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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Feb 1 2021, 07:07
Post #341

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An issue:
Attaching items in Isekai is restricted to donators, so there is no item list/equips list on non-donator's write mm page, HVUT will crash there, maybe should disable mmsender function if found no itemlist.

And a suggest, maybe show Lottery function can be keep active in Isekai, just leave the require link fixed to Persistent path and use the fixed "hvut_" storage prefix on show lottery function then it will do as in Persistent
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post Feb 1 2021, 07:57
Post #342

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Feb 1 2021, 03:43) *


- 0.87 & Isekai support
- Manage settings/logs such as Equip Protect/Bazaar Filter, Item Prices, MonsterLab log, Shrine log, MoogleMail data, and so on individually
- And some small changes

Great, I've been looking forward to this.

The new shrine interface is very nice!

Note that the credit counter cannot be loaded on Isekai because the Training page doesn't exist; credits can only be found on the shop pages there.

The Dark Descent MM service on persistent also doesn't work right now, because equipment is locked when detached from a MoogleMail.


This post has been edited by Nezu: Feb 1 2021, 08:01
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post Feb 1 2021, 08:11
Post #343
eYe BuRn

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Thanks for the update sssss2.

Little details like this make all the difference in comfort
equipmentShopShowLevel : true, // show equipment's level

Couple of suggestions (possible bugs):

1- Didn't find it on the settings section the setting correspondent to the old version of
equipEnchantCloseByDefault : true, // close (minimize) the pane by default

Is it possible to have "Show details" by default instead of "Hide Details", with the repair/enchant pane hidden by default? If it's not a variable on the code further ahead, I suggest making it a setting again, if possible.

2- Of the 4 regular battle modes, only The Arena and ROB pages have the details button. Is this intentional?

3- On the equipment shop, the "select" buttons have no "sell" or "Salvage" text (as they did previously). This seems fine, since the 2 buttons are right next to their counterparts anyway and it's obvious which is which. Just pointing it out in case its a lapse, though.

4- Using the setting (which is a must imo)
showCredits : true, // show your credits balance on all pages

Works fine on persistent, but on isekai it seems to be bugged on all pages except the ones that already have it natively.
Attached Image

5- The new panel on the equipment page, which seems linked to this setting
equipmentStatsAnalyzer : true, // calculate magic score, proficiency, resist chance of monsters and expected damage

Does not appear on persistent, only on isekai. Dunno if it's a toggle somewhere but seems to be a bug.

I don't play isekai, so I didn't test almost any of it.

That's it for now. Sorry to dump all this on you so soon sssss2, I'm sure you're tired from working on it. No pressure (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Feb 1 2021, 08:27
Post #344

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QUOTE(Snickers1 @ Feb 1 2021, 06:11) *

5- The new panel on the equipment page, which seems linked to this setting
equipmentStatsAnalyzer : true, // calculate magic score, proficiency, resist chance of monsters and expected damage

Does not appear on persistent, only on isekai. Dunno if it's a toggle somewhere but seems to be a bug.

That one only appears if you're playing as a mage (can't remember if it's using a staff, or using all cloth-type armors).

This post has been edited by Nezu: Feb 1 2021, 08:28
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post Feb 1 2021, 08:49
Post #345

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Thanks for update!
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post Feb 1 2021, 09:39
Post #346
eYe BuRn

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QUOTE(Nezu @ Feb 1 2021, 06:27) *

That one only appears if you're playing as a mage (can't remember if it's using a staff, or using all cloth-type armors).

Oh ok. Just confirmed, only a staff is required.
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post Feb 1 2021, 13:16
Post #347

Hataraku Noni-sama
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thanks SO MUCH!!
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post Feb 1 2021, 13:58
Post #348

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Feb 1 2021, 14:07) *

An issue:
Attaching items in Isekai is restricted to donators, so there is no item list/equips list on non-donator's write mm page, HVUT will crash there, maybe should disable mmsender function if found no itemlist.

And a suggest, maybe show Lottery function can be keep active in Isekai, just leave the require link fixed to Persistent path and use the fixed "hvut_" storage prefix on show lottery function then it will do as in Persistent

- Mooglemail bugs will be fixed soooon.
- I don't think showing lottery info in Isekai is necessary, but it'll be an option anyway.

QUOTE(Nezu @ Feb 1 2021, 14:57) *

Note that the credit counter cannot be loaded on Isekai because the Training page doesn't exist; credits can only be found on the shop pages there.

The Dark Descent MM service on persistent also doesn't work right now, because equipment is locked when detached from a MoogleMail.

- Credits counter bug has been fixed. (not updated yet)
- Now testing Dark Descent service.

QUOTE(Snickers1 @ Feb 1 2021, 15:11) *


1- That option has been deleted and I don't want to go back at the moment.

2- Yes

3- That's intended too.

4- Fixed

5- That will appear when you equip a staff or any edb is higher than 100.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Feb 1 2021, 13:59
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post Feb 1 2021, 17:15
Post #349

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- Fixed known bugs: credits counter, mooglemail in Isekai, reforging service
- New option [showLotteryIsekai] can check Persistent lottery in Isekai (disabled by default)
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post Feb 2 2021, 08:33
Post #350
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Thanks a bunch.

This post has been edited by Crazy3D: Feb 2 2021, 13:52
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post Feb 3 2021, 02:18
Post #351

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Thanks! Really been looking forward to having it fully working again.
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post Feb 4 2021, 03:08
Post #352

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2.10.2 update
- fixed a bug that mooglemail can't be sent without any attachment.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Feb 4 2021, 03:10
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post Feb 7 2021, 00:43
Post #353

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Someone can advise, in the Item Inventory, when you click WTS code, gives only Consumables, the rest is not displayed, I do something wrong?

Like this: [prnt.sc] https://prnt.sc/ykhoep

This post has been edited by KingArtson: Feb 7 2021, 00:43
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post Feb 8 2021, 16:39
Post #354

not happy yet but almost maybe
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there's an issue with RE links: the timer and link don't show on the upper right side on any place in e-hentai as it used to before; whenever a new RE was possible and while i was in battle, i used to visit any gallery for an RE link which was stored and i could play it after i finished battle, it doesn't store it anymore; since it doesn't store RE links automatically, i have to keep galleries with RE links opened, after playing them, the timer starts from 30 min even if the real time for a new RE is way less

also a request, could RE links be generated and stored without me going to a gallery like i said in 2nd point? or is it against the rules?
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post Feb 8 2021, 17:57
Post #355

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QUOTE(KingArtson @ Feb 7 2021, 07:43) *

Someone can advise, in the Item Inventory, when you click WTS code, gives only Consumables, the rest is not displayed, I do something wrong?

Like this: [prnt.sc] https://prnt.sc/ykhoep

You need to set item prices.

QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Feb 8 2021, 23:39) *

there's an issue with RE links: the timer and link don't show on the upper right side on any place in e-hentai as it used to before

Oh, I deleted a line from the metadata.
I'll fix it next update.

Add this code after line 9.


// @match          *://e-hentai.org/*

QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Feb 8 2021, 23:39) *

whenever a new RE was possible and while i was in battle, i used to visit any gallery for an RE link which was stored and i could play it after i finished battle

also a request, could RE links be generated and stored without me going to a gallery like i said in 2nd point? or is it against the rules?

Click the timer in battle. It stores RE and you can play after the current battle.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Feb 8 2021, 18:01
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post Feb 8 2021, 20:10
Post #356

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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Feb 8 2021, 14:39) *

also a request, could RE links be generated and stored without me going to a gallery like i said in 2nd point? or is it against the rules?

It would be against the rules for it to auto-generate the link, but as sssss2 says, you can click the 'ready' link from within HV to fetch it.
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post Feb 9 2021, 21:43
Post #357

not happy yet but almost maybe
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Feb 8 2021, 10:57) *

You need to set item prices.
Oh, I deleted a line from the metadata.
I'll fix it next update.

Add this code after line 9.


// @match          *://e-hentai.org/*

Click the timer in battle. It stores RE and you can play after the current battle.

Another issue, had two tabs open, one on a persistent arena, the other on isekai equip selection, the timer told me a new RE was available, clicked on the timer on ISEKAI, a new tab opened with my persistent arena, no RE link was saved
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post Feb 10 2021, 11:00
Post #358

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Hi sssss2,

It seems there was an issue with hvut in Isekai Mooglemail:

subzeroX sent a MM (with attachments) to me for selling in isekai, and I could see the notification(the icon of an envelope) in isekai, but I couldn't see the mail when I entered the MM page in HVUT.
Here is the screenshot for it:

Attached Image

Attached Image

I was using the newest HV Utils 2.10.2 which released on Feb 4th.

I'm not sure if this is a issue only for non-donators or all players, could you please have a look at it?

Thanks in advance.

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post Feb 10 2021, 12:10
Post #359

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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Feb 10 2021, 04:43) *

Another issue, had two tabs open, one on a persistent arena, the other on isekai equip selection, the timer told me a new RE was available, clicked on the timer on ISEKAI, a new tab opened with my persistent arena, no RE link was saved

Thanks, it'll be fixed.

QUOTE(Bolide @ Feb 10 2021, 18:00) *

Hi sssss2,

It seems there was an issue with hvut in Isekai Mooglemail:

subzeroX sent a MM (with attachments) to me for selling in isekai, and I could see the notification(the icon of an envelope) in isekai, but I couldn't see the mail when I entered the MM page in HVUT.
Here is the screenshot for it:

I was using the newest HV Utils 2.10.2 which released on Feb 4th.

I'm not sure if this is a issue only for non-donators or all players, could you please have a look at it?

Thanks in advance.

Open your browser console (F12) and check the message.

* If you use Firefox in private browser mode, it doesn't support IndexedDB that HVUT uses.
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post Feb 10 2021, 13:10
Post #360

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Feb 10 2021, 18:10) *

Thanks, it'll be fixed.
Open your browser console (F12) and check the message.

* If you use Firefox in private browser mode, it doesn't support IndexedDB that HVUT uses.

I happened to use Firefox in private browser mode, my fault. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)

I'll change into another browser, thank you all the same.
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