QUOTE(eleeinos @ Dec 25 2012, 17:21)
Stocking Stuffer #1: Exquisite Longsword of Balance (1,374 C)
Stocking Stuffer #2: Superior Estoc of the Illithid (644 C)
Stocking Stuffer #3: Superior Estoc of Balance (620 C)
Stocking Stuffer #4: Superior Mace of Slaughter (437 C)
Stocking Stuffer #5: Superior Estoc of Balance (598 C)
It's only natural. I hate Christmas and Christmas hates me back. (IMG:[
Stocking StuffersExquisite Plate Cuirass of Warding
Superior Plate Cuirass of Deflection
Superior Plate Sabatons of Protection
Fire Keeper SoulExquisite Shield Cuirass of Protection
ManBearPig Tail - 633
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch - 617
Mithra's Flower - 642
Dalek Voicebox - 641
Lock of Blue Hair - 261
Bunny-Girl Costume - 263
Hinamatsuri Doll - 252
Broken Glasses - 524
salvaged some, bazaar'ed the rest but it was all junk