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> The Equipment Thread, Whining about the equipment you got

post May 12 2010, 02:44
Post #4641

Forever Alone
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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fair Leather Helmet of Warding]
Initializing arena challenge #7 (Round 5 / 5)


Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fair Cotton Gloves]
Initializing arena challenge #9 (Round 7 / 7)

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post May 12 2010, 03:04
Post #4642

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Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Emerald Longsword of Slaughter]
Initializing arena challenge #18 (Round 25 / 25) ...

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Sapphire Tower Shield of Protection]
Initializing arena challenge #13 (Round 12 / 12) ...

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Leather Leggings of Warding]
Initializing arena challenge #10 (Round 8 / 8) ...
Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Sapphire Longsword of Balance]
Initializing arena challenge #3 (Round 2 / 2) ...
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post May 12 2010, 03:39
Post #4643

I hate everything >:C
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LOL. [Fine Ethereal Redwood Staff of Destruction]s in my eth rapier? More likely than you think. Sadly, not only is it an eth staff, its Redwood. Super fail. >=C

Anyone wanna buy it for a high price? Didn't think so. You couldn't give these away.

Put in a link.

This post has been edited by cmal: May 12 2010, 04:06
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post May 12 2010, 03:52
Post #4644
Golden Sun

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Anyone wanna buy it for a high price? Didn't think so. You couldn't give these away.

I'm very satisfied with the Average Redwood Staff of Destruction I got from you. Who knows? Maybe you'll find a buyer.

This post has been edited by Golden Sun: May 12 2010, 03:52
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post May 12 2010, 04:25
Post #4645

I hate everything >:C
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I really should pay more attention to the stuff I put in my shop. A lucky lowbie just made off with a dagger....that has 15%, 4-turn, 204 damage Bleed. I've got axes and shortswords with less Bleed than that.
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post May 12 2010, 04:35
Post #4646
Golden Sun

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Jesus... why didn't I see that? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Yeah, you should start checking your equips.
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post May 12 2010, 04:45
Post #4647

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(Golden Sun @ May 11 2010, 22:35) *

Jesus... why didn't I see that? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Yeah, you should start checking your equips.

Like I say in my sig, there're are some real treasure buried in all the junk in my shop. Its up to the buyer to find them. Darwinism at its best. As for checking my own equip, it doesn't really matter. I wouldn't have used it, anyway. I was just surprised when I saw its stats.
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post May 12 2010, 04:45
Post #4648
Golden Sun

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Double post...

10 minutes? How delayed is my internet?

This post has been edited by Golden Sun: May 12 2010, 05:25
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post May 12 2010, 04:51
Post #4649
Sayo Aisaka

I have no Item Sluts :(
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QUOTE(cmal @ May 12 2010, 02:39) *

LOL. [Fine Ethereal Redwood Staff of Destruction]s in my eth rapier? More likely than you think. Sadly, not only is it an eth staff, its Redwood. Super fail. >=C

I'm using a Redwood staff right now. I might switch if I get a Fine Staff of the Elementalist with 40% Ether Theft, but for now I'm quite happy with it.

That doesn't mean I would buy yours, mind you. Though if I got a similar one I would certainly try it out.
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post May 12 2010, 05:48
Post #4650
Alpha 7

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4 4 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Crude Cotton Cap of Protection]
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #8 (Round 6 / 6) ...

3 8 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Emerald Buckler of Protection]
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #16 (Round 18 / 18) ...

11 6 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #17 (Round 20 / 20) ... Endgame
* Snowflake gave...
Crude Emerald Club

127 6 Ryouko Asakura dropped [Hinamatsuri Doll]
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #107 (Round 1 / 1) ... 1st Clear
* Snowflake gave...
Average Emerald Club of Balance :/
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post May 12 2010, 05:49
Post #4651

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QUOTE(cmal @ May 12 2010, 09:25) *
a dagger....that has 15%, 4-turn, 204 damage Bleed. I've got axes and shortswords with less Bleed than that.

Really (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
Can you give the link? I want to have a look at it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post May 12 2010, 06:19
Post #4652

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(Jonavrek @ May 11 2010, 23:49) *

Really (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
Can you give the link? I want to have a look at it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

That would be up to the person who bought it.
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post May 12 2010, 11:38
Post #4653

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18 5 Amphibious Sperm Whale dropped [Average Cotton Robe]
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post May 12 2010, 16:29
Post #4654

Forever Alone
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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Sapphire Dagger]
Initializing arena challenge #12 (Round 10 / 10)


Cockatrice dropped [Average Sapphire Mace of Slaughter]
Initializing arena challenge #14 (Round 7 / 14)

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post May 12 2010, 16:45
Post #4655
ThE AssA

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[Fair Leather Boots of Protection]

and a

[Flimsy Cotton Cap of the Wind-waker]

flimsy item worlds

This post has been edited by ThE AssA: May 12 2010, 17:08
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post May 12 2010, 19:19
Post #4656

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Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Mithril Plate Helmet of Warding]
Baby Steps

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Fair Mithril Shortsword of Slaughter]

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Oak Staff of Heimdall]

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Leather Helmet]

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Fine Leather Boots of Protection]
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post May 12 2010, 22:10
Post #4657
Sayo Aisaka

I have no Item Sluts :(
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Here's something I didn't get today:

Superior Ebony Staff of the Elementalist
Weapon Damage Type Crushing
Attack Damage Multiplier + 11.68 % (+ 8.91) %
Magic Damage Multiplier + 25.77 % (+ 19.65) %
Magic Accuracy Bonus + 18.78 % (+ 18.14) %
Magic Critical Bonus + 2.78 % (+ 2.68) %
Burden + 8.96
Proficiency Bonuses
Elemental + 52.09 (+ 37.41) Deprecating + 16.28 (+ 11.69)
Elemental Damage Bonuses
Fire + 4.77 (+ 3.43) Cold + 7.95 (+ 5.71)
Elec + 4.77 (+ 3.43) Wind + 7.95 (+ 5.71)
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Wisdom + 1.36 (+ 0.91) Intelligence + 8.14 (+ 5.44)
Hit Proc: 32% chance for Ether Theft
Duration: 3 (2) turns
Level 216 / Slot: Staff / Type: Staff

Saw it in the Bazaar while I was converting some boss trophies. It was better than any of my Elementalist staffs, so I decided to buy it. I clicked on "Accept", and... it vanished. I thought someone must have beaten me to it, but who? Waitaminute! (I said to myself.) If I press the back arrow key, it should return me to the previous version of the page, and I can bring up the pop-up to find out what jammy bastard nicked it from me. Well, I successfully retrieved the stats, as you can see, but as for the owner... "No such item". Yes, Snowflake ate it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post May 12 2010, 22:25
Post #4658

I hate everything >:C
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Level 362 (Godslayer)

QUOTE(Sayo Aisaka @ May 12 2010, 16:10) *

Yes, Snowflake ate it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

-K her for being a bitch.

[Average Prism Wakizashi of the Nimble] in my wakizashi (lol Snowflake and her irony). Still not as good as the one I'm using, which is, like, Emerald or Sapphire.
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post May 12 2010, 22:31
Post #4659

Death Row
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QUOTE(cmal @ May 12 2010, 13:25) *

QUOTE(Sayo Aisaka @ May 12 2010, 13:10) *

Yes, Snowflake ate it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

-K her for being a bitch.

Yeah. But, lets not think too hard about who might have sold it in the first place. There has to be dozens of people it could have been.
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post May 12 2010, 22:32
Post #4660

Godslayer Angelic Belldandy (On vacations)
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QUOTE(Sayo Aisaka @ May 12 2010, 21:10) *

Here's something I didn't get today:

Superior Ebony Staff of the Elementalist
Magic Damage Multiplier + 25.77 %
Elemental + 52.09
Hit Proc: 32% chance for Ether Theft
Duration: 3 turns
Level 216 / Slot: Staff / Type: Staff

Yes, Snowflake ate it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

From the level it have I bet it was belonged to Boggyb, you could said something first before you sold to bazzar >_<

This post has been edited by cmdct: May 12 2010, 22:33
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