top right? I think it is another userscript, which cause an error. Disable all other script.
Jul 24 2021, 02:01
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Battle stats script. It's the same without it. It's the same with only hvutils and hvutils url active.
Jul 24 2021, 02:37
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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Jul 24 2021, 09:01)  Battle stats script. It's the same without it. It's the same with only hvutils and hvutils url active.
I figured out the cause of the bug. Training 'Set Collector' increases the number of equip sets, but HVUT doesn't apply it. I'll fix it, thank you. + Go to line 2375 and fix a line. CODE if(p.elist.length !== length) { to CODE if(p.elist.length !== length + 1) { This will work. This post has been edited by sssss2: Jul 24 2021, 03:43
Jul 25 2021, 01:29
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Thanks for update!
Jul 27 2021, 04:28
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HV Utils 2.11.0.b2 - In Equipment Inventory, light armors and heavy armors are categorized by slots such as Helmet, Armor, Gauntlets.
Jul 28 2021, 16:08
Group: Gold Star Club
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Feature request: make the Salvage Calculator available in equip upgrade detail page, auto fill data when the equips detail data existed Currently my solution is like: remove the parent "else" surround of _up.calc_salvage so it work both on upgrade list and upgrade detail page, add the auto fill block in the _up.toggle_salvage function so it can auto calculate data in the upgrade detail page without manully input CODE if (!_up.node.salvage.classList.contains("hvut-none") && $id('equip_extended')) { _up.node.salvage_equip.value = $id('leftpane').innerText; _up.calc_salvage(); }
Jul 29 2021, 00:47
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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Jul 28 2021, 23:08)  Feature request: make the Salvage Calculator available in equip upgrade detail page, auto fill data when the equips detail data existed Currently my solution is like: remove the parent "else" surround of _up.calc_salvage so it work both on upgrade list and upgrade detail page, add the auto fill block in the _up.toggle_salvage function so it can auto calculate data in the upgrade detail page without manully input CODE if (!_up.node.salvage.classList.contains("hvut-none") && $id('equip_extended')) { _up.node.salvage_equip.value = $id('leftpane').innerText; _up.calc_salvage(); }
It's not that simple. There are a lot of places that need to be modified to run both salvage calculator and upgrade calculator at the same time.
Jul 31 2021, 07:35
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A problem with Mooglemail. What generated MM said: What i really sent:  I recalled and got the content back Another strange thing is that in the meaasge there was seeming 10x MGC and 1 HGM + 1 HGW, a thing not possible cause i had already sold all my HGM and HGW. I report this in both HV Utils and officail release topic becaouse i have no idea on what caused this.
Jul 31 2021, 08:39
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Maharid @ Jul 31 2021, 07:35)  A problem with Mooglemail. What generated MM said: What i really sent:  I recalled and got the content back Another strange thing is that in the meaasge there was seeming 10x MGC and 1 HGM + 1 HGW, a thing not possible cause i had already sold all my HGM and HGW. I report this in both HV Utils and officail release topic becaouse i have no idea on what caused this. MM ID's were reset, and HVUtils still had local storage records of the same MM ID from last season. The correct items were sent, as you can see when you switch off HVUtils.
Jul 31 2021, 09:20
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QUOTE(Maharid @ Jul 31 2021, 14:35)  A problem with Mooglemail.
QUOTE(Noni @ Jul 31 2021, 15:39)  MM ID's were reset, and HVUtils still had local storage records of the same MM ID from last season. The correct items were sent, as you can see when you switch off HVUtils.
Ooooops, I didn't consider it beforehand. Click "Clear Records" button in MoogleMail page. Is there a way for the script to judge the end and start of the Isekai season...
Jul 31 2021, 09:29
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jul 31 2021, 09:20)  Is there a way for the script to judge the end and start of the Isekai season...
Auto purge localstorage for mooglemails at every half year breakpoint, where Isekai resets.
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