QUOTE(quitetanky @ Mar 12 2018, 11:03)

Whenever i log in and proceed to hv i immediately get thrown into RE. Is it a bug or a feature, because i can't find how to disable that. Since i have terrible internet i keep logging in-out a lot, and i sometimes forget to switch from arena build to re tank, so... well... i get rekt often enough to run out of sl in two days. (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) How can i fix this, apart from gitting gud?
comment out line 613.
QUOTE(quitetanky @ Mar 12 2018, 11:03)

Any way to set repair&infuse tab in arena to closed by default?
modify line 7362
$battle.div = $element("div",$id("csp"),[".hvut-bt-div hvut-bt-min"]);
QUOTE(quitetanky @ Mar 12 2018, 11:03)

Any way to set statistics tab in character menu to open by default?
modify line 1727
$element("input", ... ).click();
QUOTE(quitetanky @ Mar 12 2018, 11:03)

Any way to resize text in statistics tab in character menu, to make the tab itself smaller (when fully open)? Right now i managed to slightly move it, but any decrease in width breaks it. And i have no idea how to access the text at all.
I'll change that next update.
QUOTE(quitetanky @ Mar 12 2018, 11:03)

Speaking of which, is it even possible to somehow access these stats and modify what is displayed there?
It needs some css modifications, which are tiresome works (due to HV's ugly html structure).
This post has been edited by sssss2: Mar 12 2018, 11:14