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> [Auction end] Super's auction #29

post Oct 5 2016, 10:34
Post #1

Dreaming of optimizing the system
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 7,581
Joined: 27-November 13
Level 500 (Godslayer)

(IMG:[reasoningtheory.net] http://reasoningtheory.net/countdown.png?title=Super's%20Auction%20^29&month=10&day=8&year=2016&hour=14&minute=00)
[reasoningtheory.net] (IMG:[reasoningtheory.net] http://reasoningtheory.net/update.png)(IMG:[reasoningtheory.net] http://reasoningtheory.net/spacer.png)

After you bid, please press Update to update this post with the latest bids,
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Auction Rules and Features: (Text in green is different from common rules and information in other auctions, please read if you are not familiar with them)
  • Automatic proxy bidding is highly recommended over bidding normally if you're seriously interested in something. If you bid from [reasoningtheory.net] the website, you will automatically outbid any other bidders by the minimum bid, up to your limit. (You can still bid normally any time, of course.) PM me to get a bidkey.
  • If you want realtime audio alerts on new bids or when you get outbid, go to the bid log (link below)
  • Outbid Notifications: If you want to be alerted via PM or MM when you get outbid on an item, type "itemcode (bid?) notify" (both PM and MM) or "itemcode (bid?) notify pm" (PM only) or "itemcode (bid?) notify mm" (MM only).
    Example: "One01 500k notify" or "One01 notify mm". You only need to enable notifications once for an item (you don't need to "notify" again each time you re-bid).
  • All posted bids should be in credits (or "Start" = starting bid) in multiples of 1k and must immediately follow the item code or codes. Codes must match what's displayed in the auction; 5 characters, no spaces. (capitalization, brackets, and dashes don't matter)
    "One01 200k" is valid. "[One02] 1.5m" is valid. "One04 start" is valid. "One05 I will bid 400k" is invalid. "one06 one07 start" is valid.
    Line breaks are fine, but other words are not. See this post for details.
  • Valid bids and commands must be in unedited posts only. This is so that everyone can see bids in chronological order without any possible confusion. (a note will be added to Post #2 for edited posts just in case it was accidental)
  • Bids made during or after the last 15 minutes will extend the item auction for another 15 minutes starting from the last bid time.
  • Posts made at the same time as the deadline (eg. xx:00) are valid, but bids after (eg. xx:01) are not.
  • Even if there are many bids in the last 15 minutes this post will be updated a few seconds after bids are made, unlike other auctions.
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  • Winners will receive the items with CoD.
  • You do not have to pay immediately if you are a reputable player. There are no hard time limits. If you might not have the funds to pay your max bid, please PM me.
Minimum bid increments:
  • Start bid: 50k unless noted
  • +30k if bid < 200k
  • +50k if 200k <= bid < 2m and the item is not a [Mat]
  • +3% for everything else
  • A proxy bidder's last bid is exempt (1k minimum increment)
If you want me to auction an item for you, feel free to send stuff any time, see this post for details.

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Updated up to #297, 359 manual bids, 180 proxy bids in [reasoningtheory.net] bid log at Sat 14:45 UTC
Submit proxy bids from the [reasoningtheory.net] item list


[Mat00] 5 Platinum Coupon (seller: jenga201) blackjac00 2.6m #7

[Mat01] 500 Low-Grade Cloth (seller: djackallstar)
[Mat02] 500 Low-Grade Leather (seller: djackallstar)

[Mat03] 1000 Mid-Grade Metals (seller: Reia Elinos) Drakewyn 505k #150
[Mat04] 1000 Mid-Grade Leather (seller: Reia Elinos) DamienCash 232k Proxy bid after #83

[Mat05] 1000 High-Grade Metals (seller: jenga201) tsunadebusty 1.15m #41
[Mat06] 1000 High-Grade Metals (seller: Mao Motomiya) Waifu Maniac 1.002m Proxy bid after #196
[Mat07] 1000 High-Grade Wood (seller: jenga201) chronokorea 8.24m #180
[Mat08] 500 High-Grade Wood (seller: Mao Motomiya) sssss2 4m #87
[Mat09] 1000 High-Grade Leather (seller: jenga201) Frederiksc 400k #134
[Mat10] 500 High-Grade Leather (seller: ST-Ru) Sword Emperor 80k #196

[Mat11] 50 Binding of Slaughter (seller: jenga201) Waifu Maniac 6.5m #5
[Mat12] 50 Binding of Balance (seller: jenga201) aided 225k Proxy bid after #155
[Mat13] 50 Binding of Destruction (seller: jenga201) sharkswea 3.92m #145
[Mat14] 50 Binding of Protection (seller: jenga201) nirvarin21 1.545m #163
[Mat28] 50 Binding of Protection (seller: Mao Motomiya) 咸鱼丶 1.545m #154
[Mat15] 50 Binding of the Fleet (seller: jenga201) arialinnoc 501k Proxy bid after #228
[Mat27] 50 Binding of the Fleet (seller: Mao Motomiya) arialinnoc 501k Proxy bid after #228
[Mat16] 50 Binding of the Ox (seller: jenga201) redphil 671k Proxy bid after #137
[Mat17] 50 Binding of the Raccoon (seller: jenga201) redphil 773k Proxy bid after #136
[Mat18] 50 Binding of the Cheetah (seller: jenga201) 咸鱼丶 1.288m #154
[Mat23] 50 Binding of the Cheetah (seller: Mao Motomiya) sssss2 1.25m #87
[Mat19] 50 Binding of the Turtle (seller: jenga201) svvarg 230k #211
[Mat30] 50 Binding of the Turtle (seller: Mao Motomiya) Basara Nekki 250k #203
[Mat20] 50 Binding of the Fox (seller: jenga201) unikwind 850k #209
[Mat24] 50 Binding of the Fox (seller: Mao Motomiya) unikwind 850k #209
[Mat21] 50 Binding of the Owl (seller: jenga201) unikwind 850k #209
[Mat25] 50 Binding of the Owl (seller: Mao Motomiya) unikwind 850k #209
[Mat22] 50 Binding of Isaac (seller: Reia Elinos) arialinnoc 273k Proxy bid after #203
[Mat26] 50 Binding of Warding (seller: Mao Motomiya) unikwind 350k #209
[Mat29] 50 Binding of the Barrier (seller: Mao Motomiya) wmnb 370k #200

[Mat31] 100 Binding of Fenrir (seller: Mao Motomiya) chronokorea 80k Proxy bid after #171
[Mat32] 100 Binding of Heimdall (seller: Mao Motomiya) labiskvi 125k #100
[Mat33] 100 Binding of Mjolnir (seller: Mao Motomiya) tatarime 50k #32
[Mat34] 100 Binding of Niflheim (seller: Mao Motomiya) unikwind 80k #209
[Mat35] 100 Binding of Surtr (seller: Mao Motomiya) Born In Winter 80k #152
[Mat36] 100 Binding of Negation (seller: Mao Motomiya) arialinnoc 101k Proxy bid after #209
[Mat37] 100 Binding of Friendship (seller: Mao Motomiya) Unindex 50k #29


[One01] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter (402, ADB 58%, Parry 22%) (seller: rc-800) Sefiel 950k #290 Extend to 14:33
[One02] Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter (341, ADB 86%, Parry 24%) (seller: ttyha) gsw331 2.1m #289 Extend to 14:29
[One03] Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter (469, ADB 32%, Parry 0%) (seller: scott031)

[One04] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble (398, ADB 87%, Parry 21%) (seller: hosung1) Unindex 80k #49
[One05] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble (465, ADB 68%, Parry 32%) (seller: Frostbite)
[One06] Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of the Nimble (372, ADB 47%, Parry 67%) (seller: wmnb)
[One07] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance (455, ADB 53%, Parry 36%) (seller: scott031)

[One08] Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter (476, ADB 35%) (seller: Phreeman) Bark 80k Proxy bid after #153
[One09] Legendary Demonic Club of Slaughter (Unassigned, ADB 66%) (seller: morineko) unit111 50k #144
[One10] Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter (Unassigned) (seller: morineko) Ssfuse 50k #202
[One11] Legendary Fiery Axe of Slaughter (382, ADB 45%) (seller: OnHaSw)
[One12] Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble (Unassigned) (seller: morineko) ncc1701z 50k #102


[Two01] Legendary Arctic Estoc of Slaughter (341, forged 1, ADB 32%) (seller: adz)
[Two02] Legendary Demonic Mace of Slaughter (388, ADB 96%) (seller: alikaaa) EvertonBNU 1.1m Proxy bid after #145


[Sta01] Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Destruction (493, MDB 68%, EDB 20%) (seller: Superlatanium) djackallstar 7.68m #296 Extend to 14:52
[Sta02] Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction (495, MDB 39%, EDB 90%) (seller: unikwind) ArbiterErii 1.024m #112
[Sta03] Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction (436, MDB 12%, EDB 37%) (seller: skedw235) youhashock 50k #233 Extend to 14:02
[Sta04] Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver (359, MDB 10%, EDB 2%) (seller: wmnb)
[Sta05] Peerless Hallowed Redwood Staff of Freyr (476, MDB 100%) (seller: Phreeman) VriskaSerket 100k #214
[Sta06] Peerless Shocking Redwood Staff of the Elementalist (476, MDB 100%, EDB 100%) (seller: Phreeman) Shimaidon 20.6m Proxy bid after #180
[Sta07] Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr (403, MDB 1%, EDB 100%) (seller: nicknameee) shetinya 110k #260 Extend to 14:09
[Sta08] Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction (465, MDB 5%, EDB 54%) (seller: xhrrrr) youhashock 50k #233 Extend to 14:02
[Sta09] Magnificent Fiery Redwood Staff of Surtr (302, IW 10, forged 22, MDB 14%, EDB 157%) (seller: ppp82p. Start: 300k) djackallstar 300k #13


[Shd01] Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection (436, Str Dex End, BLK 77%) (seller: skedw235) totangka 1m #262 Extend to 14:11
[Shd02] Legendary Amber Force Shield of Deflection (Unassigned, Str Dex End, BLK 45%) (seller: morineko) kenzed 300k #207
[Shd03] Legendary Agile Kite Shield of Warding (344, Str Dex End, BLK 89%) (seller: LordDyhalto) kenzed 200k #264 Extend to 14:11


[Clo01] Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall (484, EDB 77%) (seller: SMTON) MidNightPass 30m #182
[Clo02] Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Heimdall (426, EDB 65%) (seller: Kuoo) acmac 200k #225
[Clo03] Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall (361, EDB 38%) (seller: adz) acmac 200k #215
[Clo04] Magnificent Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall (441) (seller: meat7480) tayulog 190k Proxy bid after #172
[Clo05] Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall (319) (seller: diodo) zero1018101 200k #266 Extend to 14:12
[Clo06] Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent (367, Prof 78%) (seller: ttyha) Void Domain 1.15m Proxy bid after #165
[Clo07] Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (500, Prof 53%) (seller: ST-Ru)

[Clo08] Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir (390, EDB 27%) (seller: okachimenkoEX) ftroze 650k #213
[Clo09] Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir (473, EDB 28%) (seller: tatarime. Start: 1m)
[Clo10] Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir (454, EDB 27%) (seller: xhrrrr) youhashock 50k #233 Extend to 14:02
[Clo11] Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir (383, EDB 24%) (seller: Lord Juice)
[Clo12] Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Fenrir (476, EDB 89%) (seller: tatarime) ginjok 50k Proxy bid after #82
[Clo13] Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Fenrir (346, EDB 37%) (seller: ttyha) Sylvanas Cat 250k Proxy bid after #141
[Clo14] Magnificent Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir (441) (seller: meat7480) zero1018101 50k #20

[Clo15] Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr (476, EDB 59%) (seller: Phreeman) 咸鱼丶 5m #156
[Clo16] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr (442, EDB 65%) (seller: cirrux) chronokorea 2.06m Proxy bid after #250 Extend to 14:06
[Clo17] Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr (335, EDB 27%) (seller: ttyha) diminish 300k #270 Extend to 14:15
[Clo18] Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Freyr (459, EDB 83%) (seller: xhrrrr) hansvar92 800k #242 Extend to 14:04
[Clo19] Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr (370, EDB 26%) (seller: wmnb) diminish 200k #195
[Clo20] Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Freyr (364, EDB 90%) (seller: ttyha) hc br 3.6m #297 Extend to 14:57
[Clo21] Magnificent Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr (389) (seller: zsp8084) 铃仙百合子 50k #34
[Clo22] Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr (369) (seller: alikaaa) BBBBBRP 50k #76

[Clo23] Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Mjolnir (463, EDB 100%) (seller: xhrrrr) obibenkenobi 3.605m #241 Extend to 14:04
[Clo24] Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir (441, EDB 60%) (seller: meat7480)
[Clo25] Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Mjolnir (354, EDB 64%) (seller: ttyha) yukikiss 130k Proxy bid after #46

[Clo26] Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Niflheim (404, EDB 17%) (seller: scott031) FAhentai 2m #175
[Clo27] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim (447, EDB 61%) (seller: xhrrrr) skedw235 3.09m Proxy bid after #257 Extend to 14:07
[Clo28] Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Niflheim (389, IW 5, EDB 68%) (seller: DJNoni) zero1018101 100k #19
[Clo29] Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Niflheim (342, EDB 13%) (seller: jqx)
[Clo30] Legendary Ruby Phase Pants of Niflheim (381, IW 8, EDB 12%) (seller: DJNoni) zero1018101 100k #19
[Clo31] Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim (383, EDB 9%) (seller: skedw235) zero1018101 50k #19
[Clo32] Magnificent Radiant Phase Gloves of Niflheim (439) (seller: xyzjarod) zero1018101 50k #19

[Clo33] Peerless Onyx Phase Robe of Surtr (483, EDB 100%) (seller: blackjac00) Zack_CN 4m #244 Extend to 14:04
[Clo34] Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Surtr (369, EDB 35%) (seller: alikaaa) Drakewyn 50k #82
[Clo35] Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Surtr (388, EDB 63%) (seller: zsp8084) zero1018101 100k #19

[Clo36] Peerless Ruby Cotton Robe of the Elementalist (483, Prof 100%) (seller: blackjac00) LOL50015 3m #251 Extend to 14:06
[Clo37] Legendary Cobalt Cotton Robe of the Elementalist (370, Prof 25%) (seller: skedw235)
[Clo38] Legendary Onyx Cotton Cap of the Elementalist (435, Prof 37%) (seller: skedw235)
[Clo39] Legendary Cobalt Cotton Robe of the Elementalist (365, Prof 34%) (seller: DJNoni)

[Clo40] Peerless Amber Cotton Cap of Protection (481) (seller: blackjac00) VriskaSerket 100k #214


[Lig01] Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Fleet (376, ADB 17%) (seller: Dead-ed)
[Lig02] Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet (500, ADB 58%) (seller: ST-Ru)
[Lig03] Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of Negation (476, ADB 64%) (seller: Phreeman) zen_zen 100k #80


[Hea01] Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter (424, IW 3, forged 3, ADB 118%) (seller: skedw235) cidgaid 6.8m #198
[Hea02] Legendary Onyx Power Helmet of Slaughter (434, ADB 79%) (seller: tibus1979) bos5546 7.21m Proxy bid after #158

[Hea03] Legendary Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection (399, ADB 92%) (seller: skedw235) ymy 150k #269 Extend to 14:14
[Hea04] Legendary Zircon Power Boots of Protection (476, ADB 69%) (seller: Phreeman)
[Hea05] Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection (420, ADB 79%) (seller: marutora)
[Hea06] Legendary Onyx Power Helmet of Protection (443, ADB 57%) (seller: marutora)
[Hea07] Legendary Amber Power Leggings of Balance (424, IW 10, ADB 65%) (seller: aided) quesman 50k #86
[Hea08] Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Balance (467, ADB 97%) (seller: Kuoo) sharkswea 50k #73

[Hea09] Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter (410) (seller: megalh)
[Hea10] Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter (368, ADB 31%) (seller: alikaaa) inumaru12 400k #40
[Hea11] Magnificent Zircon Power Helmet of Protection (363, ADB 21%) (seller: alikaaa) Unindex 50k #50

[Hea12] Legendary Shielding Plate Cuirass of Stoneskin (384) (seller: xyzjarod) Uncreative_Name 50k #131
[Hea13] Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Dampening (360) (seller: adz) hgsmxhh 50k #84
[Hea14] Magnificent Shielding Plate Greaves of Warding (382, forged 15) (seller: ppp82p. Start: 120k) wmnb 120k #126

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Oct 8 2016, 19:12
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:34
Post #2

Dreaming of optimizing the system
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

Updated up to #297, 359 manual bids, 180 proxy bids in [reasoningtheory.net] bid log at Sat 14:45 UTC

Warning Log:

#285 arialinnoc bid on Clo33 at 14:11 but last bid by Zack_CN #244 was at 13:49; you should have used a proxy bid
#258 kenzed bid on One02 for 1500k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #252 was 1500k and next minimum bid is 1550k
#257 diminish bid on Clo20 for 1500k but last bid by hc br #256 was 2000k and next minimum bid is 2060k
#254 hc br bid on Clo20 for 1500k but last bid by Bee_Bee_Bee #253 was 1500k and next minimum bid is 1550k
#249 obibenkenobi bid on Clo23 for 3610k but last bid by obibenkenobi #241 was 3605k and next minimum bid is 3714k
#243 gsw331 bid on One02 for 1300k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #237 was 1350k and next minimum bid is 1400k
#234 gsw331 bid on One02 for 1250k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #224 was 1250k and next minimum bid is 1300k
#232 Bee_Bee_Bee bid on Clo20 for 1050k but last bid by diminish #231 was 1100k and next minimum bid is 1150k
#229 kenzed bid on One02 for 1200k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #224 was 1250k and next minimum bid is 1300k
#226 kenzed typed one02 but neither a bid nor valid command identified right after the item code in "one02 1.2"
#223 gsw331 bid on One02 for 1100k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #216 was 1150k and next minimum bid is 1200k
#219 diminish bid on Clo20 for 900k but last bid by maxsnowman #218 was 1000k and next minimum bid is 1050k
#197 Sword Emperor bid on Mat06 for 750k but last bid by Waifu Maniac [Proxy bid after] #196 was 1002k and next minimum bid is 1033k
#191 FAhentai has clo33 included in post, but there was a quote above, so this line is ignored
#183 Superlatanium has clo26 included in post, but there was a quote above, so this line is ignored
#177 FAhentai bid on Clo26 for 2000k but last bid by FAhentai #175 was 2000k and next minimum bid is 2060k
#176 FAhentai bid on Clo26 for 2000k but last bid by FAhentai #175 was 2000k and next minimum bid is 2060k
#155 Rinnosuke M. edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#140 jenga201 has mat13 included in post, but there was a quote above, so this line is ignored
#113 djackallstar bid on Clo20 for 200k but last bid by ginjok [Proxy bid after] #111 was 250k and next minimum bid is 300k
#106 hgsmxhh bid on One02 for 250k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #104 was 550k and next minimum bid is 600k
#101 ncc1701z edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#94 mklopp typed clo01 but neither a bid nor valid command identified right after the item code in "clo01 6.5 m"
#91 hgsmxhh bid on One02 for 230k but last bid by OnHaSw [Proxy bid after] #83 was 200k and next minimum bid is 250k
#67 atashiyuki bid on Clo25 for 450k, but canceled the bid in #69
#64 atashiyuki bid on Clo25 for 350k, but canceled the bid in #69
#61 svvarg bid on Mat08 for 50k but last bid by Heilinea #59 was 50k and next minimum bid is 80k
#60 Charlotte1 bid on Clo23 for 50k but last bid by Heilinea #58 was 500k and next minimum bid is 550k
#48 atashiyuki bid on Clo25 for 250k, but canceled the bid in #69
#47 wmnb edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#45 kangli2 bid on Clo02 for 80k, but canceled the bid in #70
#38 obibenkenobi bid on Shd02 for 500k, but canceled the bid in #128
#37 obibenkenobi bid on Shd02 for 500k, but canceled the bid in #128
#36 LOL50015 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#32 tatarime bid on Mat37 for 50k but last bid by Unindex #29 was 50k and next minimum bid is 80k
#31 atashiyuki bid on Clo25 for 150k, but canceled the bid in #69
#28 djackallstar bid on Clo01 for 80k but last bid by mklopp #27 was 500k and next minimum bid is 550k

Manually ignored posts (for transparency):

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: Oct 8 2016, 16:45
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:46
Post #3

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hea02 100k
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:47
Post #4

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[Two02] 1M
[Sta01] 4M
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:48
Post #5
Thick Meat Maniac

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[Mat11] 6,5m
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:49
Post #6

A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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mat00 start
mat03 start
mat04 start
mat15 start
mat16 start
mat17 start
mat18 start
mat19 start
mat23 start
mat27 start
one04 start
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:49
Post #7

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[Mat00] 2.6m
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:51
Post #8

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[One02] 50k
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:52
Post #9

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[One01] 50k
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:56
Post #10

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Clo01 50k
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post Oct 5 2016, 10:56
Post #11

Call me Erii ~
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Sta02 Clo25 start
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:00
Post #12

Lindo de Alicia
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mat16 575k
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:02
Post #13

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Sta09 start
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:12
Post #14
Sword Emperor

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Mat32 50k
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:17
Post #15

Not A Day Goes By \(´・ω・`)/
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:21
Post #16

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post Oct 5 2016, 11:32
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:36
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:41
Post #19

天理循環 因果輪回 善惡有報
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post Oct 5 2016, 11:43
Post #20

天理循環 因果輪回 善惡有報
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