My level: 136
Cap - holy 19%,
Breastplate - holy 23.5%,
Gaunlets - holy 17%,
Leggings - holy 23%,
Boots - holy 15%Combat stats: PA 26.7, PM 9.1%, MA 30, MM 11.1%, EV 16.4%, BL 48.6%, PAR 6.1%, RES 18.1%, COM: 37I, 44.5B
Spawned Monster A: MID=31 (Invisible Pink Unicorn) LV=135 HP=380520 MP=52 SP=160 NA=50 Type=hostile
* Health Elixir x4
* Mana Elixir x6
* Superior Spirit Potion
* Scroll of Life x13
* Scroll of Swiftness x15
* Scroll of Absorption x11
Comment: forgot to take infusions of darkness, which would likely have speeded things up (had the useless gaias in the slot).
29 4 Your Spark of Life restores you from the brink of defeat.
29 3 Perplexing Paradox hits you for 21985 soul damage.
29 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
69 7 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
69 6 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
126 3 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 39 Magic Points.
126 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
179 6 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
179 5 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
215 4 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
215 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
249 6 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
249 5 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
282 6 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 33 Magic Points.
282 5 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
323 3 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
323 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
374 3 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
374 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
408 3 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
408 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
454 3 You resist the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
454 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
493 4 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 26 Magic Points.
493 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
541 3 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
541 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
580 6 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
580 5 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
627 4 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
627 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
666 3 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
666 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
720 5 Your Spark of Life restores you from the brink of defeat.
720 4 Perplexing Paradox crits you for 26466 soul damage.
720 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
769 4 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
769 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
813 4 Your Spark of Life restores you from the brink of defeat.
813 3 Perplexing Paradox hits you for 20943 soul damage.
813 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
876 4 Your Spark of Life restores you from the brink of defeat.
876 3 Perplexing Paradox crits you for 29383 soul damage.
876 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
20 5 Your Spark of Life restores you from the brink of defeat.
920 4 Perplexing Paradox crits you for 28089 soul damage.
920 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
968 4 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
968 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Parado
1007 6 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1007 5 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1057 7 You resist the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1057 6 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1093 4 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1093 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1154 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn misses the attack against you.
1154 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1205 4 You evade the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1205 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1250 3 You block the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1250 2 Invisible Pink Unicorn casts Perplexing Paradox
1283 16 You gain 104031 Credits!
1283 15 You gain 20771.49 EXP!
1283 14 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
1283 13 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
1283 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Godly Health Potion]
1283 11 Invisible Pink Unicorn dropped [Unicorn Horn]
1283 10 You are Victorious!
1283 9 Regen restores you with 104 points of health.
1283 8 The effect Bleeding Wound on Invisible Pink Unicorn has expired.
1283 7 Stop kicking the dead horse. (LOL)1283 6 Invisible Pink Unicorn has been defeated.1283 5 Spreading Poison hits Invisible Pink Unicorn for 44 damage.
1283 4 You parry the attack from Invisible Pink Unicorn.
1283 3 Invisible Pink Unicorn uses Pink Unicorn Sparkles
1283 2 You gain the effect Overwhelming Strikes.
1283 1 You hit Invisible Pink Unicorn for 21 slashing damage.
[Unicorn Horn] -> [
Superior Leather Helmet of the Thrice-blessed] (as expected, more superior crap, this at least seems shop-sellable - barely... my
T-b cap at least has no interference for the same mitigation...)
This post has been edited by Red_Piotrus: Nov 17 2010, 08:38