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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Jul 19 2019, 11:52
Post #261

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Update your browser and try again.

The script can't run in an old js engine.
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post Jul 26 2019, 01:28
Post #262

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post Jul 28 2019, 10:20
Post #263

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Jul 29 2019, 04:08
Post #264

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post Aug 9 2019, 22:02
Post #265
Fudo Masamune

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Did the script consider Shield lottery as armor lottery?
it only show the armor lottery on character (and other pages) instead of both.

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This post has been edited by Fudo Masamune: Aug 9 2019, 22:02
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post Aug 28 2019, 16:23
Post #266

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how to set this window to close as default? its quite annoying

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post Aug 30 2019, 02:17
Post #267

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QUOTE(XIBIE @ Aug 28 2019, 16:23) *

how to set this window to close as default? its quite annoying

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It's useful if you want to know equip condition and how many pots you have xd
Anyway you can change that pretty easily:

Lane 8689:
$battle.div = $element("div",$id("csp"),[".hvut-bt-div"]);

change to

$battle.div = $element("div",$id("csp"),[".hvut-bt-div hvut-bt-min"]);
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post Aug 30 2019, 03:45
Post #268

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QUOTE(Fudo Masamune @ Aug 10 2019, 05:02) *

Did the script consider Shield lottery as armor lottery?
it only show the armor lottery on character (and other pages) instead of both.

It's not a bug.

Weapon and Armor lottery indicator doesn't show on the other lottery page.

QUOTE(Kradziej @ Aug 30 2019, 09:17) *

It's useful if you want to know equip condition and how many pots you have xd
Anyway you can change that pretty easily:

Lane 8689:
$battle.div = $element("div",$id("csp"),[".hvut-bt-div"]);

change to

$battle.div = $element("div",$id("csp"),[".hvut-bt-div hvut-bt-min"]);

Thank you for reply instead of me.

I'll make an option that make the pane close by default.
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post Aug 31 2019, 17:26
Post #269

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When doing lots of upgrades at once (the threshold varies, but it seems to be around 100 at a time, depending on how fast), I get temporarily locked out of HV with the error "state lock limiter in effect". This goes away after 15-30 seconds. I do this, for example, when trying to fully forge an equip, or doing a lot of monster upgrades at once.

I don't recall this happening in the past, so I assume it is a relatively new rate limiter. Perhaps HV Utils should rate limit itself by adding in a pause every so often when doing many upgrades at once.
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post Aug 31 2019, 19:21
Post #270

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(kamio11 @ Aug 31 2019, 17:26) *

When doing lots of upgrades at once (the threshold varies, but it seems to be around 100 at a time, depending on how fast), I get temporarily locked out of HV with the error "state lock limiter in effect". This goes away after 15-30 seconds. I do this, for example, when trying to fully forge an equip, or doing a lot of monster upgrades at once.

I don't recall this happening in the past, so I assume it is a relatively new rate limiter. Perhaps HV Utils should rate limit itself by adding in a pause every so often when doing many upgrades at once.

there is a setting that fixes this:
max_conn : 2, // limit the maximum number of connections; set to 1 or 2 if you see the "state lock limiter in effect" message

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post Sep 1 2019, 00:47
Post #271

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Sep 1 2019, 02:21) *

there is a setting that fixes this:
max_conn : 2, // limit the maximum number of connections; set to 1 or 2 if you see the "state lock limiter in effect" message

Thank you for reply instead of me. x2

I'll add an explanation of that error.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Sep 1 2019, 00:47
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post Sep 1 2019, 06:47
Post #272

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Aug 31 2019, 17:21) *

there is a setting that fixes this:
max_conn : 2, // limit the maximum number of connections; set to 1 or 2 if you see the "state lock limiter in effect" message

Thanks! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 14 2019, 11:42
Post #273

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HVUT 2.7.1 Update

[New settings added]

- reBeep : values for a RE beep sound; volume, frequency, etc
- equipEnchantCloseByDefault : minimize an equipment enchant pane by default
- salvage : warn before salvaging an equipment in Forge/Salvage
- Changed the default format of equipmentShopProtect and equipmentShopBazaar to make easier to see and modify

[Bug Fixes]

- Fixed a bug that automatically restart a canceled training

[Minor changes]

- Changed several colors
- Now shows an information about "state lock limiter in effect"

This post has been edited by sssss2: Sep 14 2019, 13:22
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post Sep 14 2019, 13:12
Post #274

Hataraku Noni-sama
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nice update, thanks!
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post Oct 3 2019, 18:02
Post #275

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I just installed the latest version. I cannot trigger a RE. I click on "expire" button, but nothing happens. It doesn't redirect me to a RE.

This post has been edited by -vincento-: Oct 3 2019, 18:30
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post Oct 3 2019, 22:23
Post #276

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QUOTE(-vincento- @ Oct 4 2019, 01:02) *

I just installed the latest version. I cannot trigger a RE. I click on "expire" button, but nothing happens. It doesn't redirect me to a RE.

Visit the news page and get a RE link on it.

This may fix that bug.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Oct 3 2019, 22:26
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post Oct 29 2019, 06:18
Post #277

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Is it possible to expunge certain records from the shrine log?

Specifically, the error messages that are given when you try to shrine past your equip limit these days are recorded in the log as 'Your' and counted towards the rarity distribution %s.


ManBearPig Tail (2063)
4.1 % [84] Exquisite
21.4 % [441] Superior
65.9 % [1359] Average
8.4 % [173] Your
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post Oct 29 2019, 10:04
Post #278

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QUOTE(lestion @ Oct 29 2019, 13:18) *

Is it possible to expunge certain records from the shrine log?

Specifically, the error messages that are given when you try to shrine past your equip limit these days are recorded in the log as 'Your' and counted towards the rarity distribution %s.


ManBearPig Tail (2063)
4.1 % [84] Exquisite
21.4 % [441] Superior
65.9 % [1359] Average
8.4 % [173] Your

That bug was fixed already.
Update HVUT script.

And, to fix the current log, open the browser console (F12) and enter this code.

var log=JSON.parse(localStorage.hvut_ss_log);for(let t in log){delete log[t]["Your"];}localStorage.hvut_ss_log=JSON.stringify(log);
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post Oct 29 2019, 13:29
Post #279

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Oct 29 2019, 08:04) *

That bug was fixed already.
Update HVUT script.

And, to fix the current log, open the browser console (F12) and enter this code.

Updated & fixed. Thank you again for your amazing script!
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post Nov 1 2019, 18:41
Post #280

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HVUT 2.7.2 Update

- Equip Inventory: added a button next to "note" input box, to get the summary from Live Percentile Range script
- Some minor bug fixes


- Various internal changes for the next update: Character Simulator. It will be completed when I get PHOH. Please pray for me (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by sssss2: Nov 1 2019, 18:41
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