45 30 You gain 324 Credits!
45 29 You gain 3888534 EXP!
45 28 Hawk dropped
[Godly Health Potion]45 27 The One Eyed Dude dropped
[Godly Health Potion]45 26 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen dropped
[Fine Fiery Club of Balance]45 25 72c dropped
[Average Plate Sabatons of the Thunder-child]45 24 Ouzai Shadow Killer White dropped
[3x Crystal of Frost]45 23 Ouzai Buster dropped
[Superior Plate Greaves of the Fire-eater]45 22 Balrog dropped
[3x Crystal of Frost]45 21 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped
[Superior Shade Helmet of Negation]45 20 You are Victorious
IWBTH Hourly
4 equipments drops
All crap (IMG:[