I casually decided to try out the Yakuza game series and started with the remaster of the first one, Kiwami and then spent like 10 hours straight enjoying it.
I casually decided to try out the Yakuza game series and started with the remaster of the first one, Kiwami and then spent like 10 hours straight enjoying it.
To be fair, the game was more playable on the PS3. Bumping the frame rate from 30 to 60 FPS essentially doubled the AI cycle. This bug applies to all PS3 ports to PC fwiw (i.e., 3, 4, 5), and is still not fixed to this day.
I casually decided to try out the Yakuza game series and started with the remaster of the first one, Kiwami and then spent like 10 hours straight enjoying it.
I casually decided to try out the Yakuza game series and started with the remaster of the first one, Kiwami and then spent like 10 hours straight enjoying it.
I started with 0 myself like a year or two ago. Fantastic stuff, but I already get the feeling that every game in the series is going to be more or less the same. Whichever one is the first one you play will blow your mind.
To be fair, the game was more playable on the PS3. Bumping the frame rate from 30 to 60 FPS essentially doubled the AI cycle. This bug applies to all PS3 ports to PC fwiw (i.e., 3, 4, 5), and is still not fixed to this day.
In emulators you can set the frame cap to 30, usually its just a patch that fixes that glitch for PC so really lazy.
Apparently Like a Dragon: Infinite DLC gets good reviews apart from needing 500 dollars to buy the full game.
You can get the full version (ultimate edition) for 60€. I'm not defending their greedy moneygrubbing practices like selling NG+ as DLC (included with the deluxe and ultimate edition) but all the other DLC is basically XP boosters and shit. Not necessary in the slightest and doesn't even unlock anything you can't get otherwise.
To be fair, the game was more playable on the PS3. Bumping the frame rate from 30 to 60 FPS essentially doubled the AI cycle. This bug applies to all PS3 ports to PC fwiw (i.e., 3, 4, 5), and is still not fixed to this day.
Not sure what you're talking about yet.
I'm going to keep playing and maybe play Kiwami 2 and then 0 before playing 3-4-5 etc.
The reason i got in the mood to play Yakuza is because i saw a video about a live action series is coming...it's not gonna be cannon. [en.wikipedia.org] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakuza_(franchise)
Would simply limiting the frame rate from the nvidia control panel fix the issue?
I finished 0 myself and already purchased 1 kiwami and like a dragon. Honestly the combat was my least favorite part of 0 so turn-based sounds good. Kinda doubt I will realistically play every game in the series.
I didn't know if it was an automated foreclosure or if kyagaga finally got sick of it and aborted it
I reopened it manually after getting a report. Donno who locked it in the first place, but probably was just a mistake considering we can lock a thread by molesting the envelope icon.
(Same shit happened to more important threads in the past)