NormalFest no items:
2 11 You have been defeated.
2 10 Cookie Monster hits you for 2010 slashing damage.
2 9 Your Spark of Life consumes some of your Spirit, and restores you from the brink of defeat.
2 8 Blue Slime crits you for 2361 crushing damage.
2 7 You evade the attack from Green Slime.
2 6 You evade the attack from Tentacle Monster.
2 5 You evade the attack from Giant Panda.
2 4 Mantitcore misses the attack against you.
2 3 Amphibious Sperm Whale misses the attack against you.
2 2 Scary Ghost hits you for 1739 physical damage.
2 1 You crit Blue Slime for 1249 crushing damage.
1 5 The effect Refreshment has expired.
1 4 Replenishment restores you with 24 points of magic.
1 3 Refreshment restores you with 15 points of spirit.
1 2 You gain the effect Replenishment.
1 1 You use Mana Gem.
0 10 Spawned Monster I: MID=7 (Scary Ghost) LV=199 HP=2396 MP=115 SP=47 NA=52 Type=hostile
0 9 Spawned Monster H: MID=1 (Green Slime) LV=200 HP=2010 MP=133 SP=46 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 8 Spawned Monster G: MID=2 (Tentacle Monster) LV=203 HP=2101 MP=4 SP=12 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 7 Spawned Monster F: MID=10 (Blue Slime) LV=200 HP=2050 MP=219 SP=62 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 6 Spawned Monster E: MID=5 (Giant Panda) LV=203 HP=2101 MP=143 SP=15 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 5 Spawned Monster D: MID=26 (Amphibious Sperm Whale) LV=200 HP=2310 MP=84 SP=31 NA=58 Type=hostile
0 4 Spawned Monster C: MID=9 (Cookie Monster) LV=199 HP=2040 MP=57 SP=22 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 3 Spawned Monster B: MID=3 (Mantitcore) LV=201 HP=2100 MP=162 SP=41 NA=65 Type=hostile
0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=4 (Cockatrice) LV=200 HP=2010 MP=28 SP=0 NA=68 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing Grindfest (Round 1019) ...
0 0 Battle Start!
One mistake, and I get double killed (IMG:[
This post has been edited by cmdct: Aug 17 2010, 21:55