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> E-Hentai Galleries 0.302, Now with patch notes!

post Jul 29 2014, 04:25
Post #181

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QUOTE(The Archivist @ Jul 29 2014, 02:57) *

Ok what the hell is up with that gallery. How can you guys visit it and all I get is a this gallery is unavailable/have been removed...

I had that once, it was a question of time till it became watchable for me again.
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post Jul 29 2014, 04:34
Post #182

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You're actually asking for a whole bunch of clusterfuck changes that Tenboro will never code because that's way too complicated and this will likely be solved at the end of the month with a single line.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

QUOTE(alearg @ Jul 28 2014, 23:45) *
He had to pay 1.5 million credits because it wasn't cached. Now that he downloaded it, it's free for stars or 148,496 GP for people like me.

- It wasn't cached (x10)
- He had auto-accept on (Bad. Manual accept, manual download. Default. Always.)
- He was on the panda (x2)
- He was all out of GP, so fallback to credits (~x5.5 in GP equivalents)
- Good thing it wasn't a 2007 gallery because +50%.

tl;dr: The actual fuckmultiplier on accidents like these can go up to (roughly) 170x.

I am not trying to be offensive to Dream because he took it like a boss and didn't throw a tantrum about wasting 1.5 million credits just to help a friend check something about EH patches, and that's a 1 in 1,000,000 chance in the userbase.

If I had a Gold Star or had been more dedicated to the site, I'd refund him myself just for this.

QUOTE(DemonEyesBob @ Jul 28 2014, 23:12) *
It is really popular, that's not even remotely a problem. We're not coming close to using up the bandwidth available through H@H.

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/004mFJP.png)
I shouldn't laugh, but it's showing up as "free" for me now. Did that seriously cost you 1.5million credits? I never use the auto-accept option, if only so I can tell if I downloaded something earlier in the week and forgot.
It could potentially have cost him up to 2.25 million credits. Now I actually get the whole reason people are complaining, but it's not like Tenboro intended to screw everyone over. If anything, this will get rid of the autoscripters real fast and you should just wait until it's fixed for good.

It also would never have happened if he had taken the time to check his settings first, but - accidents happen, I'm not going to blame him because like I said, he took it like a boss. Now if that happened to someone else, odds are betting on brace for impact is a guaranteed win.

Right now uncached popular panda galleries cost 20x, popular normal galleries cost 10x. Multiply that by whatever the trend is for credit fallback if you're all out of GP and have auto-accept on. In other words, no, don't.

EDIT: Totally unrelated but this may be related to the pineapple cipher code above, I have a private message asking how to set a Catgirl Camarilla picture. Is it even possible for an user to not have any in the first place, or could it be that someone hacked their way through? If this is the case, I just reported a fake $1000+ donator. Now I'm afraid to even donate 2 magic monies.

QUOTE(SoraNoAki @ Jul 29 2014, 04:25) *
I had that once, it was a question of time till it became watchable for me again.
No. The gallery Dream visited actually is a panda gallery, you're not accessing it properly. Tenboro changed the message to make it less obvious.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 05:25
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post Jul 29 2014, 04:38
Post #183
The Archivist

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QUOTE(SoraNoAki @ Jul 28 2014, 18:25) *

I had that once, it was a question of time till it became watchable for me again.

I see... yep. Pretty sure I'm screwed when it comes to things like this. Too many factors that could affect triggering this, who knows what the hell those are and I doubt time has anything to do with it. Chances are I'll never get to see anything like what you guys are seeing right now. I guess I'm in that category again. :\

Thanks anyway.

This post has been edited by The Archivist: Jul 29 2014, 04:40
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post Jul 29 2014, 05:07
Post #184

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Didn't want to write another post, but I clarified that issue above, The Archivist. Sorry.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 05:08
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post Jul 29 2014, 05:39
Post #185

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Personally these changes doesn't matter to me much. Still light improvements overall and I can see that for some people these might be much better, so good job.
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post Jul 29 2014, 05:44
Post #186
The Archivist

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QUOTE(Mika Kurogane @ Jul 28 2014, 19:07) *

Didn't want to write another post, but I clarified that issue above, The Archivist. Sorry.

Ei, no need to apologize to me. I'm just glad I was able to hop aboard this info train before it left me at the station.

Also I haven't experienced any of this super expensive gallery downloads yet but that's probably just me since I've always been selective in what I download. Which is most of the time just translated works or newer ones with good/distinctive art.

This post has been edited by The Archivist: Jul 29 2014, 05:44
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post Jul 29 2014, 05:57
Post #187

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QUOTE(The Archivist @ Jul 29 2014, 05:44) *
Also I haven't experienced any of this super expensive gallery downloads yet but that's probably just me since I've always been selective in what I download. Which is most of the time just translated works or newer ones with good/distinctive art.
You're one of the people doing it right.

This does not mean I support the way it is right now. It's going to change, Tenboro officially said it was more than likely to be changed, so don't worry. Just be very, very careful and again, make sure you have the default settings (manual accept, manual download) in case you accidentally click the DB button so you can check and back off in time.

People who deliberately set "auto-download, auto-accept" because they want to get off on a shitload of stuff with complete disregard to the server got what they deserved, but there has been a lot of unwarranted collateral damage, apparently.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 18:20
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post Jul 29 2014, 11:01
Post #188

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QUOTE(Mika Kurogane @ Jul 29 2014, 02:34) *
I have a private message asking how to set a Catgirl Camarilla picture. Is it even possible for an user to not have any in the first place?

Seen it before, e.g.
ariosty https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3432536
Blue Sunshine https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3392682
calamarain https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3268865
chenming9 https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3164531
kaeluno1 https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3337702
kirua40 https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3287591
Kyoko Hori https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...t&p=3420375
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post Jul 29 2014, 11:15
Post #189

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Oh, alright, sorry for the paranoia and thanks a lot for your detailed research, mechafujoshi. With that said, I have absolutely no clue how to set it up in the first place. With your help, I now know how to do it if I ever earn 2 magic monies.

I'll have to apologize to our guest then. (Replied by PM. There, all done. I hope this is at least worth a D or 20 points. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) )

My Little Pineapple: Friendship is Magic. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 11:47
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post Jul 29 2014, 11:27
Post #190

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These days, when someone becomes a Catgirl, their donation icon tends to stay on whatever it was before, e.g. Eso's stayed a quintstar.
If you want a custom icon, you choose a suitable 150x26 PNG image and PM Tenboro with it. They don't need to be set often enough for it to be worth writing a web interface for.
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post Jul 29 2014, 16:23
Post #191

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Out of curiosity, why did the user comment upvote/downvote line got removed entirely? It wasn't hurting anyone.
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post Jul 29 2014, 16:30
Post #192

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QUOTE(Mant @ Jul 29 2014, 17:23) *

Out of curiosity, why did the user comment upvote/downvote line got removed entirely? It wasn't hurting anyone.

For the sake of anonimity.
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post Jul 29 2014, 16:57
Post #193

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QUOTE(chaos-x @ Jul 29 2014, 16:30) *
For the sake of anonimity.
And in order to prevent upvote-and-downvote gang wars in the comment fields.
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post Jul 29 2014, 18:07
Post #194

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Then it's a senseless change. "Gang-wars" never happened, and anonimity?
Who would check every single comment of every single gallery of every single page to see what X thought of Y? o.P

I'll never understand the point of removing things who worked for years and are harmless, as a translator/uploader I've always taken pleasure to see people's reactions to my works and checking the upvoting.
Then it got reduced, and now entirely eliminated. I feel like this place is getting less and less friendly for uploaders.

Edit: hope the pricing will be adjusted a bit. 17.000 gp for a 40MB archive feels a bit wrong.

This post has been edited by Mant: Jul 29 2014, 18:26
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post Jul 29 2014, 18:16
Post #195

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"Gang-wars" never happened
They sure did. Ask the Vigis or the big pineapple.
Who would check every single comment of every single gallery of every single page to see what X thought of Y?
Gang members, trolls, haters and Googlebot (though that one is just a feature).
QUOTE(Mant @ Jul 29 2014, 18:07) *
I'll never understand the point of removing things who worked for years and are harmless, just for the sake of changing something.
Ask Microsoft. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
QUOTE(Mant @ Jul 29 2014, 18:07) *
Edit: hope the pricing will be adjusted a bit. 17.000 gp for a 40MB archive feels a bit wrong.
I didn't do number crunching for zilch. Again, please don't touch uncached archives, and don't set to auto-download, auto-accept. Tenboro said that would most likely be fixed at the end of the month, so please be patient.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 18:33
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post Jul 29 2014, 18:33
Post #196

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QUOTE(Mika Kurogane @ Jul 29 2014, 10:16) *

Gang members, trolls, haters and Googlebot (though that one is just a feature).

Those are just generic boogeymans, you didn't name anything concrete.
Ask Microsoft. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Which isn't exactly a good role model to follow.
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post Jul 29 2014, 18:34
Post #197

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The Microsoft part was sarcasm. If you expect me to give you a backlog of all the shit that happened while I wasn't even around, sorry, no can do. Ask any user on the forum who was fairly active, then. Or webarchive if EH allows webarchive crawling, which I'm not too sure about.
Ask the Vigis or the big pineapple.

You could also perform a forum search about negative comments or downvotes.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 29 2014, 18:38
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post Jul 29 2014, 18:41
Post #198

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Can't they just stop/ban trolls instead of removing features? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)
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post Jul 29 2014, 22:13
Post #199

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The exact same day as I hit my 500th favorited galleries, based tenboro doubles the count.

What a great day i'm experiencing
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post Jul 29 2014, 22:54
Post #200


QUOTE(Mant @ Jul 29 2014, 18:07) *
Then it's a senseless change. "Gang-wars" never happened, and anonimity?

Maybe some day people will realize the actual reason for the change. I'm not telling.
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