Well we kinda know more about why the covid19 vaccines caused so many injuries and cancer... The authors of a latest study suggested that they may have used an undeclared or unknown or malfunctioning nanotechnology alongside the pfizer/Moderna mRNA vaccines.
In human body conditions the mRNA particles self assemble into random then complex 3D nano-structures. This is the kind of technology being developed for advanced gene therapies.
Rich people just hire the freaking Pinkertons to go break some legs and get squatters out. So squatter laws really just fuck up middle income property owners.
Its actually pretty accurate from reading the paper. They found the rogue nano-tech stays active for up-to a year, and potentially when shed from the body in sweat and other fluids could spread from the environment to other people. The assembly and reassembly functions best at body temp. 5G and other certain EMF could activate and/or deactivate it which is weird.
Apart from cancer, and being cyto-toxic to different cells, they are not sure what the purpose was. You could spray a region with the nano particles then they couldn't have kids for a year. Not sure what it does to women long term, but men seem to recover after 12 months.
If ECOHEALTH they had done the original experiment, which was spraying all of China with the nano-tech to vaccinate them... then it would have been a genocide of the Chinese people LOL.
It all seems to come under 'We do what we must because we can'. The head of pfizer is a vet, he is profit before science to the max, got the job for having zero human ethics.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Sep 9 2024, 07:42
I usually phrase that the jurassic park way. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist.
This post has been edited by Moonlight Rambler: Sep 10 2024, 17:18