QUOTE(gianfrix94 @ Jan 21 2018, 19:04)
No, that stuff is multiplicative, not additive.
It's neither multiplicative nor additive, it's
layered. The word multiplicative means that you *drumroll* multiply the factors between themselves, which is certainly not how things work in HentaiVerse. Get your vocabulary right, please.
Example of what "multiplicative" would be in a game: +100% damage and +100% damage: Damage=(1+100/100)*(1+100/100)=400%.
In HentaiVerse, most stats are applied as layers, or call them successive tests if you prefer. In the case of evade, it works like this:
Test 1) Do you evade thanks to base evade? No.
Test 2) Do you evade thanks to mainhand evade chance? No.
Test 3) Do you evade thanks to offhand chance? No.
Last Test) Do you evade thanks to rank title evade chance? No.
=> All evade rolls failed, you don't evade.
And then it's maths that allow us to calculate the total evade chance, which gives the formula written in the wiki. If anything, the global evade chance if the complement in 1 of the probability to fail at evading, which happens to be the multiplication of all individual probabilities to fail at evading, themselves being the complement in 1 of the individual probabilities to evade.
Long story short: think along the lines of layers, and then everything is clear in one's head.
And I gotta finish updating all these wiki formulas BTW... (IMG:[