Redwood is certainly far better if you're not using Imperil, but Willow's deprecating prof might make it a decent choice with Imperil.
That said, if you're using Imperil and elemental, it's better to use an element that goes with Willow, else you're losing out on a noteworthy amount of EDB.
If you want to boost Imperil, you can also use a Curse-Weaver cloth instead of using a Willow staff.
PS: It's true that until now I've always wanted to Jug5 my armor and get elem mitigations besides it, leaving Capacitor in last position as undesired potency.
This post has been edited by decondelite: Jan 11 2018, 12:21
Hey guys. Some months later I come back and the main script (monsterbation) needs to be reinstalled. I don't know if I am turning stupid or what but I can't grasp the script mechanics anymore somehow. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Which lines exactly are the ones I need to introduce? I played with those options about hoveraction/hovershiftaction and bind_key to no avail. Help please (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
Care to explain? I don't understand why Noodly Appendage significantly higher in price compared to other trophy and the price for Ring of Blood itself only half the Trio.
Is the difference between Tier 4 and Tier 5 trophy that huge mmm...~?
Care to explain? I don't understand why Noodly Appendage significantly higher in price compared to other trophy and the price for Ring of Blood itself only half the Trio.
Is the difference between Tier 4 and Tier 5 trophy that huge mmm...~?
Freakin economics trying to bamboozle me again mmm...
* Wait, I don't know that the word "bamboozle" is an actual English language and it's even used in English literature back in 1710. I thought it's only a meme word mmm...
I have collected an adequate set of power of protection gear, rapier, and shield for my 1h set. I can handle DWD PFUDOR and even IW-Peerless PFUDOR wearing this set. There is room for improvement, but I have passed that threshold of "can I handle it" and now it turns to "can I do it faster?"
I'm interested in hearing advice on something like a 6-month plan. Over the course of about 6 months, I will attempt to generate as much income as I feasibly can, and have a pretty firm idea of the best ways to go about doing that at present.
I am interested in advice on how to use that income as it becomes available.
Should I start investing in Bindings of Slaughter and Repurposed Actuators (along with boatloads of metal/etc.) to upgrade the ADB on my rapier past 5, and the ADB on my armors?
Should I max out some training: Adept Learner 150 currently. Also, various "loot" training could be maxed out as well (scavenger, archaeologist, etc.)
invest in hath for further hath perks (have IA2 and VV, plan to get DD1; this route would see me getting several other perks like more DD, Crystarium, Tokenizer, maybe Dark Descent to do IW service)
simply save up a lot and see if I can't build up several tens of millions of credits to make progress on a goal like switching to mage.
This post has been edited by Cryosite: Jan 13 2018, 00:25