Here's something I
didn't get today:
Superior Ebony Staff of the Elementalist
Weapon Damage Type Crushing
Attack Damage Multiplier + 11.68 % (+ 8.91) %
Magic Damage Multiplier + 25.77 % (+ 19.65) %
Magic Accuracy Bonus + 18.78 % (+ 18.14) %
Magic Critical Bonus + 2.78 % (+ 2.68) %
Burden + 8.96
Proficiency Bonuses
Elemental + 52.09 (+ 37.41) Deprecating + 16.28 (+ 11.69)
Elemental Damage Bonuses
Fire + 4.77 (+ 3.43) Cold + 7.95 (+ 5.71)
Elec + 4.77 (+ 3.43) Wind + 7.95 (+ 5.71)
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Wisdom + 1.36 (+ 0.91) Intelligence + 8.14 (+ 5.44)
Hit Proc: 32% chance for Ether Theft
Duration: 3 (2) turns
Level 216 / Slot: Staff / Type: Staff
Saw it in the Bazaar while I was converting some boss trophies. It was better than any of my Elementalist staffs, so I decided to buy it. I clicked on "Accept", and... it vanished. I thought someone must have beaten me to it, but who? Waitaminute! (I said to myself.) If I press the back arrow key, it should return me to the previous version of the page, and I can bring up the pop-up to find out what jammy bastard nicked it from me. Well, I successfully retrieved the stats, as you can see, but as for the owner... "No such item". Yes, Snowflake ate it. (IMG:[