13 4 Rabid Hamster dropped
[Average Mithril Buckler of Warding]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 42 / 92) ...
Average Mithril Buckler of Warding====================================
Physical Absorption + 0.88
Physical Mitigation + 0.52 %
Magical Absorption + 2.25
Magical Mitigation + 1.27 %
Block Chance + 10.00 %
Burden + 8.51
Interference + 4.01
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 0.60 Slashing + 0.30
Piercing + 0.50
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 0.33 Dexterity + 0.67
Endurance + 1.33
Level 101 / Slot: Offhand / Type: Shield
61 4 White Bunneh dropped
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 59 / 92) ...
Snowflake gave...
Crude Mithril Club of Balance====================================
Weapon Damage Type Crushing
Hit Proc: 13% chance for Stunned
Duration: 1 turns
Attack Damage Multiplier + 11.94 %
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 19.36 %
Attack Critical Bonus + 5.63 %
Burden + 13.10
Interference + 7.48
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 1.37
Level 104 / Slot: 1handed / Type: One-handed weapon
Junktastic. SOLD
6 7 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fair Mithril Plate Cuirass of Dampening]0 1 Initializing arena challenge #8 (Round 6 / 6) ...
Fair Mithril Plate Cuirass of Dampening====================================
Physical Absorption + 3.92
Physical Mitigation + 2.62 %
Magical Absorption + 6.10
Magical Mitigation + 2.16 %
Burden + 25.03
Interference + 31.02 Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 2.82 Slashing + 5.03
Piercing + 2.62
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 2.03 Endurance + 3.39
Level 103 / Slot: Body / Type: Heavy armor
The worst Interference I've ever seen! Ny Thubder-Chikd Plate Shirt even has better "Dampening" 378 C.
4 6 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Redwood Staff of the Owl]0 1 Initializing arena challenge #2 (Round 1 / 1) ...
Fine Redwood Staff of the Owl====================================
Weapon Damage Type Crushing
Hit Proc: 20% chance for Ether Theft
Duration: 1 turns
Attack Damage Multiplier + 7.47 %
Magic Damage Multiplier + 9.15 %
Magic Accuracy Bonus + 16.77 %
Magic Critical Bonus + 4.07 %
Burden + 5.68
Proficiency Bonuses
Elemental + 7.44 Divine + 7.44
Forbidden + 5.58 Deprecating + 3.72
Supportive + 9.30 Curative + 6.51
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Wisdom + 3.70 Intelligence + 1.34
Level 102 / Slot: Staff / Type: Staff