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> The Adopt-A-Server Initiative, Would someone please think of the servers?

post Oct 20 2008, 11:52
Post #1


Today, some 25 servers from around the world form the central core of E-Hentai Galleries and its supporting systems. As most of these servers run as database and web servers, which are not very bandwidth-intensive tasks, the majority also runs an instance of the Hentai@Home client to utilize more of the bandwidth they have allocated. These Hentai@Home clients combined serve out more than 4 million image files every day, equivalent to about a third of the total number of requests.

Of course, while these servers each generate loads of hath and hundreds of thousands of GP every day, this is pretty much wasted on someone who can just set his own GP and Hath (i.e. me). So, after discussing this with the rest of the staff, I have decided to create a program where you can adopt these servers by covering part of their leasing and bandwidth cost, and in return reap the benefits from their work.

To make this more accessible to everyone, we're splitting the servers into several slots, where each slot can expect 3 7 hath and at least 3-4000 GP a day. As an additional bonus, the work done by your slots will be credited to you on the H@H Toplists.

If you adopt a slot for longer periods of time you will receive a discount as detailed below:

** PER SLOT **

1 Month : $10 ($10 / month)
3 Months: $27 ($9 / month)
6 Months: $48 ($8 / month)
12 Months: $84 ($7 / month)

You are of course free to adopt more than one slot.

If you are interested in adopting one of our servers, send me a PM with the number of slots you want and the duration you would like to adopt them for.

Note that Adopt-a-Server does not count as a standard donation as far as metallic auras go, it's an entirely different thing.

You can see an overview of the currently available slots here: https://e-hentai.org/adoptaserver.php
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post Oct 20 2008, 14:27
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The Bell Tolls for All.
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post Oct 20 2008, 17:39
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Speed Demon
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I am curious as to how quickly these slots are going. I know at a minimum how many have to be eaten up by now, but beyond that I can't be certain.
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post Oct 20 2008, 17:41
Post #4

The Bell Tolls for All.
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QUOTE(CmptrWz @ Oct 20 2008, 11:39) *

I am curious as to how quickly these slots are going. I know at a minimum how many have to be eaten up by now, but beyond that I can't be certain.

It is a new idea, and considering how most people more or less just leech, probably not quickly.
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post Oct 20 2008, 17:44
Post #5

Speed Demon
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Well, from my understanding, both myself and Spectre have signed up. From MY point of view, that means that there are at MOST 44 of the 50 slots left, assuming Spectre only grabbed one slot.

If Spectre grabbed an entire server then we are down to 40. If Spectre grabbed MORE than an entire server we are lower.
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post Oct 20 2008, 17:46
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The Bell Tolls for All.
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I'm not made out of money like you are. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post Oct 21 2008, 02:20
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And the community aspect of e-hentai evolves once again. But you know, for leechers, 2000 GP a day is like gold for ten bucks. (course you'd be spending money and why would you do that on the interweb?)BUT THINK OF ALL OF THE CLICKING AND COPYING YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO FOR A MONTH!!
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post Oct 21 2008, 05:49
Post #8

The Bell Tolls for All.
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QUOTE(TG23 @ Oct 20 2008, 20:20) *

And the community aspect of e-hentai evolves once again. But you know, for leechers, 2000 GP a day is like gold for ten bucks. (course you'd be spending money and why would you do that on the interweb?)BUT THINK OF ALL OF THE CLICKING AND COPYING YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO FOR A MONTH!!

That, but since they are potentially dl'ing archives rather than just viewing every single one and then right click saving they are saving bandwidth by a small amount as well. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)

This post has been edited by Spectre: Oct 21 2008, 05:50
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post Oct 21 2008, 06:07
Post #9

Speed Demon
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Of course, to take advantage of this, you not only have to REGISTER, but LOG IN, and THEN pay money.

Most of the people who would love this the most don't do any of the above.
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post Oct 21 2008, 07:48
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I sent two messages to ya, so ignore the first one.
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post Oct 21 2008, 08:26
Post #11


Well, right now they're figuratively flying off the shelves. Note that I got kinda inundated with PMs overnight, so it may take a little while before I can answer all of them.
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post Oct 21 2008, 08:56
Post #12

The Bell Tolls for All.
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have fun with that kruboro.

Wanna put up a list of whats available?

It's been burning in my head, how long did you get your slots for cmptr?
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post Oct 21 2008, 09:07
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It will taunt you until you break down and submit. As for me, no brainer. I've been wanting to get H@H but my connection is bordering between decent and ass. Well coupled with the fact that I'm somewhat of a computard (odd for a person who works tech support) it just works out.
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post Oct 21 2008, 10:41
Post #14


As of right now (when I finally got through the barrage of overnight PMs), 19 slots have been paid and committed (6 for 1 year, 10 for 3 months and 3 for 1 month), and about 15 more have been spoken for. This leaves about 16 free slots.
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post Oct 21 2008, 12:00
Post #15

Caged Konata Lover. (*≧д≦)o (≧∀≦)ノ
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If only I was still working and not wasting my time on education! FUCKING SHIT.
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post Oct 21 2008, 14:34
Post #16

Speed Demon
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QUOTE(Spectre @ Oct 21 2008, 02:56) *

It's been burning in my head, how long did you get your slots for cmptr?

I went for a full year myself. May get more if they are any left in two weeks.
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post Oct 21 2008, 20:28
Post #17

Extra Hissy
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Christ, with all the money I've been throwing into this place, I'd better start seeing some naked pictures of someone.

Of a you-know-who someone. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

Over and out.
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post Oct 22 2008, 00:47
Post #18

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QUOTE(Tenseigamoon @ Oct 21 2008, 14:28) *

Christ, with all the money I've been throwing into this place, I'd better start seeing some naked pictures of someone.

Of a you-know-who someone. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
Over and out.

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post Oct 22 2008, 01:12
Post #19

Extra Hissy
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QUOTE(BunBun @ Oct 21 2008, 15:47) *



But if you insist... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

(Pose with a carrot. And feel free to get creative.)
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post Oct 22 2008, 01:29
Post #20

Faceless Monster
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I gotta say, this seems like a great way for you to help reduce how much of the server costs you have to absorb, and the kickbacks to the people absorbing those costs seem quite impressive, as well. I dunno if I'll adopt a slot, but I'm certainly interested by the prospect. I guess it all depends on what's available after my next paycheck.
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