QUOTE(minnazzo @ Mar 31 2024, 14:19)

Besides doing Arena, is there other things I should keep in mind to bolster my bank? Like not shrining and sell all the trophies?
For persistent, you need to consider both experience and credit.
If you have a stamina penalty, this might help.
My battle record shows that I should clear in the following order:
90->85->80->65->75-> the rest
The number shows profit/round.
Yes, 65 has more experience than 75 and 70, and more credit than 70.
The last few arenas almost double or even quadra the credit than the rest.
Doing ISK is also a good way to farm credit since it resets the first clear reward every season.
Everyone has equal buffs in ISK.
The problem is there is a 6-month delay and only credit exceeding 1m can be transferred to persistent.
By reaching the 200 level in ISK, you can get 500k from the first clear reward.
Reaching 300 grants you nearly 900k reward.
Currently, I'm 300+level and I can earn 150k (including trophies) or 100k (only credit) daily in ISK
Without Arena 90, my daily credits would be 60 - 70k (only credit), 100k(including trophies)
I would recommend you play when the next season starts
If you want to play in this season, here is my small calculation for you
I reached level 200 within 20 days. So, you can do it, too. And I'm a slow one.
So far, you have earned 500k credits at least. Then, to farm arena and RoB daily, sell trophies. 100k/day
By the end of April, you will have at least 500k credit transfer to persistent. 1m stay in your ISK account.
I would suggest you switch to hell difficulty after reaching the 200 level.
I have tried to clear the daily arena in Hell but did not find a significant decrease in credit drop.
Also, the arena's clear reward guarantees Tx trophy reward would not be affected by difficulty.
If you don't want to spend a lot of time in ISK like me. Stay around 300, and play in low difficulty. Just for credit
Arena with SG is pain.
The downside of ISK is that you need to soulfuse so you can bring gear back to persistent unless you drop peerless.
Ouch! I want to soulfuse every legendary since I'm a collector