QUOTE(Tenboro @ Aug 21 2009, 18:25)
Well dur, if you wear the highest interference plate armor you can get your hands on, you won't be able to land much of anything. If you expect to be able to tank most mobs in the game without magic AND get everything the mages use to stay alive in addition to that, you're on the wrong path.
i'm not complaining about not getting
everything mages do to stay alive, i'm only complaining about not being able to keep the 2 things i'd need during a fight with a legendary
legendary fight needs
weakenpoison is also nice to have, but you can live without it thanks to the weapon procs
OTOH, a full set of five pieces with the least interfering chainmail armor will only give 17.5% chance to fail a spell.
and i'm betting those are the hardest to find and most people will likely never be able to get them?
and against a legendary (plus a bunch of mini-bosses), that 17.5, along with normal resists, will kill you (IMG:[
Just be happy I decided to let you have Cure, and Regen, and Shield, and Barrier, and Shadow Veil, and Spark, and Absorb. (IMG:[
of course i'm happy about the cure/regen (IMG:[
let's make a trade
i'll trade you shield, barrier, spark, and absorb for silence (IMG:[
shield/barrier really doesn't do anything for me, spark i don't care to use, and absorb gives those that use melee...mp...at the cost of mp
silence really only has 2 uses anyways:
turn off toddler guro
turn off 1hko's