0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=32 (Flying Spaghetti Monster)
LV=153 HP=617070 MP=305 SP=105 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #111 (Round 1 / 1) ...
0 0 Battle Start!
Items used:
Flower Vase x1
Bubble Gum x1
Soul Stone x2
Infusion of Divinity x1
Mana Elixir x7 (7th was mostly wasted, but I would have run out of MP right before he died if I hadn't use it)
26.6% Evade
29.2% Parry
70.9% Dark mitigation
Looks like FSM is also no longer immune to melee damage:
78 2 Your offhand hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 6 piercing damage.
78 1
You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 12 slashing damage.77 4 The effect Penetrated Armor on Flying Spaghetti Monster has expired.
77 3 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 105 damage.
77 2 You parry the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
77 1
You hit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 16 slashing damage.My spirit attack wasn't nearly as impressive as cmal's was against IPU, but it took almost 10% off FSM's HP, which is nothing to scoff at:
146 1 You unleash SEPULCHRITUDE! on Flying Spaghetti Monster for 56201 soul damage.
145 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
145 5 Regeneration restores you with 343 points of health.
145 4 You gain the effect Kicking Ass.
145 3 You gain the effect Replenishment.
145 2 You gain the effect Regeneration.
145 1 You use Bubble-Gum.
144 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
144 2 You gain the effect Sleeper Imprint.
144 1 You use Flower Vase.
I also managed to get a Poison cast with PA+Gum+Vase, which ticked 33 times for 724, for an extra 20k more than a normal Poison (which was ticking for ~100).
Was that worth taking 2 Soul Stones, a Vase, and a Bubble Gum that could have otherwise been Mana Elixirs for better longevity? I don't think it was. The extra 70000 damage meant that I needed to spend ~125 less turns bleeding FSM. That's about 1-2 Mana Elixirs worth of saved time, but it cost me 4 items. I'd say it probably isn't worth bringing the Soul Stones, but the Gum+Vase combo is very nice, if for no other reason than because it's fun to see large numbers.
Here's what I did after PA expired, but while my Bubble Gum and Vase were still active:
152 7
The effect Kicking Ass has expired.152 6 The effect Replenishment has expired.
152 5 The effect Regeneration has expired.
152 4 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
152 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
152 2
You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 363 holy damage.152 1 You gain 0.03 points of dual wielding proficiency.
151 7
The effect Sleeper Imprint has expired.151 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
151 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
151 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
151 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
151 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
151 1
You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 1313 holy damage.150 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
150 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
150 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
150 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
150 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
150 1
You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 1408 holy damage.149 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
149 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
149 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
149 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
149 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
149 1
You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 983 holy damage.148 4 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
148 3 Regeneration restores you with 210 points of health.
148 2 You gain the effect Infused Divinity.
148 1 You use Infusion of Divinity.
With just 3 SP, and 170% OC, I did:
179 1 You unleash SEPULCHRITUDE! on Flying Spaghetti Monster for 960 soul damage.
Not bad for having only 1% of my total SP, no Soul Stone effect, and no Bubble-Gum or Vase. It's kinda weird how the math for Spirit attack damage works.
1046 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Silenced. <--- Whew!!!!
1046 1 You cast Silence.
1045 4 The effect Silenced on Flying Spaghetti Monster has expired. <-- FUCK!!!!
1045 3 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 623 damage.
1045 2 You evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
1045 1 You hit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 5 slashing damage.
I really need to pay closer attention to Silence, lol.
My abilities build was pretty simple:
5 Poison
5 Haste
5 Shadow Veil
5 Silence
5 Slow
11 Dark Tier 1 (for mitigation)
22 Divine Tier 1 and 2 (for Cure efficiency... these were really a waste, but 22 more points into OC Boost wouldn't have meant much either)
11 Soul Tier 1 (for the rating, which I was hoping would boost my spirit attacks. Also not really worth it, but not much else to put my points into anyway)
56 HP+MP tanks
rest into OC Boost, since there's nothing else worth getting.
Totally maxed my HP and MP, which means I never wasted a single drop of a Mana Elixir while still staying above 10% so my Haste and Shadow Veil on Auto-cast wouldn't turn off. Having 4k+ HP also made it a lot easier to just wait for some good luck on FSM misses to let Regen II refill me from really low HP percentages, rather than having to cast a Cure.
Sadly, there's almost nothing left for me to strive for in HV now. I have every HV-benefiting Hath Perk which I'll ever be able to afford, I've killed the most difficult monsters in the game, and I can clear the hardest arenas I have access to, and the super-long item worlds and grindfests, with near-mindless ease. I guess I've still got the Godsllayer rank to aspire to, but even with my heavy-play leveling speed, that would still be a ways off. Since I've seriously cut back on my time playing the game each day, though, it'll be a really long ways off. I'll get there eventually, though.
EDIT: DAMNIT VAELH! You beat me to FSM by 1 f*^$ing hour! I've been fighting him and making this post since before you posted your kill. GRRRRRR, I wanted to be first! Anyway, congrats on your kill!
This post has been edited by coredumperror: Feb 3 2010, 00:35