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> E-Hentai Galleries 0.302, Now with patch notes!

post Jul 28 2014, 19:10
Post #161

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I dunno why you are so unfriendly to people downloading bunch of galleries once a month, but, if you insist on new mechanics so much, make at least a cumulative feature for those who donated. I don't like an idea to visit e-hentai everyday and systematically get a free quota from the list (because credits I saved for 2,5 years are now barely enough to DL few artists). So, It'd be great to get free galleries when it's convenient. Here is my suggestion where you get a summary of free downloads from the formulas:
days 1-10:
F * 0.1 * (11 - D)

day 11 and after:
F * 0.1 - (F * 0.1) % 1

where F is number of free downloads and D is number of day.
So, you get 10% less free downloads everyday (55 on day 10 for silverstar), which are capped at 10% of max value (rounded) until there is only F left and then cumulation repeats. Also we need counter please.

This post has been edited by Myrmex: Jul 28 2014, 19:12
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post Jul 28 2014, 19:23
Post #162

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jul 28 2014, 17:50) *
Epic, so it is like hearts. The galleries are now multiplayer, let the games begin.
LOL. Who will be drawing the dreaded 10x multiplier? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

QUOTE(ncoll @ Jul 28 2014, 18:04) *
Stupid question - can anyone breakdown the 40,000 GP figure?
That's not stupid, ncoll. I was actually waiting for someone to ask.

1 Hath -> 7,700 Credits -> ~40,000 GP after fees (at the time of writing).
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post Jul 28 2014, 19:24
Post #163

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I kinda understand the reason behind this tweak. But 2,421 Credits for just 10.59 MB is totally a rip off.

I mean, for 5 years, I've never used any automatic tool for downloading and earned Credits in HV fair and square, but now I'm treated as a criminal.

Damn it, now I'm pissed.

This post has been edited by varst: Jul 28 2014, 23:56
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post Jul 28 2014, 19:41
Post #164

ホモォ…┌(^o^ ┐)┐
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Why not use Pony puzzle as a solution. It is hard for newcomers to get so many GP for download. Gradually, newcomers will become less and less. I don't think that loss users is a good idea.
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post Jul 28 2014, 19:47
Post #165

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QUOTE(tarak2002 @ Jul 28 2014, 19:24) *
I kinda understand the reason behind this tweak. But 2,421 Credits for just 10.59 MB is totally a rip off.

I mean, for 5 years, I've never used any automatic tool for downloading and earned Credits in HV fair and square, but now I'm treated as a criminal.

Damn it, now I'm pissed.
Exchange the credits for GP, by the way. I know that won't help much with the issue at hand, but if you use credits, you're actually making it about 5 times worse (180 C = 1k GP, deduce exchange fees, etc).

Dreamophobia technically got hit by a 110x multiplier this way and that was 1) an accident, 2) not for his own use, 3) just because a friend asked him about this and he wanted to confirm the issue on his side and he had auto-accept, auto-download on for some reason.

This post has been edited by Spectre: Jul 29 2014, 03:23
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post Jul 28 2014, 20:09
Post #166

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QUOTE(magicianmaster @ Jul 28 2014, 10:41) *

Why not use Pony puzzle as a solution.

That's for botters; they're not the problem.
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post Jul 28 2014, 20:28
Post #167

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My english is not good...and I'm proud of my country(TW & CN), so pardon me for using Chinese....thanks....









E站如果照现在这样发展,最后全站将变成一个大型封闭的网络,成员主要由有星的看本人和铁秆玩家组成,也就是会 员帝国,收益再从这个庞大的帝国中榨取,用户质量度高,消费能力强... 


大菠萝完全有资金和能力再架设服务器,而且对于我们这些遍布在全球各地的高延迟的下载者来说,他的服务器仅仅 承受每人几十甚至几百K的流量,况且咱又不是时时刻刻都在下... 

载的机器人,但是机器人可以通过验证码途径屏蔽,E站应该也没有人去DDOS或者CC,下载节点甚至可以使用廉价的无硬 防的服务器,资金对大菠萝来说一点问题也没有... 

大菠萝的此次行为,如果是长远考虑的话,是正确的,为什么? 因为据说有版权商找他的事了,而最好的避免版权商找事的方法就是全力保全现有会员,形成封闭的会员帝国,版权商


My english is not good...and I'm proud of my country(TW & CN), so pardon me for using Chinese....thanks....

This post has been edited by LittleSnowBoy: Jul 28 2014, 20:33
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post Jul 28 2014, 20:46
Post #168

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Varst, please, this might be the key to what's going on. Are you a bad enough dude to translate this?

EDIT: A Catgirl Camarilla poster... without a catgirl icon? Okay, never mind, I don't need explanations.
QUOTE(Mika Kurogane @ Jul 22 2012, 00:54) *
Shit just got unreal.

This post has been edited by Mika Kurogane: Jul 28 2014, 21:11
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post Jul 28 2014, 21:03
Post #169

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It appears a pineapple is involved
The plot thickens
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post Jul 28 2014, 21:24
Post #170

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QUOTE(tiap @ Jul 28 2014, 22:03) *

It appears a pineapple is involved
The plot thickens

(IMG:[bbsimg.ngfiles.com] http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/13814000/ngbbs46d48ff58bb6f.jpg)

Just look at this sick, twisted bastard. It's gotta be his fault.

This post has been edited by chaos-x: Jul 28 2014, 21:24
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post Jul 28 2014, 22:11
Post #171
blue penguin

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Google translates "big boss" to "big pineapple". We could start calling Tenboro that, maybe?

EDIT: Also, from the previous post I concur that mr chaos-x need to chill out.

This post has been edited by blue penguin: Jul 28 2014, 22:12
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post Jul 28 2014, 22:26
Post #172

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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jul 28 2014, 23:11) *

Google translates "big boss" to "big pineapple". We could start calling Tenboro that, maybe?

EDIT: Also, from the previous post I concur that mr chaos-x need to chill out.

Now hold on there, I was only joking this time. I didn't even know what the whole pineapple thing was even supposed to be.
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post Jul 28 2014, 23:12
Post #173

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QUOTE(Myrmex @ Jul 28 2014, 05:40) *

• Popularize Home@Hentai and lower the threshold of outcomming connection speed. Though I'm online 16 hrs a day and have things to share, I don't even now what that service is because of sh*tty internet.

It is really popular, that's not even remotely a problem. We're not coming close to using up the bandwidth available through H@H.

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/004mFJP.png)

QUOTE(Dreamophobia @ Jul 28 2014, 08:47) *

As a donator i can not get the free download link now...
I just click the download button and 1.5M credits disappeared (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
However I haven't downloaded anything for weeks till then.
Gallery link https://e-hentai.org/g/372071/916e1a0220/

Checked again and find that some newer gallerys give free link.
Is there any limits for free download?

I shouldn't laugh, but it's showing up as "free" for me now. Did that seriously cost you 1.5million credits? I never use the auto-accept option, if only so I can tell if I downloaded something earlier in the week and forgot.
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post Jul 28 2014, 23:45
Post #174

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QUOTE(DemonEyesBob @ Jul 28 2014, 18:12) *
I shouldn't laugh, but it's showing up as "free" for me now. Did that seriously cost you 1.5million credits? I never use the auto-accept option, if only so I can tell if I downloaded something earlier in the week and forgot.

He had to pay 1.5 million credits because it wasn't cached. Now that he downloaded it, it's free for stars or 148,496 GP for people like me.
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post Jul 28 2014, 23:59
Post #175

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QUOTE(Mika Kurogane @ Jul 28 2014, 19:46) *

Varst, please, this might be the key to what's going on. Are you a bad enough dude to translate this?

Um...well it's okay, but can I do that in note form? Cause most part of that suggestion has been mentioned already; those are mainly explanation.

Also, it sounds like almost every patch notes in HV: Tenboro sometimes just overdo things, mind you. I'm not saying there will be any changes, but it's new so I do think it's up to review in a few weeks' time. It's kinda hard to perform any changes perfectly without a delicated team for balancing, so I'd probably wait and see if the real usage would change his mind.

And if you guys want any kind of assurance, here it is:

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jul 27 2014, 22:09) *

Let's just say the cost will more than likely be adjusted, but you'll have to wait until the end of the month.

This post has been edited by varst: Jul 29 2014, 00:19
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post Jul 29 2014, 01:32
Post #176

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Oh come on, now you even entirely removed the "comment upvote" list? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
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post Jul 29 2014, 02:07
Post #177

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QUOTE(alearg @ Jul 28 2014, 14:45) *

He had to pay 1.5 million credits because it wasn't cached. Now that he downloaded it, it's free for stars or 148,496 GP for people like me.

Maybe those with too much GP to spend could 'sell' their caching services... pay them a fraction of the original amount (but more than what they would've gotten from selling GP directly) to have the gallery cached. Then the it's cheaper for everyone afterwards. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jul 29 2014, 02:15
Post #178

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QUOTE(lightshader @ Jul 29 2014, 01:07) *

Maybe those with too much GP to spend could 'sell' their caching services... pay them a fraction of the original amount (but more than what they would've gotten from selling GP directly) to have the gallery cached. Then the it's cheaper for everyone afterwards. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I feel a smart business plan coming up. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jul 29 2014, 02:41
Post #179

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Maybe the one who has paid the cache service should get some rebate for every other users who downloaded the archive (rebate cost bore by the other users). Seems fair to me since right now only the first user needs to pay the cost, which is kinda unfair and may lead to some waiting game.
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post Jul 29 2014, 03:57
Post #180
The Archivist

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QUOTE(alearg @ Jul 28 2014, 13:45) *

He had to pay 1.5 million credits because it wasn't cached. Now that he downloaded it, it's free for stars or 148,496 GP for people like me.

Ok what the hell is up with that gallery. How can you guys visit it and all I get is a this gallery is unavailable/have been removed...
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