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HTTPS and URL changes |
Jan 21 2017, 22:35
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I kinda miss the home page. It's weird having it gone and just getting dumped straight into the galleries.
Jan 21 2017, 22:39
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jan 21 2017, 15:34)  That's not really the default page.
Jan 21 2017, 22:43
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Nothing stopping you from bookmarking it and using it for refreshes like you said you do.
Jan 21 2017, 22:46
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Okay so I set it up so I get to the "news" section when I come here by default.
Feels a lot better.
This post has been edited by kingwolf: Jan 21 2017, 22:46
Jan 21 2017, 22:52
Group: Gold Star Club
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Just feels like there should be a "Front Page" instead of the gallery stuffed down your face on the default URL.
Jan 21 2017, 23:55
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All these feels
Jan 22 2017, 00:39
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So is the forum link in the front page of e-hentai gone permanently? Or is that temporary?
Jan 22 2017, 00:44
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So........is it just me, or has anybody else noticed the weird differences showing up in the gallery comments between the different site url's? Like, making a comment (or just reading them/taking note of what's there), and then seeing the gallery under the new url and none of the gallery comments are there? It's weird I know, but I've been seeing this repeatedly off and on as I've been going from gallery to gallery......take this one.... https://e-hentai.org/g/1020778/8ba40e9f4e/under the g.e- (which I've still got coming up off and on for me.....no clue what/why/when it's doing that, I'm doing it partly intentionally now to test what I'm seeing but I'm still having the system do it on its own ), and it's got 3 comments in addition to the uploader's, view it under the new (secure) url https://e-hentai.org/g/1020778/8ba40e9f4e/ and there are no comments...? Seeing similar thing from fjords to main site as well. Or am I just going crazy? Or something I should ignore until it works itself out? Just curious. edit....mmm, well, as I suspected might happen, the forum system changed the url I was leaving on the first one when I actually posted the comment so I can't leave it and show you the difference >_< Oh well, trust me or try to reproduce what I'm talking about if you're interested (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) This post has been edited by svines85: Jan 22 2017, 00:47
Jan 22 2017, 00:46
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Jan 21 2017, 15:43)  Nothing stopping you from bookmarking it and using it for refreshes like you said you do.
I do have the site bookmarked. But when you have 50bajillion thing's bookmarked. You are not going to go thru them all to just hit that one. So what i'm talking about is the landing page, "e-hentai.org" Should land on a news page or something instead of the gallery. As that's the default go to. Hopefully this clarifies as to what i'm referring to.
Jan 22 2017, 00:53
blue penguin
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QUOTE(svines85 @ Jan 21 2017, 22:44)  So........is it just me, or has anybody else noticed the weird differences showing up in the gallery comments between the different site url's? Like, making a comment (or just reading them/taking note of what's there), and then seeing the gallery under the new url and none of the gallery comments are there? Eeeyup. G.E seems to have more of them. It is really a caching issue. They come over after some time. And, once everything migrates, they should work better. QUOTE Hopefully this clarifies as to what i'm referring to. I find it to be the opposite. It may be my understanding: but are you asking Tenb to change the website because it looks bad among your bookmarks? That may not be a very well though proposal. This post has been edited by blue penguin: Jan 22 2017, 00:53
Jan 22 2017, 01:15
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So where am I supposed to log in now? The forums page? Wow.
Jan 22 2017, 01:52
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QUOTE(hujkl @ Jan 21 2017, 16:15)  So where am I supposed to log in now? The forums page? Wow.
Click on the 'My Home' link at the top of the galleries, or any page that requires a user account. It'll send you to a login page. That said, clicking on the 'My Home' link while on HTTPS currently redirects me (via HTTP/1.1 302 Found) to the plain HTTP bounce_login.php page.
Jan 22 2017, 02:03
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^It's almost like it'd be easier if a home page were to just have a username and password field.
Jan 22 2017, 02:06
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QUOTE(hujkl @ Jan 22 2017, 00:03)  It's almost like it'd be easier if a home page were to just have a username and password field.
QUOTE(ctxl @ Jan 21 2017, 23:52)  any page that requires a user account. It'll send you to a login page.
If you are not already logged in, then you will be asked to, seems like you wouldn't need a special login field if you are going to be prompted to login when you go to a page where your credentials are needed.
Jan 22 2017, 03:06
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jan 21 2017, 16:53) 
It is really a caching issue. They come over after some time. And, once everything migrates, they should work better.
That's......yeah, kinda what I'm thinking, it's kinda wonky right now but it'll probably clear up (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) It's not like the comments aren't actually there (which is what I thought had somehow happened the first time I saw the difference) I can fiddlefuck with url's/whathaveyou's and make 'em reappear......but yeah, I'm sure it'll clear itself up. This is the first one I saw it on... https://e-hentai.org/g/1020731/15e036d179/ ...and yeah, it's still doing it as of now, look at it on the main site and there's one comment, go to the fjords and there's 12+ O_o
Jan 22 2017, 03:21
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When I'm on the Forums page and click the News tab at the top it jumps to the Galleries instead of the News. If I click the News Tab at the top of the Gallery page, it correctly jumps to the News. Is this just my browser, or is the link mixed up? Or am I misunderstanding what the "News" page is now? Sorry, this is making my head spin.
This post has been edited by Varth99: Jan 22 2017, 03:26
Jan 22 2017, 03:25
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(hujkl @ Jan 21 2017, 18:15)  The forums page?
The front page was the same login form as the forums.
Jan 22 2017, 03:26
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QUOTE(Varth99 @ Jan 22 2017, 01:21)  When I'm on the Forums page and click the News tab at the top it jumps to the Galleries instead of the News. If I click the News Tab at the top of the Gallery page, it correctly jumps to the News. Is this just my browser, or is the link mixed up?
The news page used to be the front page. The forum news tab is really a 'front page' tab, the galleries are now the front page. Not sure if the forum news tab will be renamed to 'galleries' or 'front' or something or left as is until new forums are about but as of right now, that is how the links are meant to be working. This post has been edited by Mrsuperhappy: Jan 22 2017, 03:33
Jan 22 2017, 03:33
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Mrsuperhappy @ Jan 21 2017, 20:26)  . . . Not sure if the news tab will be renamed to 'galleries' or 'front' or something or left as is until new forums are about but as of right now, that is how the links are meant to be working.
That makes sense. It was just the label on the "News" tab confusing me. Thanks!
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