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> Hentai@Home 1.4.2, Backwards-incompatiblecompatibility

post Sep 27 2017, 14:20
Post #1



- Fix for broken backwards compatibility in Java 9 by removing dependency on module javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter, which prevented H@H from working without manually loading the module.

- Previously, when shutting down, the client would immediately stop receiving new HTTP connections, then wait 25 seconds before exiting. Now, the client will wait five seconds before closing the socket, then shut down as soon as all pending requests have completed or when 25 additional seconds have passed. This will generally result in both faster and cleaner shutdowns than before.

- If the client was terminated between initializing the cache and finishing startup, the cache state was not saved and a full rescan would be required. This should now be fixed.

- If the client errored out from the program's main loop, most commonly when running out of disk space, the cache state might fail to save depending on thread interrupt timings. This should now be fixed.

- The specific failure reason should now always be printed if startup tests fail.

This is an optional update; unless you are having any particular issues, updating is not required.

To update an existing client: shut it down, download Hentai@Home 1.4.2, extract the archive, copy the jar files over the existing ones, then restart the client.

The full source code for H@H is available and licensed under the GNU General Public License v3, and can be downloaded here. Building it from source only requires the free Java SE 7 JDK.

For information on how to join Hentai@Home, check out The Hentai@Home Project FAQ.

Other download options can be found at the usual place.

Recent release notes: 1.4.1 - 1.4.0 - 1.3 Experimental Branch
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post Sep 27 2017, 15:25
Post #2

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Sorry,It was resolved.

This post has been edited by Goldage: Sep 27 2017, 16:04
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post Oct 23 2017, 04:03
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For any users of Arch Linux, I have packaged Hentai@Home and it is available on the Arch User Repository.

More details here.

[aur.archlinux.org] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hath/
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post Oct 23 2017, 21:32
Post #4
blue penguin

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QUOTE(jtmb @ Oct 23 2017, 03:03) *

For any users of Arch Linux, I have packaged Hentai@Home and it is available on the Arch User Repository.

More details here.

[aur.archlinux.org] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hath/

Could you add
useradd -d /var/lib/hath -m -r hentaiathome

Would make things much much better. Running it as root is only needed if you absolutely need to use port 80.
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post Nov 4 2017, 10:24
Post #5

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Today I can use H@H.
There are some errors.

2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] CacheHandler: Loaded static range ages
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] CacheHandler: Loaded LRU cache
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] CacheHandler: Successfully loaded persistent cache data
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] Starting up the internal HTTP Server...
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] Internal HTTP Server was successfully started, and is listening on port XXXXX
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] Notifying the server that we have finished starting up the client...
2017-11-04T08:00:02Z [info] Connecting to
2017-11-04T08:00:03Z [info] {1/} Code=200 Bytes=36 GET /servercmd/still_alive//1509782401/63ee3de47c4a5bc782ccfaf7ec49a1c
2017-11-04T08:00:03Z [info] {1/} Code=200 Bytes=36 Finished processing request in 0.00 seconds
2017-11-04T08:00:04Z [info] {2/} Code=200 Bytes=2500001 GET /servercmd/speed_test/testsize=2500001/1509782402/56cef35adf120fad
2017-11-04T08:00:04Z [info] {3/} Code=200 Bytes=2500002 GET /servercmd/speed_test/testsize=2500002/1509782402/2f1fbb0c79407175
2017-11-04T08:00:43Z [info] {2/} Code=200 Bytes=2500001 The connection was interrupted or closed by the remote host.
2017-11-04T08:00:51Z [info] {3/} Code=200 Bytes=2500002 The connection was interrupted or closed by the remote host.
2017-11-04T08:05:05Z [info] Reading 69 bytes from []
2017-11-04T08:05:05Z [WARN] Startup Failure: FAIL_INITIAL_SPEEDTEST:
2017-11-04T08:05:05Z [info] Startup notification failed.
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post Nov 4 2017, 16:13
Post #6
blue penguin

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QUOTE(Celtae @ Nov 4 2017, 08:24) *
2017-11-04T08:05:05Z [WARN] Startup Failure: FAIL_INITIAL_SPEEDTEST:

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post Nov 26 2017, 17:34
Post #7
Night Revolt

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Sep 27 2017, 09:20) *


- Previously, when shutting down, the client would immediately stop receiving new HTTP connections, then wait 25 seconds before exiting. Now, the client will wait five seconds before closing the socket, then shut down as soon as all pending requests have completed or when 25 additional seconds have passed. This will generally result in both faster and cleaner shutdowns than before.

Yes, thank you for this.
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post Jan 4 2018, 19:37
Post #8

ą¤Øą„‹ ą¤µą„ą¤¹ą¤æą¤Øą¤æą¤Øą„ą¤— ą¤…ą¤²ą„ą¤²ą„‹ą¤µą„‡ą¤¦
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Does anyone know how many files/day must be served to get to "10,000 score" on the daily EHG toplist? and how many hath that translates to? Thanks
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post Jan 4 2018, 23:30
Post #9


QUOTE(treesloth @ Jan 4 2018, 18:37) *

Does anyone know how many files/day must be served to get to "10,000 score" on the daily EHG toplist? and how many hath that translates to? Thanks

It's 1 point per 100 hits, so 1 million. As for the hath rate, that also depends on the number of ranges the client has, but it adds 0.15 per average hit/minute, so.. (1M / 1440) * 0.15 = 104 from hits alone.
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post Jan 19 2018, 18:23
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I have recently moved to running H@H inside Docker on my home server and wasn't able to find a reliable H@H Docker image so I created one myself that is fully configurable via volume mounts and environment variables. The docker container will gracefully shutdown H@H unlike other containers I've seen which will avoid affecting Trust and Quality whenever you have to restart H@H. A benefit you get with running it inside Docker using Alpine and OpenJDK is that the memory footprint appears to be a lot smaller than when running on host OS, not exactly sure why that is the case.

[hub.docker.com] https://hub.docker.com/r/frosty5689/hath/

Hope it is helpful.
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post Feb 11 2018, 20:57
Post #11

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Following the instructions on the wiki ( https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Installing_H@H_on_Ubuntu ) I reached the part about running H@H on the background. It recommends to use nohup, which I considered a poor choice if you want to access the logs or want an easy way to stop and restart it, so I used PM2 that lets me save the logs to a file, easily check the last logged lines, auto-rotate a log file at X size, make it start on startup, manage how much memory is it taking, auto-restart when the process crashes...

PM2 is made with managing JS apps in mind, but it can be used with Python, Java,... I use it in my workplace everyday. It requires npm which is bundled with nodejs. I don't recommend using the version from apt unless you're very short on disk space and don't want install all the dependencies because it's kind of outdated. Download can be found here: ( [nodejs.org] https://nodejs.org/en/ ).

Run npm install pm2 -g to install it. The -g flag is important because it will install in globally instead of on the local folder. You might need superuser power to do the task.

Once you have npm and nodejs, imagine you have the following setup:


therefore, the files are stored in /home/username/hath/. Now you only need to place a JSON anywhere (I place it inside the hath folder) with the following:


    "apps": [{
            "name": "H@H",
            "cwd": "/home/username/hath/",
            "args": [
            "script": "java",
            "node_args": [],
            "log_date_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
            "exec_interpreter": "none",
            "exec_mode": "fork"

name: name that will show on PM2
cwd: folder where the app will run
script: program to launch
args: self-explanatory

We can name it whatever we want, I use hath_pm2.json. Now just add it to PM2 with:

pm2 start hath_pm2.json

It will add it to the process list, you can check it with:

pm2 list

To finish, some useful commands:

Make PM2 launch at startup (follow the instructions on the terminal)

pm2 startup

Save the current process list, so next launch will be added (this is important to do at least once)

pm2 save

Check all the commands (because I wont post them all here)

pm2 help

I recommend using PM2 as it's a very useful and powerful utility. So, that was it, thank you for reading!

[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/q8Q0QKh.png

This post has been edited by KuronekoIsMyWaifu_: Feb 12 2018, 01:27
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post Feb 12 2018, 12:46
Post #12

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Today I cant use H@H.
There are some errors.

2018-02-12T10:44:19Z [info] CacheHandler: Cache cleanup pass..
2018-02-12T10:44:19Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 10%
2018-02-12T10:44:19Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 20%
2018-02-12T10:44:19Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 30%
2018-02-12T10:44:19Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 40%
2018-02-12T10:44:20Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 50%
2018-02-12T10:44:20Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 60%
2018-02-12T10:44:20Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 70%
2018-02-12T10:44:20Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 80%
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 90%
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Cleanup pass at 100%
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Finished scanning 36 cache subdirectories
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Loading cache...
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} java.lang.NullPointerException
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.CacheHandler.startupInitCache(Ca
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.CacheHandler.<init>(CacheHandler
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.HentaiAtHomeClient.run(HentaiAtH
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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post Feb 12 2018, 14:01
Post #13


QUOTE(Blackowl @ Feb 12 2018, 11:46) *

Today I cant use H@H.
There are some errors.

It cuts off. Can you post the full log of that bit from log/log_out?
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post Feb 12 2018, 21:29
Post #14

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2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Finished scanning 36 cache subdirectories
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [info] CacheHandler: Loading cache...
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} java.lang.NullPointerException
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.CacheHandler.startupInitCache(CacheHandler.java:409)
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.CacheHandler.<init>(CacheHandler.java:109)
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.HentaiAtHomeClient.run(HentaiAtHomeClient.java:125)
2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
2018-02-12T10:48:16Z [info] Shutting down...
2018-02-12T10:48:16Z [info] I don't hate you
2018-02-12T10:48:16Z [info] Logging ended.
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post Feb 12 2018, 21:49
Post #15


QUOTE(Blackowl @ Feb 12 2018, 20:29) *

2018-02-12T10:44:21Z [ERR] {java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream.println(Unknown Source)} at org.hath.base.CacheHandler.startupInitCache(CacheHandler.java:409)

Looks like it's failing to create the required H@H directories. Check that the user running H@H has write access to its own directory, and that the file system hasn't failed into read-only mode. Run a disk check if those don't seem to be the issue.

(And yes, it probably should fail in a cleaner way.)
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post Feb 13 2018, 07:44
Post #16

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Feb 13 2018, 02:49) *

Looks like it's failing to create the required H@H directories. Check that the user running H@H has write access to its own directory, and that the file system hasn't failed into read-only mode. Run a disk check if those don't seem to be the issue.

(And yes, it probably should fail in a cleaner way.)

Do I need clear cache?
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post Feb 13 2018, 13:40
Post #17


QUOTE(Blackowl @ Feb 13 2018, 06:44) *

Do I need clear cache?

Probably not. Looking a bit closer at it, it seems like it's actually choking on something unexpected in the cache directory that's either corrupted or that it doesn't have access to. Try downloading this build, which should both handle it gracefully and tell you which file/directory it is.
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post Feb 19 2018, 11:28
Post #18

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Is there any method to check the download queue in H@H?
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post Feb 19 2018, 15:28
Post #19


QUOTE(cghctommyho @ Feb 19 2018, 10:28) *

Is there any method to check the download queue in H@H?

Not currently.
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post Feb 22 2018, 10:37
Post #20

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I run H@H in my Nas and set it in Hentai@Home Local Network Host (My setting panel) but i realize that it don't download and serve any image to my browser when i open galleries (old and new comic). Can you help me? @Tenboro Thank you
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