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> Highest Level Achieved in Arena/Grindfest, How far have you gotten, any strategies?

post Feb 3 2010, 00:32
Post #1401

Ah ah ah... Vista is bad for you!
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(IMG:[i49.tinypic.com] http://i49.tinypic.com/2rmpht4.png)

0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=32 (Flying Spaghetti Monster) LV=153 HP=617070 MP=305 SP=105 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #111 (Round 1 / 1) ...
0 0 Battle Start!

Items used:
Flower Vase x1
Bubble Gum x1
Soul Stone x2
Infusion of Divinity x1
Mana Elixir x7 (7th was mostly wasted, but I would have run out of MP right before he died if I hadn't use it)

26.6% Evade
29.2% Parry
70.9% Dark mitigation

Looks like FSM is also no longer immune to melee damage:

78 2 Your offhand hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 6 piercing damage.
78 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 12 slashing damage.
77 4 The effect Penetrated Armor on Flying Spaghetti Monster has expired.
77 3 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 105 damage.
77 2 You parry the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
77 1 You hit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 16 slashing damage.

My spirit attack wasn't nearly as impressive as cmal's was against IPU, but it took almost 10% off FSM's HP, which is nothing to scoff at:

146 1 You unleash SEPULCHRITUDE! on Flying Spaghetti Monster for 56201 soul damage.
145 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
145 5 Regeneration restores you with 343 points of health.
145 4 You gain the effect Kicking Ass.
145 3 You gain the effect Replenishment.
145 2 You gain the effect Regeneration.
145 1 You use Bubble-Gum.
144 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
144 2 You gain the effect Sleeper Imprint.
144 1 You use Flower Vase.

I also managed to get a Poison cast with PA+Gum+Vase, which ticked 33 times for 724, for an extra 20k more than a normal Poison (which was ticking for ~100).

Was that worth taking 2 Soul Stones, a Vase, and a Bubble Gum that could have otherwise been Mana Elixirs for better longevity? I don't think it was. The extra 70000 damage meant that I needed to spend ~125 less turns bleeding FSM. That's about 1-2 Mana Elixirs worth of saved time, but it cost me 4 items. I'd say it probably isn't worth bringing the Soul Stones, but the Gum+Vase combo is very nice, if for no other reason than because it's fun to see large numbers.

Here's what I did after PA expired, but while my Bubble Gum and Vase were still active:

152 7 The effect Kicking Ass has expired.
152 6 The effect Replenishment has expired.
152 5 The effect Regeneration has expired.
152 4 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
152 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
152 2 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 363 holy damage.
152 1 You gain 0.03 points of dual wielding proficiency.
151 7 The effect Sleeper Imprint has expired.
151 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
151 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
151 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
151 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
151 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
151 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 1313 holy damage.
150 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
150 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
150 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
150 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
150 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
150 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 1408 holy damage.
149 6 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
149 5 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 622 damage.
149 4 Spreading Poison hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 724 damage.
149 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster misses the attack against you.
149 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Bleeding Wound.
149 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 983 holy damage.
148 4 Replenishment restores you with 66 points of magic.
148 3 Regeneration restores you with 210 points of health.
148 2 You gain the effect Infused Divinity.
148 1 You use Infusion of Divinity.

With just 3 SP, and 170% OC, I did:
179 1 You unleash SEPULCHRITUDE! on Flying Spaghetti Monster for 960 soul damage.

Not bad for having only 1% of my total SP, no Soul Stone effect, and no Bubble-Gum or Vase. It's kinda weird how the math for Spirit attack damage works.

1046 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Silenced. <--- Whew!!!!
1046 1 You cast Silence.
1045 4 The effect Silenced on Flying Spaghetti Monster has expired. <-- FUCK!!!!
1045 3 Bleeding Wound hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 623 damage.
1045 2 You evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
1045 1 You hit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 5 slashing damage.

I really need to pay closer attention to Silence, lol.

My abilities build was pretty simple:
5 Poison
5 Haste
5 Shadow Veil
5 Silence
5 Slow
11 Dark Tier 1 (for mitigation)
22 Divine Tier 1 and 2 (for Cure efficiency... these were really a waste, but 22 more points into OC Boost wouldn't have meant much either)
11 Soul Tier 1 (for the rating, which I was hoping would boost my spirit attacks. Also not really worth it, but not much else to put my points into anyway)
56 HP+MP tanks
rest into OC Boost, since there's nothing else worth getting.

Totally maxed my HP and MP, which means I never wasted a single drop of a Mana Elixir while still staying above 10% so my Haste and Shadow Veil on Auto-cast wouldn't turn off. Having 4k+ HP also made it a lot easier to just wait for some good luck on FSM misses to let Regen II refill me from really low HP percentages, rather than having to cast a Cure.

Sadly, there's almost nothing left for me to strive for in HV now. I have every HV-benefiting Hath Perk which I'll ever be able to afford, I've killed the most difficult monsters in the game, and I can clear the hardest arenas I have access to, and the super-long item worlds and grindfests, with near-mindless ease. I guess I've still got the Godsllayer rank to aspire to, but even with my heavy-play leveling speed, that would still be a ways off. Since I've seriously cut back on my time playing the game each day, though, it'll be a really long ways off. I'll get there eventually, though.

EDIT: DAMNIT VAELH! You beat me to FSM by 1 f*^$ing hour! I've been fighting him and making this post since before you posted your kill. GRRRRRR, I wanted to be first! Anyway, congrats on your kill!

This post has been edited by coredumperror: Feb 3 2010, 00:35
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post Feb 3 2010, 01:00
Post #1402
Sayo Aisaka

I have no Item Sluts :(
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Now beat him with a staff. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 3 2010, 01:07
Post #1403

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QUOTE(hitokiri84 @ Feb 2 2010, 23:27) *

You have a lot of free time to be doing all that 2nd page crap on higher than normal, don't you?

The difference between Longest Journey and Dreamfall on Battletoads is fairly large as well. Takes forever too, which is why I've never tried it more than once.

Well, don't forget that i have an excelent ping, so doing the trio and the tree on normal takes 8-9mn, and doing it on heroic 11-13 at most.
I do them in higher difficulty for 2 reasons : i hope to get better drops, and i do a lot more xp.
I'm certainly not doing any arenas on battletoads on a daily basis. I do it once, and that's it. It's not fun at all to always watch your hp and cure II if you drop under 60%, and to have to weaken or bewilder/silence every single mini boss (a mind raper can nearly one shot me with a 6k Toddlerguro crit).

I'm setting the difficulty of my daily arenas depending on 1 basic equilibrium : regen healing vs damage taken.
- Haste is always active
- Shadow veil is active on 7+ monsters rounds on heroic, and full time in nightmare and harder modes
- Heartseeker is nearly always up, if possible casted with a mystic gem
Because every rounds before the last one for The Trio and the Tree only have 5 mini-bosses + 1 normal monster, i just need to hit regen, heartseeker when it fall off, and i have haste always up. I don't have any other thing to pay attention to, so the only real difference between normal and heroic is the number of turns i need to clear a round. For a 5 mini-bosses + 1monster round, it's ~35-40 turns, or 8-9s.
50-70% more time for 130% more xp clearly worth it.

And yes, dreamfall's a lot harder than longest journey, so i'll not try it before very long, if i'm not utterly bored with the game before (which has great odds to happen really soon)

Edit: just did The Trio And the Tree again in heroic mode, and it took me exactly 10mn and 10s, or ~30% more time than in normal mode.
Also, congrats coredumperror on your fsm kill ! And i feel the same as you do, with even more reasons for it. The only thing that makes me play is the possibility to try End of Days in a month or two. After i clear it (if i manage to, because it's another world compared to every other single arenas), and because i have way less xp bonus than hito or tensei, i'll probably completely stop the game until there is something new and worthwhile to discover.

This post has been edited by vaelh: Feb 3 2010, 03:13
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post Feb 4 2010, 01:54
Post #1404

Death Row
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1270 14 You gain 202651 Credits!
1270 13 You gain 50718.38 EXP!
1270 12 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
1270 11 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Blood]
1270 10 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Sapphire Shortsword of Slaughter]
1270 9 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
1270 8 You are Victorious!

Items used- 7 elixirs, 1 Scroll of the Avatar.

Nothing really to add to Core's strategy other than that I did not use Slow and I only have IA level 3 rather than 4.
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post Feb 5 2010, 05:09
Post #1405

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Real Life Defeated
(IMG:[img504.imageshack.us] http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/1685/screeny20100204201746co.jpg)

My strategy for those interested -
My high evasion cloth armor, DW with my highest bleed ax and my rapier (offhand).
I used six mana elixirs (with two left over), a last elixir (with one left over), and a scroll of the gods.
I used haste, spark of life and regen (of course) on me.
I used weaken, poison whenever PA proc'd, and slow whenever my HP got too low (so most of the time,yeah).
I used bleed and poison for damage. Soul Harvest was doing about 500 DMG and seemed like a waste of mana.
My prof is only about 70 and I just couldn't stand to grind it anymore. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
Hmmm... I guess that's all.
Pinky The Unicorn is next, but I'll have to wait until I find more Blood Tokens, and hopefully a better ax...
I think I'll emulate coredumperror for a while and become a junior Lightning Mage.
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post Feb 6 2010, 00:57
Post #1406

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Longest Journey Cleared

66 13 You gain 14040 Credits!
66 12 You gain 2393.38 EXP!
66 11 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
66 10 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Healing]
66 9 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Cotton Gloves]
66 8 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
66 7 You are Victorious!
66 6 The effect Penetrated Armor on White Bunneh has expired.
66 5 The effect Slowed on White Bunneh has expired.
66 4 White Bunneh has been defeated.

That was quite easy
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post Feb 6 2010, 04:45
Post #1407

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321 10You gain 25162 Credits!
321 9You gain 2185.94 EXP!
321 8Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
321 7Arena Token Bonus! Received:[Token of Healing]
321 6Arena Clear Bonus! Received:[Godly Mana Draught]
321 5Yuki Nagato dropped [Broken Glasses]
321 4You are Victorious!
321 3Regen restores you with 68 points of health.
321 2Yuki Nagato has been defeated.
321 1You unleash Fuuko on Yuki Nagato for 35140 soul damage.

Items used: 3x Godly Mana Draught, 1x Spirit Elixer, 2x Mana Elixer, 1x Soul Stone, 1x Flower Vase, 1x Scroll of God, 1x Infusion of Gaia

Used an original strategy of attack that involved Dual Wielding a high Bleed Axe / Rapier & casting Poison. If I knew Fuuko was gonna do 35k damage, it probably wouldn't have taken me 321 rounds.
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post Feb 7 2010, 21:43
Post #1408

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I just beat To Kill a God:

55 11 You gain 40936 Credits!
55 10 You gain 31852.28 EXP!
55 9 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
55 8 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Silk Cap of the Raccoon]
55 7 Konata dropped [Lock of Blue Hair]
55 6 Blue Slime dropped [Superior Health Potion]
55 5 You are Victorious!

I found it long, but surprisingly easy.
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post Feb 7 2010, 23:22
Post #1409

Death Row
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I beat New Wings yesterday. Like all arenas, it was very easy.
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post Feb 8 2010, 07:19
Post #1410
Black Dynamite

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Longest Journey Cleared

39 10 You gain 14044 Credits!
39 9 You gain 2137.07 EXP!
39 8 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
39 7 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Godly Health Potion]
39 6 Manthra dropped [Godly Health Draught]
39 5 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
39 4 You are Victorious!
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post Feb 8 2010, 18:56
Post #1411

Godslayer Angelic Belldandy (On vacations)
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Kill Zone cleared!

(IMG:[i46.tinypic.com] http://i46.tinypic.com/2rxv500.jpg)

Nothing especial at all, only 2 great draughts were used.
Now I only have to wait 10 more levels, for the next arena challenge, thought I can beat it already.
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post Feb 9 2010, 18:30
Post #1412

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Apocalypse Soon cleared!

39 9 You gain 6020 Credits!
39 8 You gain 338.28 EXP!
39 7 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
39 6 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Greater Health Draught]
39 5 You are Victorious!
39 4 Regen restores you with 39 points of health.
39 3 Manthra drops a Health Gem powerup!
39 2 Manthra has been defeated.
39 1 You hit Manthra for 464 piercing damage.
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post Feb 10 2010, 01:35
Post #1413

I hate everything >:C
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Crusade cleared. Used 3 Average Mana Draughts and Potions. Probably could have skipped one of the potions, but I accidentally cast Haste instead of Silence (they're right next to each other on my Quickbar) once. I cast Heartseeker at the start of the fight, then just Silence+Slow'd the Bosses while I cleared the shit mobs. Pretty run of the mill arena. The challenge will be the next one, the first non-Ring Legendary in To Kill A God.
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post Feb 10 2010, 21:24
Post #1414
Black Dynamite

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Ryouko Asakura Defeated

78 12 You gain 25163 Credits!
78 11 You gain 4985.77 EXP!
78 10 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
78 9 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Healing]
78 8 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Godly Health Potion]
78 7 Ryouko Asakura dropped [Hinamatsuri Doll]
78 6 You are Victorious!
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post Feb 11 2010, 05:30
Post #1415
Black Dynamite

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since no one posted after me
Mikuru Asahina Defeated
74 10 You gain 25162 Credits!
74 9 You gain 6636.49 EXP!
74 8 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
74 7 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Healing]
74 6 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Superior Mana Draught]
74 5 Mikuru Asahina dropped [Bunny-Girl Costume]
74 4 You are Victorious!
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post Feb 11 2010, 20:27
Post #1416
Black Dynamite

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over 12 hours since last post
guess i will post again
Yuki Nagato Defeated
98 10 You gain 25164 Credits!
98 9 You gain 6756.69 EXP!
98 8 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
98 7 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Blood]
98 6 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Scroll of Life]
98 5 Yuki Nagato dropped [Broken Glasses]
98 4 You are Victorious!
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post Feb 12 2010, 07:39
Post #1417

Build A B.E.A.R. (Barely Efficient Arson Retardant) Pal!
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Dreamfall Cleared.
Attached Image
Very mana-intensive for my current Arena build, to the point where I'm thinking all Godly Potions next time. Same issue as last time: I could more easily clear it as a mage, except for facing the boss with no PA. Maybe I should try it without Shadow Veil next time...
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post Feb 12 2010, 07:44
Post #1418
Black Dynamite

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Konata Defeated
80 11 You gain 25089 Credits!
80 10 You gain 3143.15 EXP!
80 9 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
80 8 Arena Token Bonus! Received:
[Token of Healing]
80 7 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Leather Leggings]
80 6 Konata dropped [Lock of Blue Hair]
80 5 You are Victorious!
80 4 Konata drops a Mystic Gem powerup!
80 3 Konata has been defeated

looks like even legendaries drop gems
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post Feb 12 2010, 09:45
Post #1419

Build A B.E.A.R. (Barely Efficient Arson Retardant) Pal!
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Congrats on beating the Big 4! Your prize is... this post. Eh heh heh... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)

But I guess no one should really get a prize for beating up a bunch of girls.

...even if they are vicious.
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post Feb 12 2010, 21:53
Post #1420

Extra Hissy
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I finally beat the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

(IMG:[www.easyimage.us] http://www.easyimage.us/media/files_image/user2651/75600796d2c.jpg)

I used two Infusions of Gaia, two Spirit Elixirs, one Last Elixir and Mana Elixirs and I used Weaken, Poison and sometimes X-Nerf.
It would hit me with its spirit attack but with Spark of Life, I stayed alive and it would just put dents in my spirit bar. FSM was a bitch to kill and I'm glad it's dead. Took me forever to beat that fucker.
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