After a bit of a drought, 4 drops in one Item World...
3 8 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Flimsy Mithril Chainmail Mitons of Protection]0 1 Initializing arena challenge #4 (Round 2 / 2) ...
Flimsy Mithril Chainmail Mitons of Protection====================================
Physical Absorption + 2.85
Physical Mitigation + 1.83 %
Magical Absorption + 2.67
Magical Mitigation + 1.91 %
Burden + 15.36
Interference + 16.66
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 1.11 Slashing + 2.72
Piercing + 0.60
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 0.34 Endurance + 0.34
Level 103 / Slot: Hands / Type: Heavy armor
Keep as an Item World.
10 4 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fair Silk Robe]0 1 Initializing arena challenge #7 (Round 5 / 5) ...
Fair Silk Robe====================================
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 1.68 %
Physical Absorption + 1.39
Physical Mitigation + 1.69 %
Magical Absorption + 1.86
Magical Mitigation + 1.26 %
Evade Chance + 5.00 %
Resist Chance + 0.63 %
Burden + 6.24
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Dexterity + 1.32
Level 100 / Slot: Body / Type: Cloth armor
A little ka-ching.
15 5 Fire Fox dropped
[Average Cotton Shoes]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 24 / 90) ...
Average Cotton Shoes====================================
Physical Absorption + 0.70
Physical Mitigation + 0.65 %
Magical Absorption + 1.12
Magical Mitigation + 0.88 %
Evade Chance + 1.25 %
Burden + 5.67
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Dexterity + 0.66 Agility + 0.66
Level 100 / Slot: Feet / Type: Cloth armor
130 C
18 4 Fire Fox dropped
[Fair Titanium Shortsword of the Ox]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 28 / 90) ...
Fair Titanium Shortsword of the Ox====================================
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 16% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 1 turns / Damage: 64 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier + 12.20 %
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 13.43 %
Attack Critical Bonus + 1.76 %
Parry Chance + 4.93 %
Burden + 9.05
Interference + 4.00
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 2.92 Dexterity + 1.30
Level 98 / Slot: 1handed / Type: One-handed weapon
216 C
12 4 Tentacle Monster dropped
[Fair Titanium Longsword]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 32 / 90) ...
Fair Titanium Longsword====================================
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 15% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 3 turns / Damage: 128 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier + 17.69 %
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 8.39 %
Attack Critical Bonus + 4.63 %
Burden + 24.89
Interference + 12.57
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 1.62 Dexterity + 0.32
Level 98 / Slot: 2handed / Type: Two-handed weapon
194 C
5 9 Cockatrice dropped
[Average Leather Boots of Warding]0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 90 / 90) ...
Average Leather Boots of Warding====================================
Physical Absorption + 1.77
Physical Mitigation + 1.04 %
Magical Absorption + 2.84
Magical Mitigation + 1.77 %
Evade Chance + 1.26 %
Resist Chance + 1.90 %
Burden + 5.11
Interference + 5.17
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 1.91 Slashing + 0.60
Piercing + 0.20
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 0.67 Dexterity + 0.67
Agility + 0.67
Level 102 / Slot: Feet / Type: Light armor
242 C