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> [Auction end] Super's auction #7, overtime, Peerless Force and Fleet, Slaughter helmet and armor, Destruction staffs, many Charged

post May 4 2016, 10:03
Post #1

Dreaming of optimizing the system
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 7,581
Joined: 27-November 13
Level 500 (Godslayer)

(IMG:[e-hentai-countdown.darknessfall.com] http://e-hentai-countdown.darknessfall.com/EH-Cdwn.png?auctionname=Super's%20Auction%207&month=05&day=7&year=2016&hour=14&minute=00)
[] (IMG:[][]

After you bid, please press Update to update this post with the latest bids and to double-check that your bid was valid

Text in blue is always new: always read it.

Auction Rules: (Rules in green are different from common rules in other auctions, please read them)
  • You do not have to pay immediately if you are a reputable player. There are no hard time limits. If you might not have the funds to pay your max bid, please PM me before the end of the auction.
  • Outbid Notifications: If you want to be alerted via PM or MM when you get outbid on an item, type "itemcode (bid?) notify" (both PM and MM) or "itemcode (bid?) notify pm" (PM only) or "itemcode (bid?) notify mm" (MM only).
    Example: "One01 500k notify" or "One01 notify mm". Cancel with "One01 stop notify"
  • All posted bids should be in credits (or "Start" = starting bid) in multiples of 1k and must immediately follow the item code or codes. Codes must match what's displayed in the auction; 5 characters, no spaces. (capitalization and brackets don't matter)
    "One01 200k" is valid. "[One02] 1.5m" is valid. "One04 start" is valid. "One05 I will bid 400k" is invalid. "one06 one07 start" is valid.
    Line breaks are fine, but other words are not. See this post for details.
  • Valid bids and commands must be in unedited posts only. This is so that everyone can see bids in chronological order without any possible confusion. (a note will be added to Post #2 for edited posts just in case it was accidental)
  • Bids made during or after the last 15 minutes will extend the item auction for another 15 minutes starting from the last bid time.
  • Posts made at the same time as the deadline (eg. xx:00) are valid, but bids after (eg. xx:01) are not.
  • Even if there are many bids in the last 15 minutes this post will be updated a few seconds after bids are made, unlike other auctions.
  • Bids can be canceled by typing itemcode cancel without quotes in a subsequent post before the last 48 hours of the auction, but should not be done after. (It'll take one more update for the cancel to go through, because posts are processed sequentially)
  • Invalid posts/bids will be listed in Post #2 rather than being posted in a new reply, generally, but you will also receive an automatic PM / MM.
  • Proxy bid service available, PM me.
  • If HV 0.85 is released, the auction will be put on hold or canceled.
  • Winners will receive the items with CoD.
Minimum bid increments:
  • Start bid: 50k unless noted
  • +50k if the current bid is under 500k
  • +10% if the current bid is over or equal to 500k and the item is not a [Mat]
  • +3% if the current bid is over or equal to 500k and the item is a [Mat]
If you want me to auction an item for you, feel free to send stuff any time, see this post for details.
If you send gear, please read the updated guidelines.

Updated up to #253, 302 total valid bids in [] bid log at Sat 14:17 UTC


[Mat01] 1000 Mid-Grade Metals (seller: jenga201) blackjac00 540k #70
[Mat02] 1000 Mid-Grade Leather (seller: jenga201) Ebisan 350k #150
[Mat03] 1000 High-Grade Metals (seller: jenga201) (・ิω・ิ) 1.8m #42
[Mat04] 250 High-Grade Cloth (seller: jenga201) KINOSHITAMIKOTO 5m #10
[Mat05] 250 High-Grade Wood (seller: jenga201) xyzjarod 2.7m #156
[Mat06] 50 Binding of Warding (seller: jenga201) (・ิω・ิ) 200k #43
[Mat07] 100 Binding of Isaac (seller: jenga201) blackjac00 620k #174
[Mat08] 50 Binding of the Raccoon (seller: jenga201) blackjac00 600k #137
[Mat09] 100 Binding of the Turtle (seller: jenga201) Kadokura 500k #27
[Mat10] 100 Binding of Balance (seller: jenga201) Benny-boy 350k #58
[Mat11] 25 Binding of Protection (seller: jenga201) dorcus07 880k #3
[Mat12] 25 Defense Matrix Modulator (seller: jenga201) hc br 500k #30
[Mat13] 1000 Scroll of Shadows (seller: jenga201) KINOSHITAMIKOTO 150k #10
[Mat14] 1000 Scroll of Swiftness (seller: jenga201) KINOSHITAMIKOTO 150k #10
[Mat15] 1000 Scroll of Protection (seller: jenga201) KINOSHITAMIKOTO 300k #10


[One01] Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter (478) (seller: Treesion) Epion 150k #147
[One02] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble (402) (seller: dorcus07) unknownxz. 501k #216 Extend to 14:06
[One03] Legendary Shocking Rapier of the Nimble (290) (seller: esam) macgruber CC 100k #88
[One04] Legendary Arctic Rapier of the Nimble (350) (seller: jacquelope)
[One05] Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance (421) (seller: sssky) zeroacg 50k #55
[One06] Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Balance (350) (seller: ppp82p)
[One07] Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Balance (308 IW 10) (seller: zeroacg) macgruber CC 100k #88
[One08] Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter (401) (seller: Graduzob) Rabbitsoul 100k #49
[One09] Magnificent Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter (217) (seller: esam) 浪漫風暴 150k #84
[One10] Magnificent Fiery Rapier of Slaughter (351) (seller: jacquelope) macgruber CC 50k #88
[One11] Magnificent Shocking Rapier of the Nimble (326) (seller: wmnb)
[One12] Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Balance (212) (seller: esam) _bodi 100k #66
[One13] Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Balance (310) (seller: pervdiz)
[One14] Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter (457) (seller: sssky) cbn 50k #41
[One15] Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter (391) (seller: tatarime) YugumoKai 50k #73
[One16] Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter (463) (seller: Beya) Logii 50k #78
[One17] Legendary Hallowed Wakizashi of Slaughter (325) (seller: ppp82p)
[One18] Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Nimble (452) (seller: sssky)
[One19] Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of Balance (332) (seller: ppp82p)
[One20] Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of Swiftness (343) (seller: ppp82p)
[One21] Legendary Fiery Shortsword of Slaughter (353) (seller: f4tal)
[One22] Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Balance (378) (seller: hikokanou)


[Two01] Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter (366) (seller: tonytyzhang. Start: 150k) 陨石月 1.65m #164
[Two02] Legendary Shocking Mace of Slaughter (465) (seller: sssky)
[Two03] Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter (150) (seller: Danviho. Start: 3.5m) w45451212 3.5m #57
[Two04] Legendary Shocking Katana of Slaughter (459) (seller: sssky) Brad33 50k #143
[Two05] Legendary Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter (445) (seller: tatarime) Epion 150k #149
[Two06] Legendary Tempestuous Longsword of the Battlecaster (453) (seller: nirvarin21) karyl123 50k #93


[Sta01] Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Focus (334) (seller: Guitarist6669) Fudo Masamune 250k #50
[Sta02] Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction (424) (seller: xinghair) Piscolabis 300k #177
[Sta03] Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of Destruction (417) (seller: meat7480) japidura 800k #182
[Sta04] Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction (500) (seller: Kei ) xyzjarod 6.05m #247 Extend to 14:19
[Sta05] Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Focus (436) (seller: tatarime)
[Sta06] Magnificent Fiery Redwood Staff of Surtr (364) (seller: zqjr)
[Sta07] Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Destruction (334) (seller: MoogleMail. Start: 5m) Holy Bunny 15m #63


[Shd01] Peerless Amber Force Shield of Warding (479) (seller: MoogleMail. Start: 3.5m) yoake00 7m #9
[Shd02] Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Protection (417) (seller: Graduzob) hti0302 50k #181
[Shd03] Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding (462) (seller: sssky)
[Shd04] Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding (412) (seller: CronoBoA)
[Shd05] Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Warding (500) (seller: J.L.) Fatesifaeve 50k #64
[Shd06] Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier (417) (seller: Guitarist6669) unknownxz. 501k #248 Extend to 14:23
[Shd07] Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Nimble (292) (seller: esam)
[Shd08] Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection (443) (seller: tatarime)


[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall (480) (seller: hell's chosen) KINOSHITAMIKOTO 5.5m #226 Extend to 14:09
[Clo02] Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Heimdall (346) (seller: zqjr) tkjyks 200k #195
[Clo03] Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall (427) (seller: Lin Setsu A) blue penguin 150k #121
[Clo04] Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall (411) (seller: Lin Setsu A) Arpeggio_Nova 200k #220 Extend to 14:07
[Clo05] Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (Unassigned) (seller: Rhydin)
[Clo06] Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent (413) (seller: Guitarist6669)
[Clo07] Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (414) (seller: Guitarist6669) meat7480 50k #25
[Clo08] Legendary Ruby Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (372) (seller: LazyShd)
[Clo09] Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent (364) (seller: Rhydin)
[Clo10] Legendary Jade Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent (363) (seller: Rhydin)

[Clo11] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir (442) (seller: xhrrrr) zqjr 1m #250 Extend to 14:26
[Clo12] Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Fenrir (458) (seller: sssky) zqjr 50k #231 Extend to 14:11
[Clo13] Legendary Amber Phase Robe of Fenrir (459) (seller: sssky) zqjr 100k #231 Extend to 14:11
[Clo14] Legendary Jade Phase Pants of Fenrir (436) (seller: blackjac00) zqjr 200k #231 Extend to 14:11
[Clo15] Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir (267) (seller: Draw99Gray) muhyo18 50k #77
[Clo16] Legendary Frugal Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend (378) (seller: hikokanou) eliudnir 50k #33
[Clo17] Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend (339) (seller: ppp82p) 东三雪碧 50k #94
[Clo18] Legendary Zircon Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend (370) (seller: hikokanou)
[Clo19] Legendary Ruby Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend (355) (seller: f4tal)

[Clo20] Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Freyr (500) (seller: J.L.) piyin 50k #112
[Clo21] Legendary Onyx Phase Robe of Freyr (403) (seller: dorcus07) aiwotorimodose 300k #109
[Clo22] Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Freyr (451) (seller: yui1135) Anemona7 250k #178
[Clo23] Magnificent Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr (357) (seller: zqjr) hc br 70k #32

[Clo24] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir (448) (seller: Kuoo) PanHun 5m #223 Extend to 14:09
[Clo25] Legendary Jade Phase Robe of Mjolnir (452) (seller: tatarime) izer 200k #162

[Clo26] Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim (464) (seller: sssky) piyin 50k #112
[Clo27] Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Niflheim (441) (seller: sssky)
[Clo28] Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Niflheim (413) (seller: sssky)
[Clo29] Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Niflheim (432) (seller: sssky) lastbeer 50k #232 Extend to 14:11
[Clo30] Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Niflheim (400) (seller: sonia86) paramount111 50k #218 Extend to 14:06
[Clo31] Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Niflheim (416) (seller: marutora)
[Clo32] Legendary Zircon Phase Cap of Niflheim (415) (seller: marutora)
[Clo33] Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim (350) (seller: ppp82p) Kadokura 100k #129
[Clo34] Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim (400) (seller: Graduzob)
[Clo35] Magnificent Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim (389) (seller: xyzjarod) Kadokura 50k #129
[Clo36] Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim (389) (seller: xyzjarod) Kadokura 50k #129
[Clo37] Magnificent Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim (393) (seller: xyzjarod) Kadokura 50k #129

[Clo38] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Surtr (313) (seller: Dragon Ninja) izpekopon 700k #116
[Clo39] Legendary Amber Phase Robe of Surtr (447) (seller: tatarime. Start: 250k)
[Clo40] Legendary Ruby Phase Pants of Surtr (469) (seller: sssky)
[Clo41] Magnificent Mystic Phase Shoes of Surtr (322) (seller: zqjr)

[Clo42] Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist (408) (seller: yukssirul) J.L. 2.75m #246 Extend to 14:19
[Clo43] Legendary Zircon Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist (466) (seller: sssky)
[Clo44] Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist (440) (seller: zeroacg) tayulog 50k #95
[Clo45] Magnificent Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist (329) (seller: Graduzob)

[Clo46] Peerless Jade Cotton Cap of the Earth-walker (417) (seller: meat7480) VriskaSerket 150k #200 Extend to 14:01


[Lig01] Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of the Fleet (409) (seller: kanimiso) a723370967 4m #227 Extend to 14:10
[Lig02] Peerless Cobalt Shade Breastplate of Negation (467) (seller: MoogleMail. Start: 550k) VriskaSerket 550k #200 Extend to 14:01
[Lig03] Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet (417) (seller: Guitarist6669) Evyy 250k #205 Extend to 14:02
[Lig04] Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet (461) (seller: yui1135) piyin 100k #112
[Lig05] Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet (348) (seller: ppp82p. Start: 1m)
[Lig06] Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet (402) (seller: sonia86) piyin 100k #112
[Lig07] Legendary Agile Shade Boots of Negation (384) (seller: xyzjarod) tatarime 50k #160
[Lig08] Legendary Agile Shade Boots of Negation (486) (seller: Lin Setsu A)
[Lig09] Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet (446) (seller: tatarime)
[Lig10] Legendary Onyx Shade Leggings of the Fleet (471) (seller: sssky)
[Lig11] Legendary Ruby Shade Boots of the Fleet (440) (seller: sssky)
[Lig12] Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Fleet (417) (seller: dongchun)
[Lig13] Legendary Onyx Shade Helmet of the Fleet (445) (seller: safmy)
[Lig14] Legendary Cobalt Shade Leggings of the Fleet (368) (seller: Rhydin) YugumoKai 50k #22
[Lig15] Legendary Jade Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist (431) (seller: sssky) 轉雲殤 50k #89
[Lig16] Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Arcanist (439) (seller: xhrrrr) karyl123 50k #101
[Lig17] Legendary Cobalt Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist (440) (seller: nirvarin21)
[Lig18] Legendary Cobalt Shade Breastplate of the Arcanist (397) (seller: Graduzob)
[Lig19] Magnificent Amber Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer (373) (seller: pervdiz)

[Lig20] Peerless Cobalt Leather Boots of Protection (482) (seller: izer) VriskaSerket 100k #200 Extend to 14:01
[Lig21] Legendary Agile Leather Helmet of Protection (468) (seller: sssky)


[Hea01] Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter (417, Jug 5, Cap 2) (seller: CronoBoA. Start: 10m)
[Hea02] Legendary Onyx Power Helmet of Slaughter (480) (seller: hell's chosen) Epion 400k #233 Extend to 14:11
[Hea03] Legendary Amber Power Armor of Slaughter (417) (seller: meat7480) sddiky 3.3m #242 Extend to 14:15
[Hea04] Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection (462) (seller: sssky)
[Hea05] Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection (454) (seller: tatarime)
[Hea06] Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection (468) (seller: sssky)
[Hea07] Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection (419) (seller: sssky)
[Hea08] Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection (455) (seller: sssky)
[Hea09] Legendary Amber Power Boots of Protection (450) (seller: Kuoo)
[Hea10] Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Balance (436) (seller: xhrrrr) Guitarist6669 500k #132
[Hea11] Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding (392) (seller: dp-_-) Danviho 100k #194
[Hea12] Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Warding (500) (seller: J.L.)
[Hea13] Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Warding (442) (seller: tatarime)
[Hea14] Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Warding (403) (seller: sonia86)
[Hea15] Legendary Amber Power Armor of Warding (377) (seller: hikokanou) Danviho 100k #194
[Hea16] Magnificent Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter (446) (seller: safmy) hc br 1m #251 Extend to 14:27
[Hea17] Magnificent Amber Power Leggings of Slaughter (459) (seller: sssky) Brad33 50k #143
[Hea18] Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter (467) (seller: sssky) Brad33 50k #143
[Hea19] Magnificent Jade Power Armor of Slaughter (444) (seller: sssky) Brad33 50k #143
[Hea20] Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter (452) (seller: sssky) hti0302 150k #184
[Hea21] Magnificent Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter (446) (seller: sssky) 4526251 50k #169
[Hea22] Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter (398) (seller: Guitarist6669) skedw235 50k #19
[Hea23] Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter (402) (seller: Guitarist6669) dongchun 100k #157
[Hea24] Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter (412) (seller: Guitarist6669) Brad33 50k #143
[Hea25] Magnificent Power Armor of Slaughter (401) (seller: sonia86) skedw235 50k #6
[Hea26] Magnificent Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter (381) (seller: qberg) jacquelope 500k #175
[Hea27] Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Protection (294) (seller: YugumoKai. Start: 100k) Danviho 200k #194
[Hea28] Magnificent Jade Power Boots of Protection (299) (seller: ppp82p) yukikiss 50k #180
[Hea29] Magnificent Onyx Power Helmet of Protection (Unassigned) (seller: dongchun)
[Hea30] Magnificent Onyx Power Armor of Warding (361) (seller: skedw235)

[Hea31] Peerless Zircon Plate Helmet of Warding (392) (seller: ejas) VriskaSerket 250k #200 Extend to 14:01
[Hea32] Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Warding (392) (seller: CronoBoA)

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: May 10 2016, 22:27
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post May 4 2016, 10:04
Post #2

Dreaming of optimizing the system
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Updated up to #253, 302 total valid bids in [] bid log at 14:17 UTC

Warning Log:

#253 piyin edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#249 Superlatanium has clo01 included in post, but there was a quote above, so this line is ignored
#238 wmnb bid on Hea16 for 850k but last bid by hc br #225 was 800k and next minimum bid is 880k
#229 ts02025536 typed shd06 but neither a bid nor valid command identified right after the item code in "shd06 450"
#201 wmnb bid on Hea16 for 600k but last bid by hosung1 #193 was 550k and next minimum bid is 605k
#199 unknownxz. bid on One02 for 400k but last bid by paramount111 #197 was 400k and next minimum bid is 450k
#198 Danviho edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#194 Danviho bid on One02 for 385k but last bid by Kadokura #106 was 350k and next minimum bid is 400k
#192 xyzjarod bid on Sta04 for 1320k but last bid by sssss2 #191 was 1320k and next minimum bid is 1452k
#187 KINOSHITAMIKOTO bid on Clo01 for 2200k but last bid by KINOSHITAMIKOTO #185 was 2200k and next minimum bid is 2420k
#170 blackjac00 bid on Mat07 for 610k but last bid by blackjac00 #168 was 600k and next minimum bid is 618k
#136 Superlatanium has two01 included in post, but there was a quote above, so this line is ignored
#135 G125544 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#133 macgruber CC edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#123 blue penguin typed clo04 but neither a bid nor valid command identified right after the item code in "clo04 it'll be i the nex"
#121 blue penguin bid on Clo03 for 150k but last bid by blue penguin #121 was 150k and next minimum bid is 200k
#112 piyin bid on Clo01 for 650k but last bid by 陨石月 #111 was 600k and next minimum bid is 660k
#103 aoyihenshuang bid on Mat02 for 50k but last bid by ArbiterErii #54 was 200k and next minimum bid is 250k
#88 macgruber CC bid on One10 for 50k, but cannot cancel the bid in #133 because there are fewer than 2 days left
#68 blackjac00 bid on Mat01 for 500k but last bid by Superlatanium #13 was 490k and next minimum bid is 540k
#67 陨石月 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#21 skedw235 bid on Hea17 for 50k, but canceled the bid in #79
#12 KINOSHITAMIKOTO edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#11 LOL50015 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored
#7 skedw235 edited, bids and commands inside the post are ignored

Manually ignored posts:

This post has been edited by Superlatanium: May 7 2016, 16:17
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post May 4 2016, 10:05
Post #3

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post May 4 2016, 10:06
Post #4

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post May 4 2016, 10:07
Post #5

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Clo38 500k
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post May 4 2016, 10:09
Post #6

Where is a Legendary drop? where is my cookie?
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Hea25 start
Hea26 start
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post May 4 2016, 10:11
Post #7

Where is a Legendary drop? where is my cookie?
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This post has been edited by skedw235: May 4 2016, 23:21
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post May 4 2016, 10:12
Post #8
hayate hisakawa

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Mat05 2.5m
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post May 4 2016, 10:15
Post #9

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Shd01 7m
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post May 4 2016, 10:15
Post #10

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Mat04 5m
Mat13 150k
Mat14 150k
Mat15 300k
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post May 4 2016, 10:15
Post #11
Usagi =

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This post has been edited by LOL50015: May 4 2016, 10:19
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post May 4 2016, 10:17
Post #12

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post May 4 2016, 10:18
Post #13

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post May 4 2016, 10:19
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Usagi =

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post May 4 2016, 10:21
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post May 4 2016, 10:21
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post May 4 2016, 10:25
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post May 4 2016, 10:31
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post May 4 2016, 10:34
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Where is a Legendary drop? where is my cookie?
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post May 4 2016, 10:35
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Niten = 我が両刀に断てぬもの無し。
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