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> Chinese Scans Discussion, Honest Appeal for Some Form of Moderation in this Area, but Unsure as to what Extent is Fair

post Jan 5 2014, 15:51
Post #41

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QUOTE(binglo @ Jan 5 2014, 08:15) *

How interesting that so many feel so strongly about such weird things. First the Laruffii debacle, and now this.

If you don't want to see Chinese translations, turn it off in your settings.

It's not what people don't want to see, it's what they want to see more of. But I agree this topic is kind of weird >_>
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post Jan 5 2014, 15:54
Post #42

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QUOTE(Thot @ Jan 5 2014, 08:32) *

And how many Chinese do you think can actually read Japanese?

On a side note, if they felt an inkling to and weren't the labor class, they would do so with a fair amount of ease.
Like, "two months of serious study and an assload of practice," ease. They know the meanings of most characters walking in from what I've seen from Singaporean Chinese students of JP aside from odd stroke variables. Six months if they're being lazy but still have time for practice.
I venture that they possibly can understand a relative amount of JP with no formal training. A relative amount being they can tell some nouns and a lot of verbs with no tenses ("I can tell she's go/about-to-go/going/gone/not-going/etc.")

Independent writing would be a different story, but even reading it comes fairly naturally to an first-language-English person due to the characters and relatively simple tenses/forms. Nature of the rune beast.

This post has been edited by Person8: Jan 5 2014, 16:00
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post Jan 5 2014, 17:09
Post #43

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QUOTE(AntiGod @ Jan 5 2014, 03:51) *

I agree this topic is kind of weird >_>

Not really, just imagine all these 'Ban all Japanese users' and "Ban all Chinese translators" threads as an extension of the debate over 'those islands'. Suddenly everything is crystal clear, but still pretty stupid and topics that will probably get the answer of 'no'.

English fansubers used to say no to Chinese groups that wanted raws and sub files all the time and say that they were protecting the interests of the original copyright owners. Fansubs built the anime market in the western world. In China most hentai is illegal, like how its illegal in Australia since about 7 years ago. Most recently a TV presenter a couple of years ago got gaoled/jailed for 2 years 10 months released on good behaviour bond for 34 months and fined for possessing hentai.

Quick look at the rules, all Hentai is illegal regardless of content as they pretty much gave up bothering to look at it lol.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jan 5 2014, 17:16
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post Jan 5 2014, 17:26
Post #44

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 5 2014, 10:09) *

(esoteric discourse)

So why can't everyone just leave well enough alone and keep doing what they're doing? From what I understand this thread has been pretty done since Joe's response (I'm assuming he shared with us Tenboro's policy on things) anyway. Not really any more room for further discussion :/
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post Jan 5 2014, 17:29
Post #45

Y'all got anymore of them tags?
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 5 2014, 16:09) *

Quick look at the rules, all Hentai is illegal regardless of content as they pretty much gave up bothering to look at it lol.

What the actual fuck?

Guess there is loads more to it then that, or will two stick figures boning each other actually net you jail time?

What about murder in comics, is that viewed as assisted homicide?
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post Jan 5 2014, 17:45
Post #46

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(binglo @ Jan 5 2014, 05:29) *

What the actual fuck?

Guess there is loads more to it then that, or will two stick figures boning each other actually net you jail time?

What about murder in comics, is that viewed as assisted homicide?

Basically if it has a tag, its probably illegal in Australia in porn and hentai. Mainly its enforced at the airports, so if you have a hentai manga or if you get caught with it on your drives then its an issue, with fines and possible imprisonment.

Teh Australian rules (except Canberra trolololololol, no seriously) Edit: These rules are the summary and teh secret too. Shhh. No seriously. The full rules are completely secret.

"No depiction of violence, sexual violence, sexualised violence or coercion is allowed in the category. It does not allow sexually assaultive language. Nor does it allow consensual depictions which purposefully demean anyone involved in that activity for the enjoyment of viewers.

Fetishes such as body piercing [and tattooing], application of substances such as candle wax, 'golden showers', bondage, spanking or fisting are not permitted. As the category is restricted to activity between consenting adults, it does not permit any depictions of non-adult persons, including those aged 16 or 17, nor of adult persons who look like they are under 18 years.

Golden Showers: Urinating on one self or another person is objectionable. Female ejaculation or 'squirting' is considered to be golden showers.

Violence: rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment. This includes actual violence (shooting, punching, pushing, throwing a person, etc), implied violence (gunshot sound effect, news article, mugshots), aftermath of violence (person with injury, dead body), threat of violence ("I'll kill you"), and violent behavior (woman holding gun while engaged in sex with man). Note down ANY and ALL violence, even if it looks contrived or unrealistic (plastic swords, etc). Depictions of dead people are also not permitted.

Sexual Violence: Spanking, choking, pinching, stepping on the face, hair pulling (either as a violent act or consensual fetish act), rough or 'man' handling, face slapping, and general rough play are all prohibited;

Sexualised Violence: being sexually aroused by violence or using violence with the intent to arouse;

Sexually assaultive language - a tone of voice or language that is demeaning and disparaging. Eg. Calling someone a whore or slut, or telling them to do something demeaning in a disparaging way. This does not include 'dirty talk'."

I love how some of it is stupidly specific and some are stupidly vague. Two stick figures bonking could get you a fine if the officer was being an asshole, as the stick figures had not been classified by the board therefore were illegal, if one looked underage then it would be cp. The problem is that the rulings have been so broad that no body is sure of the rules.

This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jan 5 2014, 17:47
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post Jan 5 2014, 17:59
Post #47

Y'all got anymore of them tags?
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That sounds crazy on so many levels.
I take it much of Ancient/Medieval/Renaissance art is deemed illegal for public display then.

Thanks for the information.
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post Jan 5 2014, 18:02
Post #48

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Remind me to not visit Australia with my laptop anytime soon ...
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post Jan 5 2014, 18:03
Post #49

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Wow, we should ask the Australian Authority to give our tags some better definitions! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jan 6 2014, 00:06
Post #50

Look, Fat.
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QUOTE(binglo @ Jan 5 2014, 05:59) *

That sounds crazy on so many levels.
I take it much of Ancient/Medieval/Renaissance art is deemed illegal for public display then.

Thanks for the information.

Art has different rules... unless it gets classified as pornographic. If an art work has been on display at national or international galleries its probably safe. If its modern art especially if it is depicting naked minors changes in rulings means it can be classified as pornographic. You have to prove that its art.
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post Jan 6 2014, 00:14
Post #51

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A bit late to the discussion, but to quote some of you above, "A first world problem".

Asking the translator to upload the raws as well is like asking a car manufacturer to include the blueprints for every car they sell, or for Coca Cola to print their exact recipe on every can of coke they make.

The raws don't just show up on the internet from thin air for free. Someone has to go buy a copy of said raws and scan them in the first place. Even the e-hentai galleries are full of alternative scans from different sources.

Any decent translation group worth their salt, whether they are manga scanlators or anime fansubbers, won't rely on the internet for their primary source of raws. They would either get hold of a physical copy (be it the actual book/CD/BD etc.) or legally pay for their digital originals. They are not cheap, and in the case of doujins, time as well. You'd be surprised how many Chinese actually show up in Comiket and other djoujin conventions.

They paid for a copy of the raws, either in money, time, or both. They did everyone a favour by translating and uploading their efforts. It is their choice, not an obligation they they did this in the first place. They paid for their copy of the raws, it is up to them if they want to upload the raws as well. And before you argue that some groups use freely available uploaded raws, they still paid with their time to actually search for the free copy of the raws (which someone paid for in the first place, or took the risk to leak it). Raws don't just show up in your mailbox automatically.

So, especially to the OP, be grateful for the uploads, and don't be a privileged dick by demanding raws, then denying them because you didn't get what you want. Don't be that starving homeless begger because the kind lady offered you a Chicken Sandwich instead of your favourite Big Mac.
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post Jan 6 2014, 00:38
Post #52
blue penguin

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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 5 2014, 22:06) *
Art has different rules... unless it gets classified as pornographic. If an art work has been on display at national or international galleries its probably safe. If its modern art especially if it is depicting naked minors changes in rulings means it can be classified as pornographic. You have to prove that its art.
Hentai lovers unite! Create an art gallery fo hentai, classify it as post-moden art.

QUOTE(Makaijin @ Jan 5 2014, 22:14) *
Asking the translator to upload the raws as well is like asking a car manufacturer to include the blueprints for every car they sell, or for Coca Cola to print their exact recipe on every can of coke they make.
I'm on your side of the argument, but that phrase is plain stupid. You just disregarded the work of GNU and EFF that do just that, ask manufacturers to keep their products open. Thanks to GNU and EFF the internet was created out of free standards and websites like this one can use free technology (i.e. Linux servers running PHP over a database) to serve, without the need to pay for the blueprints. RAWs of a translation group vs. manufacturer blueprints is a bad comparison, RAWs were not created by the translation groups.

(I fully and completelly agree with all other phrases in your post.)
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post Jan 6 2014, 02:50
Post #53

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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jan 5 2014, 22:38) *

I'm on your side of the argument, but that phrase is plain stupid. You just disregarded the work of GNU and EFF that do just that, ask manufacturers to keep their products open. Thanks to GNU and EFF the internet was created out of free standards and websites like this one can use free technology (i.e. Linux servers running PHP over a database) to serve, without the need to pay for the blueprints. RAWs of a translation group vs. manufacturer blueprints is a bad comparison, RAWs were not created by the translation groups.

(I fully and completelly agree with all other phrases in your post.)

Reading back, I guess that analogy of comparing with blueprints might be off, raw unprocessed materials might be more accurate, but that doesn't really work either as intellectual properties aren't exactly "raw materials" either. Lets not get into the specifics of the metaphoric comparisons.

But then again that phrase doesn't really disregard anything. The whole point of the phrase is to imply that it's rude to ask, doesn't really imply that it's impossible (the act of asking that is), which what the OP is exactly doing. Just don't expect a favourable reply, doesn't mean it's impossible to get a good one, which as you mentioned, is the point of the GNU and EFF and other open source agreements.
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post Jan 6 2014, 09:41
Post #54

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woman holding gun while engaged in sex with man

Oh Australia.

QUOTE(Thot @ Jan 5 2014, 23:32) *

And how many Chinese do you think can actually read Japanese?

More then the rest of the world.

I used to share raws, but then i realized people are ingrates.

What pisses me off more then anything is transcribers, i can read most of the languages and seeing a third tier interpretation is just rage.

This post has been edited by Pillowgirl: Jan 6 2014, 09:48
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post Jan 7 2014, 01:09
Post #55

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First, I want to commend Person8 for drawing attention to a problem I've been ranting (mostly in gallery comments) for years. (See this discussion from 2011)

That said, I wouldn't say they hurt the community, other than they delay the release of proper j scans (as scanners may either prioritize unreleased works, or worse, get confused and don't order/scan a dojin thinking it was scanned before). In any case, I don't consider Chinese groups who refuse to release j scans a problem meriting any action - any hurt they cause is relatively minor; they are simply misguided hypocrites.

Yes, I said it before and will say it again: those Chinese guys are hypocrites. They don't hesitate to use our j scans (either for translation - see in particular AnimeJanai's comment illustrating some associated issues here, or - of course - fapping), and they use our galleries as a distribution platform. They however refuse to release their works, delaying English translations considerably.

As for misguided: I was told enough times that I know that the primary reason they don't release the j scans is because they believe this would hurt the doujinshi artists (sadly, this annoying idea is also found among non-Chinese here, as can be seen from some comments...sigh). Let me quote the first time this appears in this thread:

QUOTE(Hawkeye13 @ Jan 5 2014, 00:26) *

Here is one reason. If there are Japanese people on here, they get free doujins. Since the mangaka is in the Japanese language market (as opposed to any other languages too), if he/she wants to make money, he needs Japanese people to buy his Japanese language stuff...but the number of people buying will be reduced if Japanese people just come here to view it for free rather than buy it themselves.

Utter bullshit. That's the same reasoning Hollywood and friends are using to try to tell us the Pirate Bay is evil. Fucking, complete nonsense, and besides an obscenity or two I have plenty of hard data to throw at you: as [torrentfreak.com] piracy is rising, [torrentfreak.com] Hollywood is making record profits. And no, Japan is no different. In the 2011 discussion I provided stats showing that (despite our rampant piracy here, and elsewhere on the web) doujinshi market is booming (see what I wrote here and here). The same story as in many other places is happening here: piracy is the best viral marketing and boost sales. Just read some articles on TorrentFreak about why Game of Thrones producers are happy that their show is the most popular on TPB, and a thousand other stories (here are some from 2011). So, anyway, long story short: by not posting the j scans, the Chinese translators are in fact HURTING the very authors they are trying to protect, by reducing the viral impact of their work (see also what Dlag wrote back then here, particularly his last para, but most of his comments in that thread are very worth reading). No J RAWs means fewer J readers will check their work (thus they are less likely to find new authors, or make informed decision what to buy, buying instead the works of authors that would be scanned); ditto for those who focus on English translations.

So yes, this ruffles my feathers a bit. I'd love to give some of my $$$ to the dojin artists, and I think this site could help with that - if they only realized that we, their fans, want to support them, and we are "pirating" only because we have little choice. Any attempt to make dojins (or any other cultural works) harder to find hurts the artists, it's as simple as that (as far as generalizations go).

Anyway, the mods of this site have no reason to do anything here; and why should they? We are not a police state (site...) much. We cannot force people to upload stuff if, for better or worse reasons, they don't want to. The best way to change this is to complain in their threads, but be polite. Focus on the misguided part (rather than the hypocrisy). This works for the authors, too. Educate them about free culture. Make them license the dojins under CC-BY-SA-NC. Make them realize that the business model they should be running is "release old works for free, sell new ones under a short embargo, accept PayPal donations").

On a side note, <rant> I find this entire issue not as bad as the the ultimate dickiness of ordering exclusive translations and not sharing them (did you know that SaHa translated dozens of dojins as "exclusives" for bastards who never released them? Those @$@%, who got into the hobby thanks to scans and translations released for free (who didn't?), took SaHa's time, but hoarded his work. Now that's evil. </rant>

This post has been edited by Red_Piotrus: Jan 7 2014, 01:46
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post Jan 8 2014, 02:05
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I don't see how it counts as protecting the authors in the slightest if the protection comes from those in their market not being able to understand the text, while still being able to see the pictures.

Maybe it actually makes for a tiny, likely negligible bit of protection in the cases of doujins with plot that consist of much more than excuses for boning (or are very interesting in how they subvert hentai writing), but even then... what percentage of the people here value plot just as much as, if not more, than the pretty pictures?

Just my 2 cents.

This post has been edited by Tae2: Jan 8 2014, 02:05
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post Jan 8 2014, 04:44
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The other problem is that we have less people uploading from jp2ps which makes chinese groups alot more prominent. I honestly miss the days when the likes of begbeg, ebilpanda, lolotax, painload were in business. Comikets back then were alot faster in those days. We need someone to pick up the banner again.

This post has been edited by Lyncs: Jan 8 2014, 04:45
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post Jan 4 2015, 21:16
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Can we just range-ban all China IPs? Or I honestly would rather not have Chinese-exclusive scans at all if they're going to do this. Ban those accounts instead.
Things are bad enough since the Wanipocalypse without having to worry about not being able to read an anticipated doujinshi for months because Chinese groups want to say "Fuck you" to Japanese fans. They're saying the same to everyone else in the world.
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post Jan 4 2015, 21:49
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post Jan 4 2015, 22:32
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QUOTE(blind51de @ Jan 4 2015, 13:16) *

Can we just range-ban all China IPs?
Chinese groups want to say "Fuck you"

And I want to say fuck you. Chinese scans are better than NO scans. Most of the stuff I want translated don't get translations anyway. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

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