QUOTE(blue penguin @ Mar 17 2017, 15:02)

Which extension?
https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon...search-options/Sadly just changing the url (which is techincally not hardcoded btw) did NOT work. That addon can for whatever reason not handle https at all.
TinEye for example broke too but screw that, EH is the only one where I actually ever need this.
I already tried myself at fixing that but I didn't even manage to understand how the hell it sends the request, the best I managed to juryrig was add a new placeholder which contains the SHA1 which I throw currently at EH via GET, it works but it limits the results even more than they are already because if the source isn't an exact version that's in the system already there will be 0 results.
Or atleast that's what I'd expect if I throw it a calculated hash instead of an image from which it can do some image normalizations before calculating the hash for comparison.
In case someone would like to take a look, here's the .js plucked out of the extension [
https://www.dropbox.com/s/el3k240kpttxk1v/i...options.js?dl=0 and the POST as I think is at line 301 - 356.