QUOTE(gynew @ Sep 6 2014, 18:28)

I don't understand why it prevents your script from saving/showing the RE URLs, but apparently the re_cnt value only changes when the RE event opens in a new window.
I find the hv popup remover quite practical and useful, do you think is there a way for both scripts to work?
Thank you again for your help.
1. hv popup remover 1.1 runs before my script, it removes the onclick event attached to the RE anchor element, causing this line in my script to fail to find the RE anchor elment:
var re_evt = eventpane.querySelector('a[onclick*="http://hentaiverse.org/"]')
2. Script fixed. Please follow these steps:
• Uninstall my script.
• hv popup remover has a bug. Replace
var newlink = att.match(/http:\/\/hentaiverse\.org\/\?s=Battle&ss=ba&encounter=[a-z0-9A-Z]+==/);
var newlink = att.match(/http:\/\/hentaiverse\.org\/\?s=Battle&ss=ba&encounter=[a-z0-9A-Z=]+/);
• Delete cookies on the .e-hentai.org domain, and relogin.
• Reinstall my script, it should get along well with hv popup remover now.
Btw, you can try this workaround too:
Firefox - Tools - Options - Tabs - Check "Open new windows in a new tab instead" - OK
(hv popup remover is no longer needed if you choose to do so.)
QUOTE(holy_demon @ Sep 6 2014, 19:13)

Try setting djack's script to load before the popup remover script (GreaseMonkey icon -> Manage User Scripts -> Right on pop-remover -> Load Last
If the popup remover doesn't work this time, then you might want to give djack the source code of that popup remover script.
Thank you for the reply.
Here is the source code in case you wanna have a look: [
http://www.webextender.net/scripts/preview/161722.htmlThis post has been edited by djackallstar: Sep 7 2014, 10:12