Proofread for Shaft Lady:
Page 04:
Back then he was big into Beatrice-tan, so when he said "It's been a while but let's to a doujin," I took him up on it (Though I'm all but bankrupt...) Well...saying all that, they guy didn't even do a manuscript. That's pretty messed up. What the hell am I doing helping you with your own manuscript!?
Correction: Back then he was big into Beatrice-tan, so when he said "It's been a while but let's
do a doujin," I took him up on it (Though I'm all but bankrupt...). Well...saying all that, the guy didn't even do a manuscript. That's pretty messed up. What the hell am I doing helping you
out with your own manuscript!?
Page 13:
A Register's work is normally to support the men
Suggestion: A Register's work is
usually to support the men. (I think it fits in better than using "normally")
This sort of thing is quite the problem...
Suggestion: These sorts of things are quite the problem. (Since in the following page she mentions more than 1 problem, this would fit in more)
Page 14:
When I have to stay nearby when men take care of business...
Suggestion: I have to stay nearby when men take care of their business. (Multiple use of "when" disrupts the flow of reading and makes it awkward. Adding "their" helps in this sentence because without it, the phrase "take care of business" is kind of vague and can be interpreted in multiple ways. Unless the original point was being vague)
Page 16:
Still, I actually have it pretty good. Other registers I know are often kicked and beaten...
Suggestion: Still, I actually have it pretty good. Other registers I know are often kicked and beaten up.
Page 18:
Each time I see her in the shower room, her beautiful body...
Suggestion: Every time I see her in the shower room, her beautiful body. (I think this fits in more than using "each")
Page 23:
Ufufu... Welcome to my chambers...
Correction: Ufufu... Welcome to my
Page 38:
Just how many times did I get pissed with him over the phone...
Suggestion: Just how many times did I get pissed off with him over the phone. (Just a simple addition of the word "off" here)