QUOTE(Eutopia @ Sep 27 2009, 20:17)
Lucky you, i didnt have time to do endgame and twisted plots. But i did longest journey on record time in like 3 min rofl before the dawn (IMG:[
Because I was rushing I actually messed up Killzone the first time and lost on the last round, essentially because I was too stingy to use another godly mana draught ;_; I will miss you credits!!
On the other hand, my upper arena haul today was hot.
The axe from above:
Fine Emerald Axe
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 13% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 3 turns / Damage: 286 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 17.2
Attack Accuracy Bonus 6.8
Burden 10.1
Interference 5.0
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 3.1 Dexterity 3.1
Level 120 / Slot: 1handed / Type: One-handed weapon
Sold the superior buckler because the exquisite one had better everything. Sold the staff because it was just meh. The haulberk is being kept because it had better everything than my previous, and this axe might make me give bleed a spin (IMG:[
Edit: On a sidenote, I'm surprised longest journey was so easy, since I'd used my spirit attack to finish off twisted plots and give me enough time to start it (literally started at 7:59), and so a whole bunch of my 2nd winds were for SP instead of hp/mp xD At least it wasn't one of those times where my armor increases my sp by 1, and then a 2nd wind gets wasted recovering that 1sp since I didn't notice and use the healer >.<.
Edit2: OH FUCK YEAH. Dual Wield prof brings that 286 per tick up to 408 per tick (IMG:[
This post has been edited by DemonEyesBob: Sep 28 2009, 02:28